
Safe Driving Habits Aren’t Just For Child Passenger Safety Week

As a parent, caregiver, or guardian, the safety of your child is the utmost priority – whether that’s in your arms, your home, or your car. And because car crashes are a leading cause of death and injury for children, it’s important to be proactive and know how to improve your and your child’s safety while driving.

For Child Passenger Safety Week, we spoke with our very own Metromile parents to hear more about their safe driving practices and how their driving behaviors have changed since having children.

Safe Driving Habits Aren't Just For Child Passenger Safety Week
A future Metromiler!

Safer driving habits can protect children and adults alike

Brigitte, a Metromile Recruiter, said her driving habits changed the moment her baby began growing in her belly. “I noticed I would slow down more than usual and if I knew there might be traffic, I would make sure to leave early enough to arrive at my next destination with enough time to spare and then some,” Brigitte said. 

For many parents and caregivers, driving a child around can bring on new stressors and worries. Underwriting Assistant Erika Reine also saw her driving habits change once she became a mom. “I tend to check my mirrors more with the little one in the car – and even when I don’t have him with me,” she said. Like Brigitte, Erika tries to avoid peak driving times to reduce the number of cars on the road. On average, car accidents tend to be more frequent on weekends when there are more people driving so trying to avoid these peaks can help keep you and your passengers safer.

“As a parent, you tend to mostly think of worst-case scenarios. And that mentality motivates me to do my part — drive at the speed limit, make sure my turn signals show my next move, and do my best to leave enough time so I don’t feel rushed,” Brigitte explained. Her changes in driving habits now help ensure the safety of herself, her family, and everyone on the road.

Metromile's Driving Insights
Metromile’s new Driving Insights feature is designed to help to encourage drivers to make better, safer decisions with tips personalized to their driving behavior and lifestyle.

Keep tabs on your driving

Whether you’re sending off a quick text, changing the music, or answering a call, distracted driving can increase your risk of getting into an accident. To employ better driving habits only use your phone prior to starting your drive and consider putting your phone on silent to reduce distractions. If a call or text needs to be urgently answered, safely pull over. Metromile customers can now monitor their own driving habits by using our new Driving Insights feature, which offers tips to help make better, safer decisions with tips personalized to an individual’s driving behavior and lifestyle.

Another way to improve your child’s safety is to limit your driving altogether. As Senior Communications Manager and parent Jeff explains, “the utility of driving is so high that we tolerate a level of danger we don’t elsewhere” so reducing the amount you drive can reduce the likelihood of your child getting hurt. Turn fewer car rides into an opportunity to spend more time walking or biking with your child and utilize public transportation where available as a safer, cheaper, and greener alternative to driving. 

Of course, you likely can’t eliminate driving from your daily routine altogether, but even taking one less drive a day can improve the safety of you, your family, and everyone on the road. Check out our blog post on alternatives to driving in a car for more ways to get around town.

What to know about child car seats

Aside from employing safer driving habits and reducing the amount you drive, you can also take steps to ensure your child is buckled up safely in accordance with their age, weight, and height.

As a new parent, Corporate Paralegal Tina is learning things every day but has already amassed a great deal of knowledge around child car seats. Her biggest takeaways so far are around the safety of the actual car seat you are buckling a child into. For example, Tina learned that car seats can actually expire and to be cautious of accepting a used, second-hand car seat. According to Safe Ride 4 Kids, car seats typically shouldn’t be used if they were previously involved in a car accident, even if a child was not in the car seat during the accident.

Through her parenting circles, she also found out about Target’s car seat trade-in program where people can recycle old, expired, or damaged car seats – as a bonus, you can get a 20% off coupon for select baby gear! 

As for installing a car seat, Tina suggests having a Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST) initially install your car seat. “You can then uninstall and reinstall the car seat in front of them to ensure you do it correctly,” Tina advises. In addition to finding a CPST, Kids Safe Worldwide provides great educational materials on how to install a car seat along with other tips for keeping children safe in the car. 

Find Out More

If you’re looking for more ways to increase the safety of your child while in the car, there are endless resources available for new parents and caregivers. The United States Department of Transportation and Kids Safe Worldwide are great resources to begin with if you are looking for tips and advice on how to keep your child safe while on the road.

How to Sell a Car in Washington State in 5 Simple Steps

If you live in the Evergreen State, you may consider going car-less especially if you live in Seattle, opting for public transportation instead. Perhaps you’re ready to upgrade your current car to an electric car or a hybrid, that’s more environmentally friendly. Whatever your reason, you want to sell your car on the private market instead of dealing with trade-ins and dealerships. Read on to learn how to sell a car in Washington state in five easy steps. 

How to Sell a Car in Washington State | Metromile

Selling a car in Washington in 5 steps

If you’re interested in selling a car in Washington, follow these five steps to get started. Preparing ahead of time can help you with the process and avoid any headaches. Plus, it’ll make sure you take the necessary steps to transfer the ownership of the vehicle to the new buyer while releasing your liability since it’s not your car anymore. 

Step 1: Clean your car and take great photos 

You know how realtors stage houses to make them look nice and inviting for prospective homebuyers? You have to do something similar when selling a car. The first step is to clean out your car. 

That means getting rid of trash like any snack wrappers, old coffee cups, and crumbs on the floor from your favorite drive-through spot. Go to the car wash, throw out trash, and vacuum the mats and seats. Wipe down the dashboard, put on an air freshener, and take some great photos that clearly show the inside and outside of the vehicle. 

Step 2: Post your car listing 

After cleaning out your car and taking great photos, it’s time to advertise that your car is on the market. Post your car listing on sites like:

  • Craigslist
  • OfferUp
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • AutoTrader

Set a price that you’re willing to negotiate and include as many details as possible including make, model, and mileage. Include photos that are appealing and have good lighting and show the details of the car. Include all of the info, press publish and wait for responses. 

Step 3: Talk to potential buyers and get an inspection if needed 

When you sell anything online, you’re bound to get lots of casual buyers who are “just looking” and may not be serious about buying your car. Serious buyers typically want to get an inspection from a mechanic before finalizing the sale. 

If someone asks for an inspection, coordinate with them to make it happen. Prospective buyers pay for this part but you still have to manage the logistics. 

Step 4: Complete the required paperwork 

When selling a car in Washington, as is the case in other states, you need to fill out the required paperwork to make the transaction official. You’ll need to include the title and list out the mileage from your odometer. Both you and the buyer need to sign using your full, legal names and date it as well. 

If you’ve lost your vehicle title, you need to apply for a replacement title with the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) and pay $35.50. It takes about 8-10 weeks. Need it even faster? You can expedite it by paying $85.50. Think of it as a $50 convenience fee. 

On top of that, you’ll also need the Vehicle Bill of Sale

Keep copies of all records and remove the license plates. Collect payment and hand over the keys, and boom —  you’ve sold your car! 

Step 5: File of Report of Sale in WA 

You’ll also need to submit a Vehicle Report of Sale (WA) to let the state of Washington know that you’ve sold the car and that you’re not liable for the car anymore. The Vehicle Report of Sale (WA) must be submitted within 5 days of selling the car. You’ll need to include make, model, date sold, sale price, as well as buyer and seller information. 

To make it easier, you can submit the Vehicle Report of Sale (WA) online. You must pay a $13.25 fee when filing the report. 

The bottom line 

If you’re curious about how to sell a car in Washington state, take these five steps to get started and make sure you fill out the necessary paperwork. Selling a car in Washington is fairly straightforward but you want to make sure all steps are taken care of so you get your money and no longer have any liability related to the vehicle. 

After selling a car in Washington, you might buy a new car which is a great time to look into new car insurance options to make sure you’re getting the most competitive rate. If you’re a low-mileage driver, pay-per-mile car insurance could be a unique option you didn’t even know existed. You pay a low base rate and a few cents for each mile you drive. Get a free quote from Metromile today. 

Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.

What Are the Carb States and What Does Carb Compliant Mean?

Imagine that you’re living in Los Angeles in the 1940s. You leave your home to go to the market, but you can barely see your surrounding environment due to an influx of smog. You can only see three blocks ahead of you. You feel the piercing, burning pain in your eyes and feel unwell taking in whatever is in the air. You wonder if there is a chemical attack or something else, but whatever it is, it’s not pleasant and affecting your environment (literally). 

While this may sound like some sort of fiction, this actually happened in 1943 in Los Angeles. After thinking it was a nearby plant causing the problem, it was later realized that smog from cars was the primary culprit. That incident caused a domino effect in Los Angeles with the city creating the Los Angeles County Air Pollution Control District and by 1967 establishing the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Now, California has some of the strictest requirements when it comes to smog and emissions, thanks to CARB. As a driver, you may come across this term and wonder what is CARB and what does CARB compliant mean? We’ve broken it down for you in this brief guide. 

What CARB and CARB Compliant Actually Means | Metromile

What does CARB refer to? 

If you’ve seen the acronym CARB related to cars, you probably understand it’s not related to carbs like pasta or bread. CARB refers to the California Air Resources Board and is the state of California’s agency that was created to help combat air pollution in 1967. 

What’s important to note is that California has been a leader in combatting the effects of air pollution and is a trailblazer in the field. The federal Clean Air Act noticed California’s efforts and aimed to reduce air pollution on a national level — while giving California the ability to set its own unique and even stricter standards for emission regulations. 

Since its inception, CARB has done many notable things to reduce emissions including:

  • Setting the nation’s first tailpipe emission standards
  • Creating nationwide standards related to vehicle greenhouse gas emissions
  • Regulations related to manufacturers creating more zero-emission vehicles (ZEV)
  • Eliminating lead in gasoline 
  • Creating new standards for clean-burning fuel 

On top of that, CARB was given the responsibility of monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that affect climate change in the 2000s. As you can see, the agency has done a lot to help the state of California and is a leader on the national stage when it comes to setting standards related to air pollution. 

What is CARB compliant?

The state agency CARB recently made changes where certain vehicles must be deemed ‘CARB compliant’. But what is carb compliant, exactly?

As of 2020, the Department of Motor Vehicles, in collaboration with CARB, began verifying compliance with certain vehicles to ensure certain standards were met. It is specifically related to a Truck and Bus Regulation to get emissions up-to-date to current standards. 

This is geared toward diesel trucks and buses, so not necessarily the everyday passenger car. To become CARB compliant, drivers must replace their 2010 or older trucks or buses or use an acceptable alternative while reporting as part of the Truck Regulation Upload, Compliance and Reporting System (TRUCRS).

If you need to become CARB compliant and don’t, the DMV may place a hold on your registration. Additionally, if you need assistance to make that happen there are CARB compliant funding programs that can help you out listed here. 

CARB compliant can also refer to other things that are not motor vehicles such as generators, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and other types of power equipment. CARB has specific regulations for those items to help reduce pollution. 

Which states are considered CARB states? 

While CARB refers to the California Air Resources Board, other states have joined forces to adopt similar emission standards in their own states. As noted above, California has the ability to set stricter standards and other states are following suit with their own clean air programs. 

Currently, there are 14 other CARB states plus the District of Columbia that have adopted California’s emission standards. The CARB states (aside from California) include:

  1. Colorado
  2. Connecticut
  3. Delaware
  4. Maine
  5. Maryland
  6. Massachusetts
  7. New Jersey
  8. New York 
  9. Oregon
  10. Pennsylvania
  11. Rhode Island
  12. Vermont
  13. Virginia 
  14. Washington 
  15. Washington D.C. 

There are other states such as Minnesota, New Mexico, as well as Nevada that are working toward passing legislation to become CARB states. 


CARB refers to the California Air Resources Board whereas the EPA refers to the Environmental Protection Agency. Both entities work toward reducing air pollution and emissions but have some differences. 

CARB is the state agency in California and the EPA is the federal agency overseeing things nationwide. As noted previously, CARB can have even tougher requirements than the EPA though. California and other CARB states must abide by CARB compliance, whereas other states would have to defer to the emission standards set by the EPA. 

The bottom line 

If you see the term CARB or have a requirement to become CARB compliant, now you have an idea of what it all means. The state agency has paved the way for other CARB states to reduce air pollution and emissions and create a world that is healthier and safer for you and the environment. 

If you’re a low-mileage driver, see how you can reduce emissions and save money with pay-per-mile auto insurance through Metromile. Grab a free quote to see how much you could save. 

Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.

A Rundown on Your Car’s Vehicle Identification Number

When you drive a car, you use your driver’s license to identify that you can legally be behind the wheel of a vehicle. You also have your car registration which links you to your car to show you’re the rightful owner. Aside from those two identifiers, there’s another common one you might have come across — the VIN number. But what is a VIN number? Your VIN refers to your vehicle identification number. Read on to learn about VIN numbers and what you should know.


What is a VIN number? 

A vehicle identification number, more commonly referred to as a VIN number or just VIN, is a 17-character code that is unique to your vehicle. It’s a combination of numbers and letters that provides valuable info about your car including where your car was made, the model year, type of vehicle, and more. 

VINs have been around since 1954 as a vehicle descriptor and since 1981 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has made it a requirement that all vehicles sold must have a unique 17-character code known as the vehicle identification number (VIN).  For reference, here’s a sample VIN. 


Why are VINs important? 

Just like you have a unique fingerprint that identifies you, your VIN is a unique identifier to your car.  VINs can supply important information about your vehicle and be the ultimate source of truth for your car. How though? 

Well, for starters mechanics use the VIN to identify the right parts and service that your car needs in order to care for it properly. 

When you purchase a used car, the dealership might tell you one thing about a safety feature, but by decoding the VIN you will know if they are twisting the truth. To be safe, it’s best to cross-check the VIN with companies like CARFAX to get a rundown of the car’s history, safety features, and more. 

If the car doesn’t have a visible VIN, someone is probably trying to hide something – meaning you should probably find a different car and avoid any shady business. 

On top of identification for parts and safety, the VIN has been used to reduce theft and recover stolen vehicles. The VIN can be used to recover a stolen car because when the VIN on your title, insurance, or registration card matches the number on your car, it’s clear you are the owner.

Metromile asks for your VIN when getting an insurance quote because it’s an easy way to pull up your vehicle’s specs, giving us the ability to provide you with the most accurate and affordable quote. 

Where is the VIN number on a car?

Now that you know what is a VIN number, you might wonder “Where is the VIN number on a car?” especially if you need it to apply for insurance or for something else. 

You can typically find the VIN on the driver’s side dashboard near the window or on the driver’s side door near the handle. Sometimes the VIN is etched underneath the spare tire or on the engine block, car frame, transmission, or bumpers. Additionally, you can also find your VIN on your insurance card, title, and registration card.

Source/credit: Texas Department of Motor Vehicles 

How long is a VIN number supposed to be? 

If you’re wondering how long is a VIN number, in most cases it’s supposed to be 17 characters long — made up of numbers and letters. But what if your VIN isn’t 17 characters? Well, it could mean that your car was manufactured before 1981 when the standard was set for the 17 character vehicle code. 

Before the year 1981, some VINs were only 11 characters. Unfortunately, there’s not much data for vehicles in that age range. But if you know the car was made after that time period, your VIN should be 17 characters long. 

How to read a VIN number? 

Now that you know what a VIN is and where to find it, you probably want to know how to read it. The combo of characters means something, right? Indeed it does, but it can be a bit complicated. 

VIN characters 1-3

The first three characters of your VIN are the “World Manufacturer Identifier” and show:

  • Where your car was manufactured
  • The manufacturer and the vehicle type, based on a key 

So let’s say your VIN starts with “1FG” — that would mean that your car is a Ford manufactured in the United States. You can view this handy CARFAX guide for the full keyword list.

VIN characters 4-8 

The next four characters in your VIN — characters four through eight — are part of the “Vehicle Descriptor Section”. 

These characters will give you information about your car’s safety features, body style, engine type, and transmission. This is the type of info that is handy for mechanics, to ensure your car gets the proper service it needs. 

VIN character 9 

The ninth character is referred to as the “check digit” and is used to detect invalid VINs based on a mathematical formula developed by the Department of Transportation. This character helps maintain and verify VIN accuracy. 

VIN characters 10-17

The rest of the characters in your VIN are part of the “Vehicle Identifier Section”.

  • The 10th character refers to the model year of your vehicle
  • The 11th character refers to the manufacturing plant that made the vehicle 
  • Characters 12 through 17 include the vehicle’s production number

Here’s another example of a VIN and how to read it, thanks to, a site to check your vehicle history by searching your VIN. 


If you need help decoding your VIN, you can check out this page to figure out the details of your VIN and unique data points about your vehicle. 

How you can look up your VIN number? 

If you want to find your VIN number, you can easily use VIN finders to help you get started. Some options to look up your VIN number include:

Using these websites you can easily look up and decode your VIN to get the information you need about your vehicle. 

Can you find your VIN on your car insurance card? 

Aside from finding your VIN in your car, it’s typically listed out on your car insurance card along with other pertinent vehicle information such as make and model. You may also be able to find your VIN on your registration and title documents as well. 

Does every vehicle have a VIN?

As noted above, VINs have been around a while and have been used since 1954.  But it wasn’t until 1981 when the sequence and meaning of numbers were standardized, ensuring that no car was ever mistaken for another one. 

In fact, all consumer automobiles, scooters, and mopeds have VINs. Even boats have something similar to VINs, known as hull identification numbers (HIN) which only have 12 characters.

The bottom line 

If you’ve wondered what is a VIN number, now you know that it’s basically your car’s unique DNA. It’s an important reference code when getting your car serviced and can help in situations of lost or stolen vehicles. It’s also used when applying for car insurance. If you want to find out how to save on car insurance, check out pay-per-mile car insurance. You pay a base rate and a few cents for every mile you drive. So while driving less, you can also pay less.

Check out your free quote today.

Everything You Need to Know About Smog Checks

Depending on where you live and what type of car you have, you might be required to get a smog check. A smog check is sometimes referred to as a smog inspection or emissions testing and is designed to help limit air pollution and make sure your car is compliant with certain standards. If you need to get a smog check, you probably have some questions about the process. Read on to learn what you should know about smog checks and how they work.

What is A Smog Check, Explained | Metromile

What is a smog check? 

Smog checks were first created in the state of California in 1984 to help combat poor air quality and air pollution (more on that later). 

As of 1990, The Clean Air Act vowed to reduce toxic air emissions and part of that is through smog checks. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates air emissions in passenger vehicles in the following ways, according to their website:

  • Standards for exhaust and evaporative emissions;
  • Control of hazardous air pollutants and air toxics; 
  • National Low Emission Vehicle Program;
  • CAP 2000 (Compliance Assurance Program);
  • Onboard refueling vapor recovery; and
  • Inspection and maintenance.

But what is a smog check, exactly? A smog check is a type of inspection that looks at a vehicle’s exhaust and pollution risk. According to, a website in collaboration with the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) and the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC), smog checks include the following:

  • A visual inspection, to look over your emissions systems 
  • A functional inspection, which checks out the ignition timing, engine light, exhaust gas, smoke, fuel evaporation, and the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) system 
  • An emissions inspection with the tailpipe 

After the smog inspection is completed, you’ll get a Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) which shares the result of the test and if approved, you’ll also receive a certificate that shows you’re in compliance with local authorities. 

Not all vehicles or even all states require a smog check or require that you do all the steps above. Each state has different standards and requirements, so it’s best to check with your local transportation authority such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). 

Certain states like California have some of the toughest inspection requirements, thanks to the widespread smog making visibility difficult in 1943.  

Changes came about in 1967 with the Mulford-Carrell Air Resources Act, which created the State Air Resources Board. On top of that, the Federal Air Quality Act was passed that same year, allowing California to set its own stricter standards to help combat air pollution. 

How long does a smog check take?

If you need to get a smog check but you’re a busy person and need to fit it in your schedule, you probably are curious and wonder just how long does a smog check take? The good news is the process isn’t too long. Of course, the actual time can vary based on the smog check testing site but in general a smog check should take 20 to 30 minutes. 

How much does a smog check cost?

We all know that owning a car comes with expenses like paying for gas, car insurance, maintenance, repairs — oh and actually paying for the car, either outright or through monthly payments. Well, you can add a smog check to the expense list but the good news is it’s not terribly expensive. 

If you’re wondering how much does a smog check cost, according to, the average cost of a smog check can range from $29.95 to $89.95 depending on where you live and what is required as part of the inspection. 

That’s just the cost of the test though. If you don’t pass the smog check, you may need to pay for repairs. However, there may be limits in place and additional support if you need it. The state of California caps costs at $450 for smog check repairs and you may qualify for a cost waiver if you’re considered low-income. 

It’s important to note that smog check costs can vary based on the provider and state. For example, The Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) in California doesn’t regulate prices, so it’s best to shop around to compare prices as you’ll be dealing with private enterprise. However, smog check stations are required to list prices clearly. 

How long is a smog check good for? 

If you’re getting a registration renewal or selling your car, you may need a smog check. Typically, you’ll be notified by the DMV (or similar authority in your state) if a smog check is required. 

You want to bring the notice to the smog inspection and when it’s completed, your smog certificate is typically good for 90 days and should be submitted to the local transportation authority. You may have to pay a smog certificate fee as well, which in California is $8.25. 

If you’re wondering how often you need to get a smog check, that will depend on the state, county, and type of car you drive. For example, in California a smog check may be required every other year as part of the registration process. You’ll want to check with your local state transportation authority on guidelines, but again you’ll likely get a notice if it’s required. 

According to, there are 33 states that require a smog inspection:

  • Arizona: Certain Areas (Phoenix and Tucson)
  • California: All Areas
  • Colorado: Some Areas (Denver and Boulder)
  • Connecticut: All Areas
  • Delaware: All Areas
  • Georgia: Certain Areas (all 13 Atlanta Metro Counties)
  • Idaho: Certain Areas (City of Boise and Ada County)
  • Illinois: Certain Areas (Chicago and East St. Louis)
  • Indiana: Certain Areas (Gary Metro Area)
  • Maine: Certain Areas (Cumberland County, and the Portland Metro Area)
  • Maryland: Certain Areas (all DC Metro and the City of Baltimore)
  • Massachusetts: All Areas
  • Missouri: Certain Areas (Jefferson County and Franklin County)
  • Nevada: Certain Areas (Cities of Reno and Las Vegas)
  • New Hampshire: All Areas
  • New Jersey: All Areas
  • New Mexico: Certain Areas (Albuquerque Metro Area)
  • New York: All Areas
  • North Carolina: Certain Areas (48 Counties – See the NC DMV site for more info).
  • Ohio: Certain Areas (Cities of Akron and Cleveland)
  • Oregon: Certain Areas (Cities of Medford and Portland)
  • Pennsylvania: Certain Areas (Cities of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia)
  • Tennessee: Certain Areas (Cities of Nashville and Memphis)
  • Texas: Certain Areas (Cities of Austin, Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth and El Paso)
  • Utah: Certain Areas (Cities of Ogden, Provo and Salt Lake)
  • Vermont: All Areas (1996 or Newer Vehicles Only)
  • Virginia: certain Areas (all DC Metro and Arlington)
  • Washington: Certain Areas (Cities of Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma and Vancouver)
  • Washington DC: All Areas
  • Wisconsin: Certain Areas (all of SE Wisconsin and the City of Milwaukee)

You’ll want to check with your local state transportation authority to see what current smog check requirements are, as things could change year to year. Also, some vehicles are exempt from the process so you can check out the local requirements to see if and when you need to get a smog inspection. 

How can you pass a smog check? 

If you’re concerned about passing a smog inspection, you want to make sure you’re taking care of your car and doing regular maintenance as required. That means not messing with any of the emission-related equipment and getting your car fixed if the engine light comes on. 

If there are blinking lights, that could be another warning sign that there is an issue that needs to be remedied. Taking good care of your car is the best way to pass a smog check. 

Also, staying on top of the requirements. So if you get a notice, get a smog check ASAP and bring the notice. Go to an approved testing site and get the results. If you’re in California, you can use this tool to find a shop to get a smog test. 

If you don’t end up passing the smog check, you’ll want to take action and get repairs to fix the emission issues. You may be eligible for assistance in your state if you’re low income, such as with California’s Consumer Assistance Program.  

The bottom line 

Getting a smog check is a routine process in many states. Not all states require a smog check though and you may be exempt depending on the type of car you have or where you live. Check with your local transportation authority and if you do need a smog check, shop around for the best places to get one at an affordable cost. 

While you’re keeping up with your vehicle’s requirements to stay in good standing on the road, consider looking into other car insurance options that may be more beneficial for your situation. Metromile offers affordable pay-per-mile insurance that is geared toward low-mileage drivers. Grab your free quote today.

Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.

Baby on Board: Driving Safe With Kids in the Car

Driving in and of itself can be stressful (think: road rage, traffic jams, and the frustration of finding a good soundtrack), but add a young passenger into the mix, and the open road can suddenly feel like a war zone.

Whether you’re running errands with an infant or tooling around town with a niece or nephew, it’s important to know the ways to maximize safety. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among kids in the United States: In 2019, more than 600 children 12 and younger died in motor vehicle crashes, and more than 91,000 were injured.

Here are some tips for keeping kids protected in the car:

1. Know the Car Seat Rules. Laws vary from state to state, but based on the latest research, infants and toddlers should always ride in rear-facing backseat carriers until they’re at least two years old or reach the height and weight allowed by the seat manufacturer, according to organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics. Once kids outgrow the rear-facing seat, they should then use a forward-facing seat with a harness for as long as possible (up to the highest weight or height indicated by the manufacturer). Never put a rear-facing seat in the front of the car — airbags can be deadly to young passengers.

2. Buckle Up the Right Way. Once kids outgrow the forward-facing seats, it’s time to upgrade to a belt-positioning booster until the car’s seat belt fits properly (usually when a kid reaches 4 feet 9 inches and is over the age of five). When kids are big enough for the seat belt to properly fit their frame, lap and shoulder belts are a must, and kids under 13 should stay in the back seat (again, airbags can cause fatal injuries to young children). Buckling up is critical at every stage of life, and it’s an essential rule to implement at an early age: according to the organization Safe Kids Worldwide, only 53 percent of high school students reported always wearing a safety belt when riding with someone else.

3. Eliminate All Distractions. This is seriously scary: one study found that 98 percent (!) of parents driving with a child report being preoccupied for nearly a third of the time they’re on the road. That’s no joke, especially when you consider the fact that distracted driving claimed the lives of 3,450 people in 2016 alone, according to the United States Department of Transportation (NHTSA). Put the phone far out of reach, familiarize yourself with the roads, and forget about primping in the rearview or snacking until you’re safely parked.

4. Pull Over To Deal With Must-Dos. Kids get fussy — it happens. But according to a poll from American Baby in partnership with Safe Kids Worldwide, 55 percent of moms admit to driving above the speed limit in order to make it to daycare or to get home with their crying baby faster. Speeding up and driving hastily is only going to increase your risk for an accident. It’s better to pull over to deal with a mood meltdown and run late than push your luck by accelerating over the limit.

5. Always Stay Close. Leaving kids in the car is always a bad idea, even if you’re just running out for a quick minute. Children die every year from heatstroke — many of whom were left unattended in cars. Allowing children to play near a parked car should be a no-go too. If you’re backing out of the driveway, always take the time to circle your vehicle and make sure no children are in the vicinity and at risk of being hit.

Another important way to protect the whole family is to find a car insurance company that has your back. Visit for a free quote today.

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

8 Weekend Trips from San Francisco Less Than 100 Miles Away

If you live in San Francisco, you’re used to being near the water and enjoying beautiful views of the city. But sometimes you just need to get away for a change of scenery. Given the current Delta variant situation, it’s understandable if you’re not ready to board a plane but want to do something that can be done with a mini road trip. We’ve rounded up the 8 best weekend trips from San Francisco (or even just day trips from San Francisco) less than 100 miles away. 

1. Glen Ellen 

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

If you’re looking for weekend getaways in the Bay Area, you could go to the small town of Glen Ellen. The former home to author Jack London, the city also has a park of his namesake. It’s located in the Sonoma Valley, so you can enjoy wine and food in a quaint setting. If you want something besides wine, you can dine at the Glen Ellen Inn Grill & Martini Bar and get your fix of a dirty martini or martini with a twist (just no drinking and driving, obviously) while enjoying steak or seafood. You can find more info about Glen Ellen here.

Distance from SF: 50.2 miles

Length of time: 1 hour and 10 minutes one-way 

2. Sausalito 

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

If you’re looking for day trips from San Francisco, a place nearby that is charming and near the waterfront is the city of Sausalito. You can check out the Spaulding Marine center or the Bay Area Discovery Museum and go to the Seafood Peddler for dinner. You can find more info about Sausalito here.

Distance from SF: 11 miles 

Length of time: 26 minutes one-way 

3. Santa Cruz 

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

Santa Cruz has a famous boardwalk and is home to a lovely beach to catch some waves or dip your toes in the sand. The boardwalk has roller coasters and games for fun as well as restaurants and bars. On top of that, the city has a Surfing Museum as well. You can find more info about Santa Cruz here.

Distance from SF: 73.1 miles

Length of time: 1 hour and 16 minutes one-way 

4. The Muir Woods National Monument 

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

If you need a little forest therapy, get yourself to the Redwood forest at Muir Woods, a protected National Monument since 1908. You can be among majestic redwoods, which are considered the tallest living things in existence, and take advantage of six miles of trails. Be sure to grab a parking pass ahead of time at You can find more info about the Muir Woods National Monument here. 

Distance from SF: 16.8 miles

Length of time: 43 minutes one-way

5. Pescadero State beach 

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

If you’re looking to be near the water in a more secluded area that has dramatic views, consider Pescadero State beach. Pescadero is home to beautiful dunes as well as sandy coves and cliffs to explore. Nearby there’s also the Pescadero Marsh Natural Preserve, a popular place for bird watchers. You can use eBird to track what you see and compare notes. You can find more info about Pescadero state beach here. 

Distance from SF: 47.9 miles

Length of time: 1 hour and 14 minutes one-way 

6. Point Reyes National Seashore

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

The Point Reyes National Seashore is a charming place to go when considering weekend trips from San Francisco. You can check out the elephant seals or go whale watching or simply go for a swim, a walk on the seashore, or even go kayaking. If you want some culinary delights and are a cheese lover, stop by Cowgirl Creamery or Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company. You can find more info about Point Reyes National Seashore here. 

Distance from SF: 37.4 miles 

Length of time: 1 hour and 16 minutes one-way

7. Half Moon Bay 

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

Half Moon Bay is a lovely coastal city that also is home to a charming downtown area full of art galleries, music, restaurants, and historic buildings. If you go between May and December, stop by the Coastside Farmers Market on Saturday at Shoreline Station. You can also partake in beach activities like paddleboarding or kayaking or simply curl up with a good book on the beach while getting some sun (don’t forget the sunscreen!). You can find more info about Half Moon Bay here. 

Distance from SF: 29.6 miles 

Length of time: 40 minutes one-way

8. Guerneville

Weekend Getaways In the Bay Area | Metromile

Looking at weekend getaways near the Bay Area but want something a little different? Consider Guerneville, an unincorporated community nestled along the Russian River Valley. You could hang out near the river, go fishing, boating, and more. There’s a quirky downtown Guerneville area with shops, restaurants, and a market with a suggestive name called Big Bottom Market, which happens to be home to Oprah’s favorite biscuits. The city has also been an LGBTQ-friendly vacation spot for decades and is a gem for all travelers. You can find more info about Guerneville here. 

Distance from SF: 75 miles

Length of time: 1 hour and 43 minutes one-way

The bottom line 

If you’re looking for weekend trips from San Francisco or just day trips from San Francisco, these eight options offer you various choices depending on what you’re looking for. You can find peace in the woods, or healing near the water, or find some quirky charm in small-town cities nearby. 

If you live in San Francisco or in the surrounding areas, you might be considered a low-mileage driver. If you’re driving mostly on the weekends, check out your rate with pay-per-mile car insurance to see if you could save. 

Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.

Why I Work at Metromile: Choosing Meaningful Work

Metromile was Matt Stephens’s first job out of college. His degree in computer science from the University of Michigan gave him options, he said. He looked for jobs in cities he’d like to live in—Boston, L.A., or San Francisco—before accepting the engineering role at Metromile.

“When I interviewed, I thought that the people I spoke to at Metromile, the people who I ended up working with, were far and away the best team that I had talked to,” he said.

Five years and a couple of promotions later, Matt, who’s based in Boston, is a senior iOS mobile developer and also serves as the Squad Lead, relaying updates from the mobile team and coordinating with the rest of the organization.

“One thing we talk about a lot on the mobile team is the ‘fiercely loyal customer’ goal,” Matt said. “What the apps do is they create brand awareness—if you’re in the app store and you’re looking for car insurance apps, we’re among the top results—and I think of myself as adding that extra bit of brand loyalty that can turn a potential user into a joining member of Metromile.” 

Part of building a “fiercely loyal customer” is providing a high-quality product. That motivates Matt to keep innovating and tweaking to deliver on those expectations.

“Just the act of designing and building something out, that’s something I’ve always liked,” he said. “It’s a motivator for me, seeing something I put a lot of hours and thought into actually be usable, it’s a kind of instant gratification. It’s gravy that, working here, it often goes directly to the users.”

That commitment to quality is a feature of the Boston Metromile office, Matt said, along with a warm culture. This is true even now with the whole office working remotely.

“We have a good culture of welcoming people to the Boston office. We’ve had people move to Boston from San Francisco, and every time someone pipes up in the Boston Slack channel to say hello, make introductions.”

Metromile is Matt’s first career job, but it wasn’t his only interview. Metromile stood out because it was clear Matt would get to do meaningful work that he could own.

“At some of the bigger companies, you get the feeling you’re not going to be a very important member of the team. They have 3,000 engineers and they’re hiring for a team that’s going to build out a tiny feature of a very narrowly used product,” he said. “For some people, they want the prestige of that big name on their resume, but none of that really resonated with me. After those big tech interviews, I knew I wanted to be on a team that was small, but doing impactful work.”

It’s sometimes hard to gauge company culture from the interview process, but Matt knew Metromile was where he wanted to be.

“If you like working on your team, that’s crucial,” he said. “Especially on the mobile team, it’s a highly collaborative team. I was the new hire, fresh out of college. They were all eager to teach me the right way to do things, rather than being really protective of their own knowledge. They were more concerned with making sure that I had the tools necessary to do my job well. Ultimately when everyone’s a high-level contributor, it’s better for the entire team than when one superstar is carrying all the weight”

The Cost of Commuting is Higher Than You Think

Have you ever sat down and calculated your commute time or wondered how is my commute to work compared to others? Aside from what it might be costing you in time, there are other negative consequences from commuting than you realize. Read on to learn about the latest average commute time and why the cost of commuting is more expensive than you think. 

The Real Cost of Commuting | Metromile

Average commute time reaches its apex

The U.S. Census Bureau found in 2019 that one-way average commute time hit an all-time high of 27.6 minutes. That’s close to an hour of your day round-trip sitting in your car, using up gas as well as your time. That’s a total of five hours a week and about the same amount of time as a part-time job spent commuting each month. 

That’s a lot of time when you add it all up. If you’ve been thinking “How is my commute to work?” you also need to look beyond the time and consider other factors as well. 

The cost of commuting is high when it comes to your health

The cost of commuting isn’t just about the time you spend or the gas you use to get to and from work. It also has sweeping negative effects on your health.

1.  You’re not moving your body and getting much-needed exercise

For one thing, all the sitting doesn’t help your health outcomes or your waist. The USC Keck School of Medicine found that one round-trip commute of 30 miles increased obesity and waist size, which could increase the likelihood of getting diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease. 

According to findings in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, commuters who drove more than 15 miles to go to work were less likely to adhere to moderate to vigorous exercise recommendations and were more likely to become obese. Additionally, according to an article for the School of Public Health at Harvard, having a large waist even if you’re not considered overweight can mean you’re at higher risk for negative health outcomes. 

2. You’re less likely to make or stick to your social plans.

Also, when you’re driving so much to get to and from work you may be less likely to go to social activities or hit the gym or an extracurricular activity. All of those things can positively impact your mental health and you might end up ditching them because they add time and resources onto your day due to the cost of commuting. 

3. Your sleep and stress responses are disrupted. 

On top of that, sleep may be tougher to come by with long commute times. One study found that longer commute times led to more disturbed sleeping patterns, such as waking up in the middle of the night, or having trouble falling or staying asleep. ‘Disturbed sleeping’ was defined as experiencing one or more sleep issues three to four times a week. 

If you have long commute times, you may have to wake up earlier to get ready and out of the door, ultimately sacrificing the amount and quality of your sleep. In fact, one study found that a third of commuting time took away from sleep time. All of that can lead to more stress and spiked cortisol, creating a negative feedback loop when it comes to your physical and mental health. 

4. You’re experiencing air pollution at higher rates.

You’ll also have a higher likelihood of being exposed to air pollutants while commuting which could lead to more respiratory issues (not-so-great during a pandemic with a virus that largely affects the lungs). Being surrounded by so many cars and potentially sitting in stop-and-go traffic won’t help.

The overall cost of commuting is financially steep

The average commute time has already hit an all-time high, but the financial costs of commuting are high as well. Here are other common costs to consider when commuting.

1.  Buying a car and maintaining a car comes with a lot of expenses.

Buying or leasing a car costs money upfront or you have to take on auto financing and commit to monthly payments and paying interest for years. You also have to pay for gas, oil changes, tire repairs, and any other maintenance costs. Business Insider reported that commuters spend between $2,000 to $5,000 each year on transportation costs related to commuting. 

2. Time is a non-renewable resource that you can’t get back and commuting has indirect financial costs.

 We’ve reviewed the direct financial costs of commuting, but time is also money and is a non-renewable resource. You can make more money but can’t make more time. The time you spend on commuting can mean working less, having less time for yourself, your family, or your hobbies. That can lead to indirect financial costs like eating out more, grabbing coffee on-the-go, wasted gym memberships and more. 

3. The environmental cost of commuting is fueling climate change (pun intended).

More commuters on the road driving to work means an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. More greenhouse gas emissions have a direct impact on the environment, making the climate change crisis more dire. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the transportation sector is the biggest culprit, accounting for 29% of greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. You can also consider electric cars to lessen the environmental impact. 

The bottom line

You might think that the cost of commuting is just the amount of time you spend in your car. But the real cost is much higher than you think, affecting everything from your physical and mental health to your social life and the environment. If possible, see if you can work from home or cut down on how often you commute. 

If you do that, you may be considered a low-mileage driver and benefit from pay-per-mile auto insurance. Simply pay an affordable base rate and a few cents for the miles you drive. Many drivers are able to lower their costs and save! Grab a free quote from Metromile to review your potential savings. 

Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Sell a Car in California

Right now the car market is hot, with prices and demand higher than ever. Whether you’re ready to upgrade your current car and buy a new one or simply want to get rid of your extra car that spends too much time in the garage, now is a good time to sell a car. If you live in the Golden State and are selling your car on the private market as opposed to going to a dealership, you want to prepare ahead of time and learn how to sell a car in California. 

How to Sell a Car in California

Step 1: Get your paperwork in order 

Before selling your car, you want to get your paperwork in order and understand what documents you need to make the sale seamless. It’s more than just the car bill of sale in California. 

As the owner of the vehicle, you have the California Certificate of Title, that proves the car belongs to you. When you sell a vehicle, you’ll need to transfer the title to the individual buying your car. 

You’ll need: 

  • Your current vehicle title
  • The signature of the seller and lienholder, if applicable
  • The buyer’s signature 
  • To pay a transfer fee of $15 

You can send your paperwork to the DMV with your payment via mail to:

PO Box 942869
Sacramento, CA 94269

You could also stop by your local DMV office to process everything. 

If you don’t have your title, you’ll need to fill out the Application for Duplicate or Transfer of Title (REG 227). If there are errors in the title, you can use form Reg 101 Statement of Error or Erasure to remedy the issue. Other documents you may need as part of selling your car in California can include:

  • The Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment (REG 262) form, which you’ll need to get from the DMV as it’s not online — you can call 1-800-777-0133 to get it mailed to you — disclose the odometer reading on this form 
  • Car bill of sale (California DMV form)
  • Statement of Facts (REG 256), if you’re selling the vehicle to someone in your family 
  • Lien Satisfied/Title Holder Release (REG 166), if you still have a lien on the car, you’ll need it signed by the lienholder to be released and the form must be notarized 
  • Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability, which can be filled out online or mailed (REG 138) and notifies the DMV that you’re no longer responsible for any parking violations or infractions related to the car after the sale — must be completed within 5 days of sale 
  • Vehicle Emission System Statement (REG 139) – valid smog certification must take place within 90 days of the transfer 

Step 2: Get a valid smog certification 

In most cases, you’ll need to obtain a valid smog certification in order to sell a car in California. You’ll need to go to a STAR station, which sets the smog certification standards for California. You can use this tool to find a qualified smog check station. 

The smog certification is valid within 90 days, so you want to make sure it lines up with the timing of the sale. There are certain situations where you may not need a smog inspection. For example, if you have an electric vehicle, your car is less than eight years old or is from 1975 or older, you’re exempt from this process. 

Step 3: Get a vehicle inspection 

Your potential buyer will likely want to get a vehicle inspection to make sure everything is good to go with the car. Though the buyer pays for this process with a trusted mechanic, it’s still something you have to coordinate with the buyer. 

If the buyer doesn’t request an inspection, it can still be a good thing for you to do. If nothing else, make sure you get a CarFax report that shows your vehicle history, including any accidents and major issues. 

Step 4: Set a price range 

Learning how to sell a car in California is more than just paperwork. It’s about selling the car at a price that feels good for you. A price that makes it okay to part with your vehicle. 

As noted earlier, car appreciation has gone up so you want to check out a site like Kelley Blue Book to see what your car is worth these days. It’s a good idea to have a minimum price and maximum price in mind so you have a range to negotiate. 

Step 5: Post your car listing 

After gathering your paperwork, doing an inspection, and setting a price range it’s time to post your car listing and get your car sold! Make sure your vehicle is clean and you take nice photos that clearly show the outside and inside of the car. 

You could use Craigslist, OfferUp, Facebook Marketplace, AutoTrader, or any other site that allows you to sell your vehicle. 

You want to sell a car to make money but that doesn’t mean you won’t spend any money. You’ll need to pay any fees related to selling your car. The California DMV website states that you could be on the hook for the following fees:  

  • Duplicate title
  • Transfer
  • Use tax, based on the buyer’s county of residence
  • Registration
  • Penalties

As noted above, the transfer fee is $15. You can find out other potential fee costs here. All of the paperwork and fees must be paid within 10 days of the car sale date. 

Step 7: Fill out the necessary paperwork with the buyer 

When you have a buyer, you’ll need to collect payment and fill out the necessary paperwork with the buyer to make it official. 

You as the seller and the buyer need to fill out form REG 262 which is the Vehicle/Vessel Transfer and Reassignment you need to get from the DMV ahead of time. 

If there is a lienholder, make sure you have the release form ready. You’ll then need to remove the license plates and you’ll both need to report the transfer of ownership to the DMV. 

Step 8: Submit all of your paperwork to make it official 

After filling out the necessary paperwork, you need to submit the transfer documents to the DMV. You can fill out the Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability online within 5 days of the sale. 

In order to complete the process, you’ll need to have the seller’s full name and address, the VIN number, and license plate numbers. Both you as the seller and the buyer need to formally submit documents and pay the required fees to make it official with the DMV. 

The bottom line 

Learning how to sell a car in California can be a process but it can be done with a bit of patience and persistence. Right now, you could get the most out of selling your car and put money back in your pocket. 

If you’re ready to upgrade and buy a new car or simply want to see about other options for car insurance, check out pay-per-mile car insurance, a more affordable way to protect yourself on the road. Grab a free quote to see how much you could save. 

Melanie Lockert is a freelance writer, podcast host of the Mental Health and Wealth show, and author of Dear Debt. She’s a cat mom to two jazzy cats, Miles and Thelonious, an amateur boxer, music lover, and needs coffee to function.