
How I Built My Career: From Customer Experience to Data Analytics

At Metromile, we put our employees in the driver's seat with the opportunities and tools to turbocharge their careers. We’re also hiring!

At Metromile, we like to do things a little differently. (We are disrupting the auto insurance industry after all.) From offering drivers more fair and personalized pricing to streamlining claims with our AI-powered process, innovation is at the core of everything we do. 

Especially when it comes to our employees’ development.

Gone are the days of traditional career paths. It’s all about the career jungle gym now, and with how competitive job hunting is these days, it can feel like a free for all on the job-market playground! 

Career growth at other companies can be like one-way streets: there’s a clear line of sight that gets you to where you want to go, but there isn’t much room for venturing out or trying new things. At Metromile, all of the left turns, byways, and side streets are not only fair game but encouraged. We make it a point to provide Metromilers with a breadth of exposure and exploration to help guide them along their career journey, whether providing access to training courses to help move up in your current role or into a managerial role or hopping on over to an entirely different department. 

In this blog series, you’ll hear from some of our very own to get a taste of what’s possible with a career at Metromile.

Devin, Fulfillment Administrator

Metromiler since March 2019

At Metromile, we put our employees in the driver's seat with the opportunities and tools to turbocharge their careers. We’re also hiring!

What brought you to Metromile?

At the time, I was working at a consulting firm and didn’t enjoy the environment. It was a very competitive atmosphere where it felt like I had to fight my coworkers to secure clients. That was the means of growth and success. I attended a Metromile holiday party as a plus-one, and just from that one event, I felt like I fit in with the people — not just interest-wise, but I got the sense that everyone had this collaborative goal in mind when it came to their work. I felt, they wanted to help each other succeed. That was the turning point for me, and I applied to Metromile not long after that.

What’s your career jungle gym looked like?

I came in as a customer experience advocate. I went through the training, and Metromile helped get me licensed as an insurance agent — the whole shebang. At the time, the customer support team was much smaller than it is now, so we had to be very scrappy, and I learned very quickly. 

A few months later, my manager let me know there was a role being developed for someone to work with our finance team and supply chain manager for all things related to our Pulse device operations. I had been interested in that area of the business and had even started teaching myself some of those skills with the help of a couple of the analysts on our finance team. I got the role, and I’ve been in this fulfillment administrative role for over a year now.

How has it been expanding into this new territory?

It’s kind of rare to have somebody like me, with formal project management experience, switch to customer service. But that’s exactly what was needed for this position. I believe in our mission and love this company so much that I was willing to go out of my comfort zone to take on this new role and its responsibilities. I started doing some guided applied learning through a tool called Data Camp. And it’s not just the abstract learning — it’s a broad skill that I’m starting to get down, which has been really fun. Now I’m able to work on applied projects with it. I still come up against things where I have to seek help and answers from others but I have such a great network of coworkers. I feel like I’m doing something impactful for the company. 

At my previous company, no one cared as long as you did your job and what was asked of you. Here, I feel Metromile genuinely wants to help every employee realize their interests in order to take their career to the next level. I’ve had the freedom to craft my role based on my unique skills and passions, which I really appreciate. It’s one of my favorite things about being at Metromile. 

I really enjoy working on cross-functional projects with so many more people outside of my immediate circle, especially coming from the customer service field. On the flip side, I’ve really enjoyed being a resource or a point of knowledge to my colleagues. Metromile is technically larger than my previous company, but I feel like I have a greater impact here. 

What do you have coming up that you’re most excited about?

One of the things I think is so cool about Metromile is that we’re so data-driven, and I’ve wanted to learn more about data analytics. It’s interesting to understand how our customers drive and identify trends in driving habits. There is a big area of opportunity with the analytics available from the Pulse device that I’m excited to explore more of. 

I’ve also recently been bolstering up my work with engineering. Within my everyday work, I will sometimes catch something that could be improved. I’ll bring it to the engineering team, but instead of just taking it off of my hands right there, they’ll keep me in the loop and help me resolve the issue. 

It’s also been really interesting working with finance and seeing the big picture of our company. It helps inform my work and gives me that other perspective so that I have a holistic view of the business. Creating these kinds of cross-department solutions has been so important and helpful to furthering me in my career.

What’s been your favorite part of your Metromile experience?

To this day, I still think the people are the best part of Metromile. It’s been exciting to be a part of such a hands-on, collaborative culture and see the company grow. It’s so rare to find a workplace now where you can mesh with and you can truly feel like you can be yourself with; that was something I had never really had before Metromile. 

What advice do you have for Metromile candidates who may not come from an insurance background?

If you believe in what this company does and you’re willing to put in the work, just go for it. I don’t have any formal technical or finance background, yet here I am!

Interested in joining the Metromile team? Check out all of our open positions. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Experience the power of pay-per-mile auto insurance and see how much you could save by taking a Ride Along™. 

Get your free quote in minutes, or earn rewards when you refer your friends and family.

Metromile in 2020: The Year in Review

2020 has been a life-changing year for many of us.

Undeniably, when we look back at 2020, we will think about the tremendous change this year has brought with the Covid-19 pandemic and our increasing understanding of the roles each of us has with topics as diverse as climate change and racial justice.

Join us as we review 2020, including some data for a final look into the year:

What’s New for Metromile Auto Insurance in 2020

1. Immediate relief during the Covid-19 pandemic

Metromile customers saved approximately 30% on average on car insurance in April just for staying home, and savings continued throughout the year as people drove less. Because our drivers pay per mile (plus a low monthly rate), they saw auto insurance savings during the pandemic in almost real-time.

We also provided payment relief options to make sure our customers didn’t lose coverage if they couldn’t pay. We made sure our community didn’t pay any late fees or fees for payment extensions, so they could focus on what matters most — health and safety.

2. New insurance for connected vehicles

We also announced an exciting partnership with Ford to create connected car insurance. Soon, owners of eligible Ford vehicles with built-in connectivity can opt-in and access insurance we believe will be more convenient, customizable, and fairer.

We are excited to work with Ford, as we share a common goal to provide more personalized insurance for connected vehicles beyond lower rates.

3. See how much pay-per-mile auto insurance can save you

More than 124 million Americans drive 10,000 miles or fewer each year and could be overpaying for car insurance because they don’t pay per mile. 

This didn’t sit well with us. We launched Ride Along™ to help drivers save on auto insurance and get their best possible rate.

Now, you can download the Metromile app and drive with us for about two weeks. We will use the information, such as how many miles you drive, to give you an accurate rate for car insurance before you buy pay-per-mile auto insurance and start your Metromile coverage.

Drivers can also earn an additional discount on the initial quote (up to 15%) for safe driving during the Ride Along in select states; this is another way to save money with Metromile.

Metromile’s 2020 By the Numbers

1. The most common vehicles in the Metromile community

The most common makes or car brands insured by Metromile in order are Toyota, Honda, and Ford. The Honda Civic is the most popular model we insure, followed by the Toyota Corolla and Toyota Camry.

Our community also includes fans of electric vehicles, including Tesla. The number of Tesla vehicles insured has also increased over the last two years.

2. The most popular day of the week to drive

Metromile customers love the occasional weekend trip: Driving picks up on Saturdays.

Fortunately, weekend road trips don’t have to break the bank. All miles driven after 250 miles in a single day (150 miles in New Jersey) are free as a bonus for all of our customers!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Metromile customers drove less than they did in previous years this Thanksgiving. Oregon Metromilers drove 23% fewer miles this Thanksgiving than they did in 2019.

3. The most common claim

We want to have our customers’ backs and weren’t surprised to find out the most common claim handled in 2020 was roadside assistance. Our goal is to support drivers like you through every mile.

Metromile customers can personalize their auto insurance policy to their lifestyle because we understand everyone might need something different. Our roadside assistance can help with emergency gasoline delivery, flat tires, locksmiths, and towing up to a certain distance.

The bottom line

With 2020 coming to a close, we want to thank you for being a part of the Metromile community. As a low-mileage driver, you’ve kept your communities safer and greener; in return, we hope we provided you a meaningful experience at a great value.

How to Choose the Right Auto Repair Shop After an Accident

An auto repair shop recommended by your insurance company can provide a higher level of service, including saving time and money.

It happened: Your car got damaged and needs repair.

Whether it is a flat tire or some broken glass, or worse, auto insurance can help protect your vehicle, finances, and well-being. Here is everything you might want to know about how to get your car repaired quickly.

What You Should Know About Your Auto Insurance Policy

When something happens to your car, it can be stressful. It’s why understanding your car insurance policy and the types of coverage can help provide some peace of mind. Your coverage could pay for your car repairs and help you get back on the road again.

Most states have state minimum coverage requirements, which are generally intended to ensure you have the right amount of coverage. 

You may have added higher limits or additional types of coverage for more protection. Some common add-ons and coverages for car insurance policies include:

  • Comprehensive coverage helps to cover your car for any damage not caused by a collision or crash. Think: falling objects, fire, natural disasters, theft, or vandalism. This coverage is a popular add-on because it is not only accidents that can damage your car.
  • Collision coverage helps to cover repairs to your vehicle or the cost to replace your car if it is totaled in an accident. The coverage kicks in if you crash into another car or object like a tree. It can also help cover any costs or repairs if you experience a roll-over.
  • Rental car reimbursement helps to save you money if you need a rental car after an accident. Repairs can take a long time, and if you rely on your car to get around, a rental car can feel like a must-have. Reimbursement for a rental car can help you avoid sticker shock from a pricy rental car bill.

Do you have to repair your car after an insurance claim?

You don’t have to get your car repaired right away after an accident. If there is little or no damage, or if you plan to fix everything yourself, you might not need to file a claim with your insurance company, especially if you can pay for the damage out of pocket. So, you might not need to worry if you break your rearview mirror or back into a pole.

However, if you are leasing or financing your vehicle, you may want to review your lease or financing agreement. Some leaseholders or lienholders might require you to get your vehicle repaired and do so quickly.

A good rule of thumb after an accident is to let your insurance company know. Filing a claim with your insurer can help protect you and make a stressful situation easier. 

But remember: You should always file a claim with your insurance company if you damage someone else’s car or it is not immediately clear who might be at fault. Your insurance company can help handle your damages, and you might also avoid some delays or disputes over what types of damages might be covered.

In serious cases, like when someone is injured, there is significant damage to your car, or if you have been in a hit and run, you should always let your insurance company know and file a claim. 

The Top 4 Things You Need to Know About Getting Your Car Repaired

If your car is damaged and needs repair, your car insurance policy might pay for the repairs or any replacement costs. Your car insurance company will often recommend a mechanic or a repair shop, and they might even tell you a body shop is within their network.

It can be expensive and take a lot of time to get your vehicle repaired. Make sure you understand your options and the possible advantages before you make a decision. Consider these four things before you get your car repaired:

1. Should you use a repair shop recommended by your auto insurance company?

When you file a claim or let your insurance company know about an accident, they may recommend their direct repair program or direct repair network

A direct repair network is a group of repair shops and sometimes dealerships that work with your insurance company to provide a higher level of service, which can be especially helpful for vehicle estimates and repairs.

2. Are there any benefits to using a direct repair network?

An insurer-recommended repair shop or another provider that is a part of a direct repair network is generally held to performance standards by the insurance company. 

An insurance company’s recommended auto repair shopmight provide one or more of the following benefits:

  • No out-of-pocket costs for inspections or estimates
  • Potentially quicker repairs or lower costs for repairs
  • More accurate estimates
  • Limited lifetime warranty on repairs
  • Better communication with you and the insurance company
  • Certification for working on specific makes or types of cars, including certain brands, exotic vehicles, imported vehicles, or sports cars

Insurance companies generally work hard to make sure they work with reliable and reputable repair shops or vendors.

3. Can I pick my own mechanic or repair shop after an accident?

You have the right to choose your favorite repair shop or mechanic. Insurance companies cannot require you to visit or have your car repaired by a specific car repair shop.

When you are at your preferred garage or after searching online for the auto repair near me, make sure to get a repair estimate and let your insurance company know.

4. Can I choose what kind of replacement parts will be used for my car repair?

Some insurance companies and car insurance policies let you choose the types of replacement parts that will be used to repair your vehicle.

In some cases, your car insurance policy might require replacement parts from the original equipment manufacturer. 

Generally, you can choose between original equipment manufacturer parts, which are parts supplied by auto manufacturers under their brand or name, or generic parts.

Generic replacement parts are typically just as safe and might even be made in the same factory as branded car parts.

The bottom line

Damage to your car does not have to be a catastrophic event. Car insurance can be an important way to protect your vehicle and your sanity, which is why it is essential to personalize your policy for your lifestyle and understand how you are covered.

When you need a repair, you have the right to decide how your vehicle gets repaired, and generally, an auto repair shop recommended by your insurance company can be a good choice. It can save you money and time to go with a trusted repair shop in a direct repair network.

How I Drive: A Former Insurance Agency Owner Dispels Myths About Auto Insurance

Metromile customer Dennis Loney today (left) & in the Sunset District of San Francisco circa 1952 (right)

It can be tough to find the best car insurance for mature drivers or retirees. Car insurance tends to get more expensive as drivers get older, and seniors drive more miles than they have before.

This is not the case for Washington state resident Dennis L. Dennis and his wife who switched from their traditional insurer of 27 years to Metromile’s pay-per-mile car insurance more than two years ago. Now, the 70 year old retiree is helping to clear up some common misconceptions about new types of car insurance. 

As a seasoned driver, what prompted you to shop around for car insurance? 

A few years ago, my wife and I moved from Seattle to a small town where everything is within walking distance. After a few months, we realized we really weren’t driving as much anymore, so I got in touch with my insurance agent. I wanted to see if they could re-rate our cars, given our lower usage. But when I received the new rate breakdown, they explained they simply couldn’t rate us both to reflect the low-mileage and one car had to be priced as “standard” high-mileage usage. 

I used to own an insurance agency years ago, so I understand how insurance rating works. I just thought there has to be a way that car insurance can be done honestly. So I started investigating alternate auto insurance options, and I came across Metromile. 

Did you know how pay-per-mile auto insurance would fit your lifestyle? 

Though most months, our mileage is pretty minimal, we do like to take one road trip a year. I had some hesitation that we would get penalized for long trips, but I was pleased to see that there is a cap for miles driven in a day. With that, I thought it would be worth trying out. With Metromile, we’ve saved about $70 a month for coverage on our two cars, and I know that we’re paying a fair price. 

How has pay-per-mile car insurance affected your budget?

Not only am I saving on my insurance bill, but since I drive my car so infrequently, I only buy gas once a month

Another side benefit of paying by the mile is that I find myself planning my driving. If I know I’m going to be out, I can tie a few errands together instead of making separate trips during the week. Good for my bill and good for the environment!

Why should people switch to pay-per-mile car insurance?

Especially with this year and seeing how things have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, other insurers aren’t able to keep up with adjusting ratings based on changes in usage. Metromile can. 

I think the biggest selling point is that you can “get it and forget it.” I know I’m covered and can rest assured knowing that my bill will self-adjust to changes in my driving habits. Metromile keeps me rated accurately, automatically. I don’t have to get in touch with an agent since you already know how I drive. And it’s more than just the price. The responsiveness of the customer service agents, especially when I’ve needed roadside assistance and filed claims, has been great. 

I can’t even tell you the number of people we’ve recommended Metromile to because they’re in a similar situation to us. I’ve shared a couple of my own testimonials on Facebook and Twitter and have some family members who are interested in switching car insurance. The only complaint is that they live in states where you don’t offer coverage yet!

The Top 5 Misconceptions About Pay-Per-Mile Car Insurance, According to Dennis

1. It is not difficult to adjust to a different insurance company.

Dennis says it hasn’t been an issue at all to switch to a different kind of insurance company: The fact that it was a newer company and a newer take on car insurance was really attractive to me.

Metromile is an honest way to approach insurance because you are only paying for what you’re using. You don’t have to play the game with the agents to lower your rates; you just pay as you go

2. You can depend on the customer service.

The service is very prompt and very friendly. Every time I’ve needed to file a claim or get in contact with customer service, it’s always been a positive experience. And that’s the thing that has really impressed me: everyone I’ve talked to is genuinely very friendly.

Metromile’s licensed agents are available through a variety of means: phone, email, online chat, SMS, and Facebook Messenger.

3. Filing a claim isn’t a hassle.

I did have a little fender bender. I was in a carwash, and I came off the track. Right away, I opened up the app to start the claim, and, as usual, I received very friendly customer service. I didn’t have to worry about anything.

4. Roadside assistance is available when you need it.

I like how the Pulse device not only helps me track my miles but monitors engine health, too. One day I got a text message alerting me of an issue with the oxygen sensor on my Subaru. So I ran it down to my mechanic and told him what was going on, and he confirmed that the part had to be replaced. I would have never known had it not been for the alert.

My wife also has a habit of leaving her phone at home when she takes her car on the ferry over to Seattle. With the car location feature, I can see if she’s on the returning ferry and know how much longer until she’ll be home.

5. An insurance company that’s tech-based is not too complicated.

I was going to the grocery store one day and got a flat tire. I didn’t want to get out of my car to deal with it since it was snowing, so I called Metromile roadside assistance. They gave me a status of where they were, and the tow truck arrived in 15 minutes. They took me to a tire center and rushed me right in. It was really amazing. From the time I left the house, it was only an hour and a half later, and I was home with groceries and new tires! I have no doubt that if I have an issue, it will get resolved quickly, and that’s why I’ve stayed with Metromile for so long.

The bottom line

If you don’t drive frequently or are looking for a new way to save on car insurance, Metromile might be right for you. People who don’t drive very far can save hundreds of dollars when they switch to pay-per-mile auto insurance. For more per-mile mythbusting, check here.

Not sure if Metromile is a fit for you? Take a Ride Along with us to get a free quote based on your actual driving and see how much you could save — no strings attached.

What’s The Best Car Insurance for Twenty-Something City-Dwellers?

Ah, twenty-something city-dwellers: You’re out on your own, overpaying for a small but great apartment in a chill neighborhood. You’re moving up in life. Done are the days of working a meaningless gig — you’ve got a “real” job now. Heck, maybe you’ve finally parted ways with your rickety old dresser from college. But more importantly: you’ve got bills. You’re doing it. You’re #adulting.

The truth is, your first car insurance policy was likely possible thanks to your parents adding you on to their coverage, maybe even bundling with their homeowner’s insurance. At 16 and freshly licensed, you shoved your insurance card in the glove box and hit the road.

Just like filing your taxes, crafting an eye-catching resume, or making sense of a lease agreement, shopping around for car insurance and figuring out the right coverage is just another necessary life skill no one teaches you. 

4 things you should know about car insurance

1. Car insurance is required in most cases.

Car insurance is an important purchase if you want to drive. You know being insured is basically mandatory after first hearing about it during your driver’s ed course, but the instructor never goes into much detail about what it all means. What you should know is that it can help protect your car, your bank account, and your well-being if you’re in a car accident or your car is damaged or stolen.

2. There are many types of coverage.

Like many aspects of adult life, car insurance comes with its own bag of terms. What you should know is that in most cases, you can personalize your policy. There can be a lot of car insurance jargon, so understand you might want more coverage and higher limits for extra peace of mind. 

It can pay off to do some research before you buy and to make sure your current coverage still works for you.

3. It doesn’t always pay off to bundle your car insurance.

To bundle or not to bundle? Chances are, you’re probably still on your family’s cell phone plan. Data plans are typically more economical when split between family members, but this isn’t necessarily the case with car insurance. 

You may be living in a different city than your parents, so it doesn’t make much sense to still be included in their policy. 

Other than renter’s insurance, you also may not have additional insurance needs that would even warrant a bundle, which may actually be less economical. Insurance companies might mask higher rates in their all-in-one-bill convenience when really, having separate policies can be more budget-friendly overall.

The moral of the story? It can pay to shop for car insurance and to shop regularly.

4. Most people could save with pay-per-mile car insurance.

You pay for the miles you drive with pay-per-mile auto insurance. You can think of it as a pay-as-you-go plan for your car.

Metromile charges a base rate as low as $29 per month to keep your car covered and a few cents for each mile you drive. If you don’t drive very often or very far, you could save on car insurance.

6 reasons why pay-per-mile auto insurance makes sense for young city-dwellers

With all of the different coverage options out there, pay-per-mile auto insurance might make sense for you if you are in your 20s and live in a city.

1. You recently moved (or are thinking about it).

Chances are, the pandemic may have you considering moving. Or, if you’ve already jumped on a new place with a pandemic discount — congrats! 

When you move, you need to let your car insurance company know. Where you park your car each night usually impacts the price you pay, and your rate could go up, stay the same, or go down. 

One way to help lock in any savings is to switch to pay-per-mile car insurance. Whatever your circumstances might be, you could save money with pay-per-mile insurance if you only drive occasionally.

2. You recently got a car.

Whether it’s brand new or new to you, this might be the first time you’ve had a set of wheels in a while. 

If your tried and true hand-me-down Camry is still kicking, you’re in luck: it’s less expensive to insure an older car. Used cars are typically a more affordable option to buy. They tend to be easier to repair because parts are more readily available or cheaper for you or your mechanic to purchase and install. 

A pay-per-mile auto insurance policy can also help you cut down on expenses further.

3. You can personalize your coverage to only pay for what you need.

In terms of coverage, you might not need comprehensive and collision coverage. These coverage options help you replace or pay for repairs to your vehicle and may come with a deductible that’s higher than the car is worth. This is because cars generally lose their value over time. By opting out of coverage you might not need, you could lower your insurance bill overall.

You can personalize your coverage with Metromile, giving you the confidence that your policy is right for your needs and lifestyle. 

Metromile’s pay-per-mile auto insurance offers four different levels of liability protection and choices for your comprehensive and collision deductibles so that you have greater control over how much you want to pay.

4.. You’re now working from home.

#OOTD: Business on top, pajamas on the bottom. 

You might be thrilled to have done away with your morning commute. If you’ve traded mind-numbing bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic getting home for Zoom fatigue, you’re probably not driving as much these days.

Your WFH routine could result in lower auto insurance bills if you switch to pay-per-mile insurance. Other drivers have cut down on their bills by switching.

5. You take trips on the weekends.

Burnout is very real, and your home office view is getting a little stale. All the more reason to get away on the weekends, right? 

If you’re a weekend warrior, taking longer trips out of town now and then for a much-needed change of scenery, Metromile could still be the right coverage option for you since all miles over 250 (or 150 for New Jersey drivers) in one day are free! 

6. You’re going back to school.

Perhaps you’re making most of this crazy year and, with more time on your hands now than ever before, have decided to go back to school. Students, like work-from-homers, tend to be infrequent drivers. When you’re spending the majority of your time at home, you probably don’t put too many miles on your car. In this case, it just doesn’t make sense to pay for expensive insurance coverage that you don’t use. With pay-per-mile insurance, you could save money if your car insurance bill considered the miles you drive.

What’s next?

With so many life changes this year — from moving to working from home — it’s more important than ever to find the car insurance coverage that best fits your lifestyle. With most insurance companies, you pay a flat rate no matter how much you drive. We don’t think this is fair. It’s like going out to dinner and then being forced to split the bill four ways when you only ordered an appetizer while Becca over there ordered two palomas and the flatbread for herself.

With Metromile, you can control how much you pay for car insurance because your rate is based on your driving. We know one size doesn’t fit all.

Find out how much you could save with Metromile’s pay-per-mile car insurance. Get a free quote in minutes or download our app and Ride Along to see if pay-per-mile is right for you.

Catching Fraud: Why Insurers Should Consider Machine Learning

Insurance companies typically use a rules-based approach to catch fraud. However, machine learning from Metromile Enterprise can be more efficient and improve loss ratios.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, insurance fraud accounts for nearly 10% of the property and casualty insurance industry’s incurred losses and loss adjustment expenses each year. Ten percent is a stunningly large loss driver that is often under-captured, and it hurts carriers’ bottom line by billions of dollars every year. 
Looking on the bright side, the insurers who invest in reducing fraud effectively and improving risk selection and pricing will ultimately improve their loss ratio.
Fraud detection is an arms race, where insurers need to identify and block avenues for fraudulent claims as fast as fraudsters can create them. Here’s how insurance companies can fight back against fraud.

How is insurance fraud detected?

One of the most common anti-fraud technologies used today by insurance companies is a rules-based system. 

Rules-based systems serve a basic purpose of catching obvious fraud patterns with a “black and white” logic. The approach is generally not very effective at uncovering new and novel schemes or adapting to emerging fraud patterns or schemes. As a result, insurers’ existing fraud programs are vulnerable to many types of fraud that aren’t obvious.

How are insurance companies improving their fraud detection?

Some insurance companies understand the limitations of a rules-based approach and are increasingly turning to more sophisticated anti-fraud technologies such as predictive modeling, link analysis, and artificial intelligence.

Insurers should carefully evaluate fraud detection techniques and technologies to make the most informed decision. Generally, using machine learning models as a standalone solution or complement to existing rules-based systems is advantageous.

3 Key Factors to Consider in a Machine Learning Model 

1. Make sure your fraud models scale.

Your rules library must keep expanding and adjusting as fraud evolves. In short, you need to make sure your anti-fraud technology has scalability.

A rules-based approach can make the system slower and puts a heavy maintenance burden and cost on your team of fraud analysts, requiring an increasing number of manual reviews.

Machine learning requires minimal human involvement as the models learn automatically from both old and new data. 

Machine learning algorithms and models become more effective with increasing data sets. Contrast this with rules-based models where the cost of maintaining the fraud detection system multiplies as claims grow. Machine learning is more efficient, as it improves with more data and can pick out the subtle differences and similarities between multiple data variables. 

2. Models should have expansive detection coverage and accuracy.

Rules-based fraud detection systems can be too broad. They run a high risk of false positives. This reduces investigator efficiency and can lead to a negative customer experience when a smooth and empathetic customer experience is most vital. To prevent this, insurers often change the rules to capture only the claims with the highest probability of fraud. This is a flawed approach, as vast numbers of fraudulent claims can slip by and be paid out.

When special investigative units or other claims staff verify and self-report the claims they think are worthy of further investigation, machine learning models can learn and get better at predictions over time. 

Machine learning-based fraud systems can be more accurate, more configurable, and easier to improve than rules-based systems. This makes fraud analysis easier and more effective, especially to keep up with all of the latest scams or fraud methods. 

3. Models should optimize for efficiency.

Implementing if-then rules for a rules-based approach is easy at first, but it requires manual work and supervision to maintain. The result is a technology that doesn’t adapt well over time. It can be challenging to find the exact rule you might wish to change, and repeating this process each time, can be frustrating and time-intensive.

Machine learning can evaluate many claims fast and in real-time because it continuously analyzes and processes new data. You can set up machine learning from first notice of loss to claims closure. 

Moreover, advanced machine learning models such as neural networks can autonomously update their models to reflect the latest trends and prior fraud results. The system also enables a more flexible and automated approach that speeds up fraud management and conversion optimization.

The bottom line

Machine learning-based fraud systems enable the automatic detection of known and unknown fraudulent claims. It can analyze patterns at the first notice of loss and throughout the claims process.  

Unlike the rules-based systems, which only produce a yes or no response to fraud, machine learning produces a fraud suspicion score from 0 to 1000, like a credit score. It also provides context that allows insurance carriers to take different actions based on their different risk tolerances. 

In short, machine learning offers a more personalized and adaptive approach. Insurance carriers can automate the passing of less-suspicious claims for faster claims payouts and flag more suspicious claims for further investigation. Machine learning empowers special investigative units, claims teams, and other fraud professionals to make more informed investigation decisions faster.

Metromile Enterprise provides insurance carriers with machine learning technology to combat fraud. Machine learning models are better at surfacing suspicious claims than the rules-based systems most insurers use today and have a higher chance of identifying fraud that isn’t as obvious. It can also be more accurate and scalable. 

Whether used with existing rules-based approaches or on its own, machine learning-based fraud systems create net new opportunities for insurers to establish a robust fraud analytics program within their claims organization. The result is a nimble, cost-effective claims department that delivers strong loss and loss adjustment expense reductions.

To learn more about applying artificial intelligence and machine learning in your claims organization, contact us. A large P&C carrier established a robust fraud analytics program in less than six months with Metromile Enterprise.

Dispelling the Myths of Pay-As-You-Go Auto Insurance

Believe it or not: There is auto insurance based on how you drive. If you don’t drive often or long distances, you could save money with this coverage.

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned a lot of us into low-mileage drivers.

Between stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders, you might be stuck at home quarantining or with nowhere to go. Meanwhile, if you’re now working from home, you’ve probably cut back on a lot of the miles you used to drive.

So if you’re driving less often these days, for whatever reason, you might be wondering what pay-as-you-go auto insurance is all about and if it could save you money.

We believe paying for car insurance based on the miles you drive is a fairer concept. About two-thirds of drivers in the U.S. are overpaying for their auto insurance. According to a 2018 survey of customers who saved, new Metromile customers save 47% a year on average compared to what they were paying their previous auto insurance company.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common myths about pay-as-you-go car insurance.

Myth: My rates will go up if I speed or slam on the brakes.

No judging here: if you hit the gas pedal or slam on the brakes once or twice, your auto insurance rates will not be immediately affected. 

The most important factor determining the price you pay with Metromile is how many miles you drive each month.

Myth: My driving data is sold to third-party companies, so they can have information about where I am driving.

Metromile takes steps to keep your driving data and personal information secure and private.

Metromile does not sell, share, or rent any data to unaffiliated third-parties. Rest assured the information the Metromile Pulse device accesses is used to accurately count the miles you drive each month and provide you with a fair rate. (The device helps to get your claims resolved faster, too.)

As a Metromile customer, you also have the option to disable location services, and it won’t affect your bill. But keep in mind, you won’t be able to access free smart driving features, which can help you find your parked vehicle, find out about street-sweeping tickets, and look back at your past trip details.

Myth: My pay-as-you-go insurance rates will increase if I’m driving more than usual.

There is no need to worry if you are driving more than you originally estimated. 

There is no penalty for driving more than you usually do or going over the estimate you supplied when you first signed up.

Your per-mile rate is fixed for your policy term and won’t be affected by increased driving. Plus, if you drive more than 250 miles (150 in New Jersey) in a single calendar day, your extra miles will be free as a bonus. So feel free to take that road trip.

Myth: The rates are so low, there must be coverage exclusions.

With pay-as-you-go insurance, you can have the same great insurance coverage that you are used to. Some drivers may even have higher limits at the same or lower price they paid another insurance company. 

Metromile policies are personalizable: You can choose to add comprehensive and collision coverage, roadside assistance, select different deductible amounts, and more. 

Drivers can save money with pay-as-you-go auto insurance because the premiums are dynamic. There is no need to call to let us know that you have been driving less like you might have done with your past insurer.

Myth: If I get into an accident, the claims process is going to be tedious.

In the unfortunate event of an accident, our claims team is available to help 24/7. 

You can even start filing your claim right from the Metromile app or the website. Our artificial intelligence claims assistant AVA works with the Pulse device to verify details and quickly process them. In some cases, we even pay out claims the same day.

Need a jump, tow, or locksmith? We’ve got you covered 24/7 if you add roadside assistance to your policy. 

We also have a team of licensed claims adjusters who will keep you updated on your claim’s status and can answer any questions you may have along the way.

Myth: Since this insurance model is based on mileage, I won’t be covered when I am parked.

While our pricing model is different than other insurance companies, the coverage still applies the same way as traditional insurance companies. 

Accidents can happen at any time, even when your car isn’t moving. When you choose to add comprehensive and collision coverage, you can be covered even while you are parked.

The bottom line

Pay-as-you-go auto insurance, sometimes called pay-per-mile car insurance, is insurance based on how far you drive. Your actual driving determines how much you pay instead of a flat rate like with other insurance companies.

Some drivers save by switching to pay-as-you-go auto insurance. You can see if you could save with Metromile by trying Ride Along™ for free.

Ride Along is a feature in the Metromile app that helps you get a more accurate rate. Download the app and get a free auto insurance quote to start your trial. (Remember: You’ll still need to keep your current insurance coverage unless you decide to switch to Metromile right away.) Then, drive as you typically would for about two weeks. We’ll consider how you drove, including how many miles you drove, to show you your rate. 

We think this will help you understand if you can save money before you switch to Metromile and begin your pay-as-you-go auto insurance coverage.

How Metromile STREAMLINE Intelligent Process Automation Compares to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Metromile STREAMLINE Intelligent Process Automation

In the insurance industry, intelligent process automation and robotic process automation can optimize business processes and increase workforce productivity and efficiency. The result is a great customer experience and improved operational efficiency. 

But the devil is in the details.

What is robotic process automation (RPA)?

Robotic process automation (RPA) uses software or so-called robots to automate individual tasks typically performed by humans by mimicking their interactions with software systems. Think about an Excel macro recorder that performs a series of actions on a spreadsheet. Except, in this case, it works with screens and not just a spreadsheet.

What is intelligent process automation?

Intelligent process automation focuses on entire processes and workflows and can be more advanced than robotic process automation.

STREAMLINE is Metromile Enterprise’s proprietary intelligent process automation platform that focuses on digitizing and automating an insurer’s customer interactions and internal claims processing workflows end-to-end. It completes this work simultaneously, so it can be more efficient than robotic process automation. 

Compared to robotic process automation solutions, STREAMLINE enables faster and more seamless execution of customer and third party-facing workflows and decision-making. Contrast this approach with robotic process automation, which typically excels at simple functions like faster or automated data extraction or data entry tasks.

Here’s the side-by-side comparison of STREAMLINE and RPA in the context of how a P&C insurer could utilize the technology in their claims organization:

The bottom line

It’s essential to have a defined end goal from the beginning to drive success for your automation projects. 

The first step is to achieve an internal consensus on specific business goals and key performance indicators for your claims organization. For example, you may want to consider big-picture end goals such as: 

  1. Claims handlers handle 20% more claims each month with increased productivity
  2. Increase claims customer satisfaction scores by 8 points in the next 12 months 

Only once you have these goals in mind can you decide whether it makes sense to consider intelligent process automation like STREAMLINE or robotic process automation and assess what makes sense for you.

At Metromile Enterprise, we offer a proprietary touchless claims experience platform using industry best practices and workflows so that you can quickly realize all of the benefits of claims automation

Contact us if you would like to learn about how we’re helping other P&C insurers fast track their claims innovation roadmap and enable a modern, digital claims experience for their customers.

Car Insurance Coverage Options, Explained

So you’ve decided to make the switch to Metromile — congrats! Not only will you save major cash with pay-per-mile insurance, but you’ll have access to four different levels of liability protection, plus choices for your comprehensive and collision deductibles. But if insurance lingo has you confused, don’t sweat it: Understanding your options is easier than you think.

Covered in mud…and by insurance

Here’s a breakdown of the various types of car insurance coverage available so you can choose what’s right for you:

  • Bodily Injury (BI): Most states require BI coverage to cover costs related to injuries or deaths to other people in the event of an accident that’s your fault. This type of coverage pays for things like medical treatment, rehabilitation, and funeral costs, as well as costs related to mental or emotional distress that results from bodily injury. It may also pay for lawyer’s fees if you’re sued for an accident. Depending on the state you live in, you may be required to have a predetermined minimum amount of BI coverage.
  • Property Damage Liability (PD): If you’re in an accident that damages someone else’s property, PD liability will cover the costs. This type of coverage will pay for any type of tangible property, whether it’s another driver’s vehicle, or something like a building, utility pole, fence, garage door, etc. Some states will require you to have a predetermined minimum amount of this coverage too.
  • Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UMBI): If you’re in an accident in which the other driver is at-fault and uninsured, UMBI coverage will pay for any necessary medical, rehabilitation, lost wages, pain-and-suffering, and funeral costs for you and/or your passengers. Remember that UMBI will only pay up to the coverage limit, and your state may or may not require you to have a set minimum amount.
  • Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UIMBI): This one is very similar to UMBI, but it pays up to the limit for expenses in the event that the other driver is at-fault for the accident but can’t cover your costs because of their own plan’s insufficient liability limits.
  • Medical Payments: If you’re in an accident, Medical Payments could pay the medical deductibles and copayments that aren’t covered by your health insurer, or the insurer of any of your passengers. This type of coverage is optional and, depending on your state, may be possible to combine with a health insurance policy.
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): In general, PIP covers your medical costs regardless of who’s at fault for the accident. The benefits vary by state, with some states offering coverage for things like lost wages, child care, and/or funeral costs.
  • Comprehensive: This type of optional coverage comes in handy if your car is stolen or damaged in ways that don’t involve a collision (think hail damage, glass breakage, fire, vandalism, damage from an animal, flood, earthquakes, falling objects, and theft). It’s up to you to choose a deductible amount — that’s the out-of-pocket cost you agree to pay before coverage is afforded.
  • Collision: This is another type of optional coverage that covers you if your car collides with another object (like a car, a brick wall, a tree, etc). This coverage protects your car only and not the other party’s damage. Again, the deductible amount you choose is the out-of-pocket expense you have to pay before coverage kicks in.
  • Collision Deductible Waiver: This type of coverage isn’t available in every state, but if you have it, your collision deductible will be waived in case you’re in accident with an at-fault driver who’s uninsured. You’ll need the license plate number or name of the person that caused the damage and you’ll have to report the claim quickly.
  • Underinsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD): If you’re hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver, this type of coverage will pay for the damage to your vehicle. UMPD coverage isn’t available in every state, and some states require you to choose between UMPD and Collision coverage.

Ready to choose the type of coverage that fits your needs? Need some more info? Just visit Metromile today to get a free personalized quote.

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Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna.

Choosing the Right Car Insurance Deductibles

If you are shopping for new car insurance (or updating your current policy), one of the factors to consider when getting a quote is choosing the deductible amount. It might seem enticing to pick the highest deductible since that often equates to a lower monthly premium. But saving a few bucks in the short term might mean you pay more in the long term. Let’s break down how car insurance deductibles work, with the help of our friends at The Zebra.


Your car insurance deductible is the amount of money you have to pay if something happens to your car before your insurance kicks in, after a covered event (such as a crash, theft or weather damage). For example, if your car needs $2,000 in repairs and your deductible is $500, you will have to pay $500 and your insurer will cover the remaining $1,500. Many insurance providers (including Metromile) will take the deductible out of the indemnity payment (the money you receive from a claim), or the deductible will be paid directly to a repair facility if you choose to fix your car. Car insurance deductibles work differently than other types of insurance deductibles, such as health insurance. Your health insurance deductible applies across the calendar year, but your car insurance deductible will be applied for each claim you file. So if you submit two car insurance claims in a year, you will have to pay your deductible each time.

So how do you choose the right deductible amount for your needs? If you choose a higher amount, there is less chance that the insurer will have to help pay for damage, so your monthly premium might be lower. If you choose a lower deductible, your premium might be higher, but that means you will have to spend less money in the event that something happens to your car. The Zebra advises that you shouldn’t just choose a high deductible in hopes that you will never have to make a claim. There are always things beyond our control (like vandalism and bad weather), so if something happens and you can’t pay for repairs, that’s bad news.