
How to Read Your Metromile Insurance Bill

Metromile’s bills are a little different compared to other insurers. We like to think ours sets customers up for success and savings.

To get a better grasp on your driving (and savings!) you’ll want to get familiar with your monthly statement. Here’s everything you need to know.

(1) The balance section is the meat of your bill, showing all the ins and outs of the current billing period. A few things to note here:

(A) Your base rate is a fixed amount you’ll pay every month, regardless of the miles you drive. Think of this as the cost of your insurance for when your car is parked. Technically speaking, the base rate is a personalized daily rate, so you’ll have a lower base rate in months with fewer days like February. 

(B) The per mile rate is the difference-maker. We add up all the miles you’ve driven during the billing period and charge you only for each mile you drive. (Keep in mind that the per mile rate is charged at the end of the billing period while the fixed base rate is charged in advance of next month’s driving.)

(C) The adjustments line reflects small corrections — for example, we might refund a few miles if we realize a trip was shorter than initially reported.

(D) You might see a pre-payment credit. If so, it means you paid us a bit of money in advance of your first term to help reduce risk (and thus prices) and we’re crediting the pre-payment back on every bill during your first six months.

(2) The bar graph in the activity section tracks the miles you’ve driven each day. The line graph tracks your total miles for the billing period (left axis) and how those miles impact your bill (right axis). You’ll also see an at-a-glance summary of your current situation: balance, miles driven, and days left in the billing cycle.

(3) Trips for this billing cycle is a comprehensive view of trips you’ve taken during this billing cycle. Review your travels on a map, take stock of your driving habits, and even find out precisely how much each trip cost to insure.

If all of this sounds like a better way to approach your car insurance, then it’s time to sign up for Metromile — if you haven’t already!

And if you have questions about your bill, your rates, or whether Metromile is the right fit for you, we’re available to help at

Dream Job: Q&A With Metromile’s Sales Manager, Shannon Wright

Originally hailing from Washington State, Shannon Wright swapped the rainy Pacific Northwest for warmer temps in Arizona, unsure of her true calling, but enthusiastic to enter the working world. “I originally wanted to do broadcast journalism and then ended up with a public relations degree, but really had no idea what I wanted to do,” she says. “One of my good friends was a recruiter at a review company in Arizona and said I’d be great in sales. I really loved it!”

While Shannon had discovered a professional strength, after a few years in the position, she began to get curious about other opportunities at a new company making waves in the car insurance industry. “One of my really close friends was a manager in customer service at Metromile,” she says. “We’d be hanging out at girls’ nights and she’d just be raving about how much she loved her job. I was so jealous!” Wright liked going to work, but she began to wonder if she could ever really, truly love it. In her current role as Metromile’s sales manager, she definitely does.

“I volunteered to work a half day on the Fourth of July and some of my friends said, ‘oh no, that sucks,’ and I’m like ‘no, it’s okay, I’m excited to be with my team!’”

Here’s more about how this former sales wiz found her dream job. 

What was it like transitioning from your previous job into your first role at Metromile? They seem similar in the sense that both involve a lot of connecting with people. 

I had phone experience, but it was very different because I was now on the customer service side as opposed to sales. It was like starting over at square one as an entry level customer service agent, so that was a shock. I ended up being at Metromile for almost exactly a year before I was promoted to train all of our new sales hires, then our service hires — and I’ve even dabbled in claims training. I’ve joked that every four to 12 months, I do a different role here.

How many people did you train at a time?

Anywhere from four to 10 new hires in each class, but it really depends. The training is a month-long program so I was really going back to back for about a year before I switched into management. 

And how did that switch come about?

My current boss approached me about management and said he thought I’d be a great fit. I loved training, don’t get me wrong, but I wanted to try it out and he encouraged me. So I was an agent for a year, then in training for a year, then I switched into customer service management, and I was in that role for seven months before I switched into sales management. So it’s really come full circle — I can’t get enough of sales!  

What is a typical day like for you?

A typical day starts with coming in — that’s step one! — and then running a daily huddle with my team to get them super excited for the day, setting goals, and then just being there as a resource. I’ve known both sides of the business in customer service and sales, and here at Metromile, we do a lot of shadowing and coaching in the moment, so I’ll put on my headset and randomly listen to representatives’ calls live as they’re happening. I sit on the floor in the middle of the whole team so I’m there for coaching, and of course I have the typical one-on-ones with the agents once a week. Then there are also other team meetings. It’s really about me being a resource.

How would someone know if Metromile is a potential good fit for them?

Typically, if they’re driving less than 7,500 miles a year, we save them money, so that would be our major selling point. Metromile is really for low-mileage drivers — we can save them money because they’re not on the road much, so they’re not as much of a risk. That’s what keeps our prices down.

Why is Metromile such an awesome place to work?

There are so many advantages to working here. If I worked at a more rigid, non-start-up type of company, I never would have gotten promoted in my first year. Metromile is really good at developing employees as well as finding focus areas and things employees are good at to make those internal promotions, and I think that’s great.

It sounds cheesy, but I love our culture and this company. Whenever I talk to anyone, I’m now similar to the friend who brought me on board — I rave about how much I love Metromile!

* * *

Want to join Shannon and the rest of the team? We’re hiring in Arizona, San Francisco, and Boston.

Great, You Got a Speeding Ticket. Wondering if it’ll Affect Your Insurance Rates?

I remember my one and only speeding ticket experience like it was yesterday. Sadly, it wasn’t, which means my college days are farther behind me than I like to admit. I was driving back to school after a weekend at my parents’ house, convinced I was commuting with the flow of traffic. But the Highway Patrol Officer who pulled me over begged to differ. He said I was going 15 miles over the speed limit. The only rational response I could offer in the moment was a full-on hysterical sob. I was such a chicken behind the wheel! How could I have committed a crime?! And how would this affect me financially?

Speeding tickets aren’t cheap. The average cost in California is $710 for a $35 base-fine infraction, and that’s not even close to some of the costs in other parts of the country (Virginia reportedly has the highest penalties, with citations that can cost upwards of $1,000!). But that initial sting of the ticket itself is just part of the overall financial repercussions. Speeding tickets do affect your insurance rates, and they may have a bigger impact than you think.
A major factor in determining your insurance rate is your driving record. That helps insurers get a sense of how much of a risk you might be on the road. And guess what determines your driving record in addition to accidents and minor fender benders. That’s right: traffic violations. The more tickets you have, the more likely it is that your insurance rates will rise. The (kind of) good news is that according to an analysis from The Zebra, speeding tickets are the least costly kind of traffic violations when it comes to insurance rates. But the potential price hike can still be significant: an average of $354 per year.  
The thing about speeding is that it’s not a black and white issue; a driver may be caught speeding a few miles over the limit or far past the limit. Different insurance companies may adjust that driver’s rates differently depending on the severity of the speed infraction. While some companies only increase rates if a driver receives a ticket for going more than 15 mph over the posted limit, other companies may not increase the rate at all if it’s a first-time offense. Multiple violations will have a greater impact, and in some states, accumulating multiple “points” on your driving record (the system varies by state) can lead to more than sky-high insurance premium — it can even lead to license revocation or suspension.
Luckily, for unintentional speed demons like me, traffic violations don’t permanently affect your insurance rates. Most companies examine your list of traffic violations over the last three to five years when determining your rate, and once a ticket is removed from your driving record (this varies by state, but most states take away the points after three years), insurance companies can no longer hold the infraction against you.
One surefire way to assure you’re getting the best rate possible is to investigate all your options. If you’re a low-mileage driver looking for a better fit, Metromile may just be your perfect solution. Visit today to receive a free quote.

A Q&A with Metromile’s Director of Talent Acquisition

When potential Metromile hires meet Jenn Hall, they’re likely not surprised to learn the six-foot-two director of talent acquisition used to play basketball. What they may not know is how her 15-year career on the court influenced her professional life today. “Basketball was all I knew — I was recruited into recruiting,” she says. “They told me tech recruiting was the hardest kind, so I said, ‘sign me up!’ I wound up applying the same fundamental methods that I used to become a D-1 basketball player: practice, commitment, and discipline.”

But the grit and determination Jenn developed as an athlete shaped her personal life as well. After graduating from Vanderbilt University, the Orange County native felt liberated to start embracing her authentic style — and her sexual orientation. “I came out at 23 and just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin,” she says. “I had to figure out a lot, do a lot of self-discovery, and become more self-aware. It was challenging — when I stopped playing sports, I didn’t have distractions to cover up the other things in my life. Sports had always been my number one priority, so I had to figure out what motivates and inspires me — and I had to stop paying attention to what people were saying.”

It turns out that what inspired Jenn and continues to get her fired up to go to work each and every day is the opportunity to help others uncover their own unique strengths. “Staying strong wasn’t always easy, but It’s all about finding your voice.” We talked with Jenn to learn more about the ways discovering her identity helped contribute to her success and happiness.

How did you get your start in basketball?

I found my love for basketball when I was seven years-old, and that was really my first career. I played for 15 years. I started playing travel basketball when I was 12, and played through college — I was Division-1 at Vanderbilt. I could’ve gone to a lot of other schools but wanted to play in the best conference, the Southeastern conference, and get a degree. I chose a degree, known as Human and Organizational Development — this provided me the ability to pick and choose curriculum I was interested in, and could apply in the real world after school (Psychology, Communications, Organizational Structure & Processes).

Why did you pursue tech recruiting rather than a professional basketball career?

I had a lot of injuries — I had a broken bone in my foot, neck and problems, bad knees. I knew my shelf life would be super short. I also had a lot of friends in the WNBA who weren’t making money and were living at home and I didn’t have that option at the time.

You came out during that transition from sports to recruiting, right after college — tell us more about that time in your life.

It was hard. Really hard. I grew up in a conservative Christian household and it was not accepted. I had always been in a really good place with my parents and had talked to my mom like five times a day…and then didn’t talk to them for five years. It took a lot of patience and time. Basketball was my distraction and I was used to having to prove people wrong, so that was the mindset I had. I had supporters around me who made me feel like it was okay for me to be myself, like my best friend since seventh grade, Christina — I ended up recruiting her!

When did your family come around to your decision to embrace your true identity?

It was at my brother’s wedding seven years ago. It wasn’t easy and there were a lot of conversations. I was 23 years-old and couldn’t do it anymore. I very much hate lying and not being honest. But my family and I rebuilt our relationships and now we’re stronger than ever.

After college, you worked at Google, Hulu, Westfield, and OneMarket — how did you eventually find your way to Metromile?

I was laid off at my last job and realized it was really important to me to be surrounded by a team of people who truly cared about me.  People might think it’s super easy to find a job in my industry, but the hard part is that there aren’t a lot of companies I’d be proud to wear a hoodie for. It’s like being a basketball player and wearing a team jersey with a number on it; a lot of opportunities weren’t right for me. So I looked on Glassdoor and that’s when I applied to Metromile. I saw so many positive reviews of the leadership team, and even though I didn’t really know a lot about insurance, I saw that our CEO, Dan, is really into A.I. and data science, and I love tech — I’ve always loved tech. So I thought, ‘I’ll just apply, what’s the worst that could happen, they say no?’

But they didn’t! You got the job last August. Tell us about your role.

Right now I manage six people and I have one open role so I’ll have seven people in the next couple of months. I’m a career coach and manage executive recruiting, and as head of recruiting, my team does everything related to attracting, engaging, and hiring the talent we need to be successful as a company.  

How has your personal journey influenced your ability to manage employees and help people find their professional calling?

Being more self-aware has made me more aware of other people, which in turn lets me identify what they’re passionate about and what motivates them. I love being able to sit down and have conversations, sharing what I’ve done, and learning what inspires them. I can see where people can go and I like helping them get there.

You said the Panic! at the Disco song, “High Hopes,” reminds you of how embracing your identity paved the way for your success. Tell us more.

How doesn’t it? It’s like my anthem! The words are very poignant and relate to some situations I had to endure Like, “didn’t have a dime but I always had a vision.” I haven’t had anyone supporting me since I graduated from college and I had to get creative. I was selling my Jordan shoes on eBay to pay rent! It took time to get there. It hasn’t always been rosy and peachy, I’ve worked really hard. And when he sings, “mama said…” that to me is reminiscent of earlier parts of my career that were building blocks, not only to me as a person, but as a leader, and those situations made me even stronger than I ever could have been otherwise. As I went through my journey, I’ve been able to learn how to adapt and I’ve never stopped believing in myself and my abilities. As long as you have that, you can achieve anything.

Our recruiting team is hiring! Take a look at our open roles.

Jenn is the former Director of Talent Acquisition at Metromile

Help! I Need Roadside Assistance

One of the many reasons drivers seek out a solid car insurance plan is to feel totally secure in the event that something unexpected occurs. And one major way Metromile takes care of its customers is by offering 24/7 roadside assistance. That means if you need a jump, tow, or locksmith any time of day, Metromile will get you back up and running in no time. But unlike traditional insurers who require customers to call in and navigate a lengthy telephone process before actually receiving help, Metromile makes things super simple so you can request assistance in a way that’s quick and convenient for you.

Three Easy Ways to Get Roadside Assistance ASAP
If you opt to add roadside assistance to your Metromile plan (just $5-$7 extra a month), the vehicles on your policy will be covered for flat tire changes, battery jump starts, locksmith services, and emergency gasoline deliveries. To utilize any of those perks, you can do one of three things:

  1. Use your Metromile app. You already know the Metromile app is awesome for a multitude of reasons (it can keep you on track with important trip data, keep your car in tip top shape thanks to diagnostic info, and much more). But the Metromile app is also one key way to access roadside assistance. Here’s how:
    1. Log into your app and tap the ‘Insurance’ icon on the bottom right.
    2. Tap the ‘Roadside’ icon in the top left and follow the prompts on the screen.
    3. Answer the series of questions regarding your incident to help Metromile determine what type of assistance you need.
    4. That’s it! As soon as you complete the prompts, someone is dispatched and help is on the way.


  • Use your online dashboard. The Metromile online dashboard really is the one-stop shop for all things policy-related. And it’s also another easy way to request roadside assistance by following these simple steps:


    1. Navigate to the dashboard either online or via the Metromile app.
    2. Click the ‘Claims’ tab on the top navigation bar.
    3. From there, click ‘Request Roadside Assistance’ in the right-hand menu.
    4. Follow the prompts to determine the kind of help you need, and sit back until someone arrives.


  1. Call Metromile roadside assistance. Not into navigating menus or typing out your answers? No problem. It’s ridiculously easy to request roadside assistance with a quick call — just dial 1-800-983-3400 and someone will be out to help you in a snap.

Still have questions about the value of roadside assistance or any of the other features Metromile customers love? Visit the Help Center for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, and if you’re not a Metromile customer yet, get your free quote today.

The Best Spots to Catch a Flick In Your Car on National Drive-In Movie Day

Some old school practices have thankfully fallen by the wayside (think: having to hang up the house phone every time you used the internet). But other outdated customs are thankfully experiencing something of a renaissance. Case in point: drive-in movies. Believe it or not, June 6 is National Drive-in Movie Day, and whether you miss the fun of catching flicks from your front seat, or you’ve never had the pleasure of pulling up to an outdoor cinema, now is the perfect time to grab some popcorn and put the car in park for a nostalgic adventure.

Here are eight must-visit drive-in theaters for Metromile customers to enjoy:

  1. West Wind Capitol Drive-In, San Jose, CA. This truly retro Northern California landmark first opened in 1952, and the family-friendly facility also features playgrounds, arcades, and of course, supremely stocked snack bars. There’s nothing antiquated about West Wind’s technology, though —the fully-digital drive-in features state-of-the-art digital projectors and screens that are way bigger than typical indoor theatres.


  1. Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In, Gibson City, IL. This sweet venue about two hours south of Chicago invites guests to sit out, grill, and have a good time Friday through Sunday nights from Memorial Day through August 9th.


  1. Delsea Drive-In Movie Theatre, Vineland, NJ. Built in 1949, closed in 1987, and reopened in 2004, the Delsea Drive-In is New Jersey’s only drive-in movie theatre (although RIchard Hollingshead opened the very first one in America here in 1933). The facility is open from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.


  1. 99W Drive-In Theater, Newberg, OR. The 99W Drive-IN has been through a lot: its first screen was lost in the Columbus Day Storm of 1962 and its second screen lasted until another storm knocked it down in 1990. But now, the site is one of a few remaining drive-ins in Oregon, open from late April/early May through late October.


  1. Shankweiler’s Drive-In Theater, Orefield, PA. This is it: the oldest remaining drive-in theater in America! Shankweiler’s has been in continuous operation since 1934. Nowadays, the theater has a modern vibe, with HD Digital technology and high-quality sound equipment.


  1. Park Place Drive-In Theater, Marion, VA. Built in 1954 and operated until 1983, the Park Place Drive-In went dark for nearly two decades and was then resurrected to be bigger and better in 2000. It’s still going strong today.


  1. Auto-Vue Drive-In Theatre, Colville, WA. The state has just a few drive-in theaters left, and this one has been serving customers since 1953.


  1.  West Wind Drive-In, Glendale, AZ. Another West Wind location locals love is in Glendale, AZ. Like other West Wind drive-ins, this one hosts fun events like pajama parties and Customer Appreciation Night when all movies are free!    

Ready for some drive-in nostalgia but need to make sure you’re insured first? Visit today to get your free quote.

Dump the Pump and Discover Other Ways to Get Moving

No matter how much you love your car, chances are you hate filling up the gas tank. But we get it — sometimes it’s hard to break the driving habit. That’s why at Metromile, we love the idea of Dump the Pump Day, a national holiday sponsored by American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and public transportation systems across the country that encourages people to ride public transportation instead of driving.

While June 20 is the official day to celebrate Dump the Pump by riding the bus, taking the train, and finding other ways to step outside your vehicle, we think reducing the number of miles you drive is always a good idea (that’s why we specializing in offering low-cost coverage to people who keep their mileage low). In case you needed some extra motivation to leave the car in the garage and find other ways to get around, here are some stats that might inspire you this Dump the Pump Day and beyond:

  • According to the latest APTA Transit Savings Report, a two person household living with one less car can save more than $9,700 a year on average.
  • Taking public transportation, walking, or biking, can go a long way in reducing your carbon footprint.
  • When you’re not focused behind the wheel, you can kick back, relax, read, or spend some extra time on work during your commute.
  • Spending your dollars on public transportation versus car insurance is a great way to support the community and help boost the local economy.
  • If you’re looking for a simple, free way to get fit, start walking! Research shows walking improves cardiac risk factors and decreases mental stress.
  • And of course: you’ll save a ton of cash. It’s no secret that gas prices are sky-high. According to reports, the cost of gasoline for 1,000 miles of driving is about $150.53 for a large SUV and $79.44 for a small car. Skip all those fill-ups and you could save a significant chunk of change by the end of the year.

If you’re ready to find an insurance plan that fits your low-mileage lifestyle, visit today for a free quote.

Metromile and Turo are Teaming Up to Redefine Auto Insurance

We’re planning to partner with Turo to offer a brand new fractional insurance policy for shared mobility. Turo hosts will pay an affordable monthly base rate plus a per mile rate only on the miles they drive themselves.

As personal mobility evolves from traditional car ownership to shared mobility, auto insurance must evolve to provide car owners with fractional insurance — and we’re proud to be leading the way. We’re delighted to team up with Turo, one of the world’s leading car sharing marketplaces, to offer a new fractional insurance policy specifically designed for flexible car ownership. With this partnership, Turo hosts with Metromile insurance will pay a base rate plus pennies-per-mile for the personal miles they drive. Turo Insurance Agency ensures coverage for hosts’ cars while they’re booked, and hosts can save money on auto insurance by not doubling up.

Innovating auto insurance

Turo has changed the economics of car ownership by allowing hosts to offset the cost of their vehicles, and, for many hosts, auto insurance is a significant portion of that cost. As the leader in pay-per-mile auto insurance, we’re constantly striving to make coverage fair, flexible, and affordable. We’re very excited to begin integrating our innovative approach to insurance with Turo’s protection plans, resulting in a holistic and adaptable policy that is well suited to the different ways that Turo hosts use their cars.

How it will work

To track miles, Turo hosts will plug the Metromile Pulse device into their car’s diagnostic port. We’ll use data from the Pulse and the Turo host’s calendar to separate personal miles from miles driven on Turo guest trips. Hosts will pay a per-mile rate for the miles they drive themselves plus an affordable base rate. We expect to first launch in Illinois, and then roll out across California, Washington, Oregon, Virginia, New Jersey, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. These eight states collectively represent where more than 40% of Turo hosts are currently located.
Turo hosts who become Metromilers will join our growing community of drivers who come for substantive savings and stay for an unmatched experience — with mobile app features like street sweeping alerts, engine code analysis, and fuel tracking — that engage drivers all along their journey.
This is just one example of our commitment to addressing mobility’s rapid evolution. We’ll keep you posted as this partnership launches around the country.

How to Use the Metromile Dashboard


Being car owners ourselves, we’re working hard to make Metromile the fairest and most loveable insurance on the planet. Case in point: in designing our online dashboard, we’re striving to make it a one-stop shop for all things related to your policy.  It’s easy to access online or right from your mobile app, so whether you need to change your coverage, view your bill, or do anything in between, we encourage you to get to know this handy hub.

Here are the features to know on your Metromile online dashboard:


The breakdown of your bill. Take a glance at the dashboard and you’ll see a graph that correlates your bill with your daily mileage. You can quickly get a recap on all the trips you’ve taken in your billing cycle, and if you click on a specific date, you can even see an interactive map depicting a visual snapshot of your travel that day. Have multiple vehicles on a single policy? No worries — you can easily toggle between them to view detailed info for each, see how each trip affects your monthly bottom line, and adjust your driving accordingly.


Adding and removing drivers and vehicles: Through the dashboard, you can quickly and easily add or remove drivers and vehicles. It’s as simple as clicking a link (in this case, the links are helpfully titled “add or edit drivers” and “add or edit vehicles”; they’re found on the “policy tab” of your dashboard.


Adding and removing lienholders: The policy tab is also where you can add lienholders (the person who leased your vehicle to you, if that’s applicable), make changes to your coverage, review your documents, and add or edit mailing and garage addresses.thatd 


Manage claims: A loss or policy event is stressful enough, so we’ve tried to take the stress out of the process. File and manage claims in minutes via the dashboard. In the claims center, you’ll find a printable accident checklist to stash in your car.  You’ll know exactly what to do in the event of an unexpected run-in and can file a claim online anytime, anywhere.


See you on the road!

How to Keep Your Pet Safe in the Car


It’s hard to imagine many things more purely joyful than seeing a dog eagerly watch the world go by through a car window. While you probably know all the ways to keep your human passengers as safe and sound, do you know the best ways to protect your pet? Check out these essential tips before you next hit the road with Fluffy or Fido.



  1. Know your state’s laws. Every state is different when it comes to legal issues around transporting pets in vehicles. Police in New Jersey, for example, can stop and fine drivers up to $1,000 if they feel they’re improperly transporting animals. Hawaii law states that drivers can’t have dogs in their laps, and at least 14 states and additional local jurisdictions have made it illegal to leave animals in cars unattended. Finally, no matter where you live, laws in almost every state indicate that if a pet causes you to crash your car, it will be considered a distracted driving violation. So before you bring your furry friend in the car, brush up on the potential legal pitfalls.


  1. Get the right crate or carrier. Kitties and other creatures that aren’t used to the great outdoors will probably feel more comfortable in a cozy carrier. While there are countless options when it comes to pet carriers, you want to make sure you purchase one that’s big enough for your pet to comfortably move around in, meaning they can sit, stand, recline, and turn. One way to reduce the chance of on-the-road freakouts is to allow your pet to get familiar with the crate or carrier at home, before it makes its debut in the car.


  1. Consider a seatbelt. Yes, seriously! If your pup is prone to scoping out the scenery and/or is way too big to be confined to a carrier, then you may want to make sure they buckle up. You can order special crash-tested harnesses online for a variety of animal sizes, but make sure you read up on which breeds are best suited for which belts.


  1. Bring the essentials. Just like humans need adequate hydration, snacks, and safety supplies, pets deserve their own pack of must-haves. Always remember to bring food, a bowl, any necessary medication, a pet first-aid kit, waste scoop and plastic baggies, and maybe a special toy to soothe homesickness.


  1. Keep them close by. It’s just not a good idea to ever leave your pet alone in a parked car. Even if you leave the windows open, your vehicle can heat up on a hot day and put your animal in danger of heatstroke. On the opposite end of the spectrum, freezing cold temperatures can threaten your pet as well. If you have to hop out for a quick errand, it’s always best to take your pet with you.


  1. Turn off your power windows. You want to minimize as many hazards as possible when you have an animal in the vehicle, and while it seems unlikely, it’s not unreasonable for a smaller pet to press the power window button and jump from the moving car. It’s also a slim but real possibility for the window to automatically close on their necks. So avoid the potential danger completely and disable your power windows before taking your pet on the road.


  1. Stop often. If you’re taking a long trip, you’ll want to keep your pets needs in mind. Just like you need to make pit stops, your pet does too, and may need to make them more frequently. Schedule in regular bathroom breaks, meal times, and exercise sessions. And when you’re behind the wheel, make sure your pet always has easy access to water.


Looking for more travel tips for you and your human passengers? Check out the Metromile blog for everything from insurance FAQs to budget advice and more. Happy travels!