
Safety on the Road

Welcome to National Safety Month! Us Metromilers take safety pretty seriously. Did you know that in 2017 alone, more than 40,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes? Here at Metromile, we are determined to decrease that statistic and make our roads a safer place for everyone.


The three most prevalent causes of fatalities on the road are speeding, drunk/drowsy driving, and distracted driving. If we all pitch in and do our part, we can reduce the amount of vehicle-related deaths. Let’s do it, Metromilers!


First up, let’s address the number one cause of vehicle-related fatalities: speeding. Speeding is a danger to everyone on the road – not just the driver. In 2016 alone, speeding killed 10,111 people, which is a horrifying statistic to wrap our heads around. We get it – we’re all busy and usually running late to something, but going faster than the posted speed limit will only get you to your destination mere seconds before going the speed limit will. The speed limit is there to protect all road users and is not just another annoying policy to keep in mind when driving.

The consequences of speeding are more than just breaking the law – they can be deadly. When you speed, you have a greater potential for losing control of your vehicle. This leads to increased stopping distance if there’s a hazard in the road, and increased degree of severity in the event of a crash.

As a driver on the road, there are things you can do to watch your own speeds and ensure that you are not a danger to yourself or others. Pay attention to posted speed limits and abide by them. Avoid driving aggressively and be courteous of other drivers and road users. If you anticipate traffic on the way to your destination, try to leave a little bit earlier to alleviate stress associated with running late. If you’re already going to be late, speeding is not going to change that fact! Arriving two minutes earlier won’t matter if you’re already arriving late, so try not to stress.

As a member of your community, you can do your part to bring an end to speeding. Participate in a speed management program – NHTSA delivers a Speed Management Program course to State and local jurisdictions. The course uses a multidisciplinary approach to address speeding problems in states and local communities.

Impaired Driving

The second cause of vehicle-related fatalities: impaired driving. This includes driving while drunk, on drugs, or drowsy. This type of driving is entirely irresponsible and entirely preventable. In the United States alone, 29 people die every day from alcohol-impaired driving-related incidents.

If you’ve been drinking or taking drugs (some prescription medications count, too), never get behind the wheel. Always have a sober friend or a designated driver drive you, or Uber/Lyft your way home. Also, did you know that driving drowsy is just as bad as driving drunk? Being awake for 18 hours straight has the same effect on your brain as a blood alcohol level of .05 (for reference, the legal blood alcohol limit is .08). If you’ve been awake for a full 24 hours, the effect doubles – it has the same effect on your brain as a .10 blood alcohol level. If you’re feeling drowsy, always pull over and rest before getting back on the road – don’t try to chug coffee and speed to your destination to get there faster because it won’t work; the only true remedy for drowsiness is sleep.

Communities should come together to stand against impaired driving. It is especially important to make teens and new drivers aware of the dangers of impaired driving. Many teens do not get enough sleep at the same time that their biological need for sleep increases, thereby increasing the risk of drowsy driving accidents – especially on longer trips. Each November, the National Sleep Foundation conducts Drowsy Driving Prevention Week in an effort to reduce the number of drowsy driving crashes. Let’s do our part to reduce impaired driving – both drunk and drowsy. If everyone makes an effort, it will have a larger-scale impact on our communities!

Distracted Driving

We’ve all heard the statistics: every day in the US, 9 people are killed in a texting and driving related accident. That’s not a meaningless number – every single digit is a human life that was ended as a direct result of distracted driving. Texting is the number one distraction impairing drivers on the road today! Traveling at 55 mph, you can cover the length of an entire football field by taking your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. Let that sink in for a moment.

When you’re behind the wheel, you have one job: to get to your destination safely and without harming anyone else. In order to reduce the amount of people killed in distracted-driving related accidents, we all have to do our part. Never, ever text and drive! If you absolutely must respond to that chirping notification, pull over and put the car in park before even looking at your phone. In addition to texting, distracted driving can also mean updating or scrolling through social media, changing your Spotify playlist, or talking on the phone. Have your passenger help you by acting as the car DJ or posting to social for you; let’s find any way to limit the amount of distracted driving accidents! Also, check out our post here for more tips on reducing distracted driving.

By taking action and working together, we can all make the roads a safer place for everyone. From reducing your speed, to never getting behind the wheel impaired, to making it a personal policy that you never text and drive, every little bit counts. Let’s all do our part to drive safely – after all, we’re in this together! Don’t forget that you can always grab a free quote from Metromile to find out how much you could be saving on your car insurance. Be safe out there and see you on the roads!

Julianne Cronin is a Bay Area freelance writer, content creator, and founder/editor of the women’s lifestyle site, The Wink. 

Metromile Claims, By The Numbers

There were over 4.5 million car accidents involving property damage in the U.S. last year. And while not every accident turns into a claim, and not every claim is handled by Metromile, we still care. Why? Because we’re building a seamless claims process so that even the most minor fender benders can be resolved quickly and you can get back on the road faster.

So today, we are taking a look at all the claims we resolved in 2017, and how the whole process was made simpler with the help of data, science, technology — and a little bit of magic.

*Based on 2017 Metromile Claims Data.

Want to learn more about our experimental approach to building a better claims experience?

The best way to get to the truth of what low-impact and hit-and-run crashes would look like to the Pulse and AVA is to truly measure those collisions in the field. So that’s precisely what we did. We found a couple of used cars and put Pulse devices in them. Then we crashed them. Over, and over again.

21 Tips for Becoming a Safer Driver

It’s important to keep safe when driving. Here are some of the top things to consider when you drive.

Safe driving is the first step in preventing accidents on the road. Vehicle safety is more important than ever since statistics are showing that auto accidents are on the rise. 

We understand that there are more distractions than ever while driving these days; the map on your car’s dashboard won’t work, the kids are screaming in the backseat, and your cell phone is buzzing, but it is your responsibility when you get behind a wheel to ensure your and others safety.

Here are 21 tips to consider to become a safer driver:

1. Focus on driving. 

Keep your attention and eyes on the road at all times. Don’t multitask while driving. Put all the distractions away and focus on what is happening around you.

2. Plan Ahead. 

It can be tempting to speed if you’re running late, but high speeds can be dangerous.

Instead, give yourself some extra time. You don’t want to be caught off guard if there are car accidents on your route or you need to stop for gas along the way.

3. In the case of an accident, focus your eyes on where to go. 

If you ever find yourself spinning out of control, focus your eyes on where you want your car to be rather than the object that you might hit. Because of hand-eye coordination, if your eyes are looking right then your vehicle will also go right.

4. Maintain control when tires blow out. 

Try your best to keep the car driving in a straight line and slow your speed. 

You’ll want to have two hands on the wheel and pull over to a safe place when able. Don’t slam on the brakes or try to speed during this time, as it can cause worse damage to your tires and can make it harder for you to maintain control of your vehicle.

5. Go the speed limit. 

It seems pretty simple, but the speed limit signs are there for a reason; to protect you and others on the road. 

If you are speeding more damage can be caused when an accident does occur. 

Remember: it is okay to maintain the correct speed limit and let others pass by you.

6. Keep your cool on the road. 

Driving can be stressful, so you’ll want to keep your cool to think clearly.

Take a deep breath and cool down if something upsetting happens while driving. Don’t take out your emotions on the road or other vehicles or drivers around you.

7. Watch the weather. 

During inclement weather, drive at slower speeds to avoid skidding on ice or hydroplaning, which is when your vehicle starts to slide uncontrollably because of wet or slick road conditions. 

Turn your lights on day or night when it is raining or if there is fog. 

Remember: when the weather is terrible, go easy on the brakes to maintain better control over your vehicle.

8. Look both ways at an intersection. 

It only takes a few seconds to look both ways before going again after the light turns green. 

Before you cross the street, take a quick peak left and right to be sure that no other cars are coming through the intersection.

9. Keep your distance. 

No one likes a tailgater. The rule of thumb is to be three seconds apart from the car in front of you. Double that amount if there happens to be bad weather. 

Don’t underestimate the amount of stopping distance you need between yourself and the car in front of you.

10. Grip the steering wheel correctly. 

Keep your hands in a parallel position on the steering wheel, also called “9” and “3,” referring to the positions of the hour and minute hands of a clock.

This position will help you keep a good grip and control of your vehicle. Keeping a good grip on the wheel is helpful when avoiding hazards on the road.

11. Stay alert and awake. 

If you do find yourself feeling sleepy, the best thing to do is pull over and take a short nap. 

If you recognize you are too tired before you drive then it is best to stay home and avoid being behind the wheel at all. If you can’t avoid driving, think about getting a ride from somebody else or driving a short distance and resting before continuing.

12. Wear your seatbelt the right way. 

Make sure the lap and shoulder belt is snug and that you are wearing the lap part of the seatbelt on your hips. 

Seatbelts are there to protect you and others from being thrown from the car if an accident happens. Wearing it saves lives, so don’t forget to do it every time you drive.

13. Pay attention to the flow of traffic. 

Sometimes signs are helpful, but just because a light or a sign is saying you have the right away, doesn’t always mean that is what is actually happening. 

Focus on the traffic flow and what other drivers are doing too.

14. Pick the right music before you drive. 

Calming music can help keep you calm on the road. But intense or fast-paced music can distract you or encourage you to drive faster than you need to drive. 

Fiddling with your radio station or music is distracting while driving and should be avoided. Next time, set your tunes before you start your trip or have a playlist ready to go.

15. Look as far ahead as you can. 

You should try and focus your eyes past the first few cars in front of you. Doing so will keep you prepared for what is ahead.

16. Keep your headlights on. 

Driving with your lights on during the day, especially if it is cloudy or foggy, can help others be more aware of you on the road.

17. Use your parking brake more. 

If you don’t use it regularly, your parking brake can stop working correctly. 

Parking brakes prevent your call from rolling when parked on an incline. They can also act as an emergency brake if your regular brakes stop working.

18. Don’t brake during a tire blow out. 

If you lay on the brakes when you have a tire blow out, it can potentially cause your car to flip into another vehicle or median. 

Do the opposite of what you think, hit the gas slightly and try to stay as straight as possible.

19. Never drink and drive.

Do not drive when you are under the influence of alcohol or other substances. Even if you have just one or two drinks, “buzzed” driving should still be avoided.

Although this seems like it should be common sense, there are many people out there that decide to get behind the wheel after they have had one too many drinks. Do yourself and all of us a favor and call a rideshare or cab.

20. Put your phone away. 

Our phones are one of the biggest distractions when it comes to driving. Newer phones might have a drive mode feature, where it will answer a text from a friend back saying that you are driving right now.

If you must use your phone for driving, such as for directions, consider purchasing a phone-holder for your vehicle or pairing your phone with your car using Bluetooth or other hands-free or wireless technology.

But remember: The best way to avoid looking at your phone is putting it out of sight until you are safely on the side of the road.

21. Drive less often.

Unfortunately, even the safest drivers can get into car accidents.

No matter how careful you are, the more time you spend behind the wheel, the more likely something will go wrong at some point. So it stands to reason the less you drive, the lower your risk is of getting into a car accident.

In fact, that’s why Metromile is able to help low-mileage drivers save money with pay-per-mile car insurance policies.

How does being a safe driver affect your auto insurance?

It pays to drive safely. Not only could it save your life, but it could also save you money. 

For starters, safe drivers are less likely to get into car accidents, which can raise your insurance premiums. 

What’s more: Some insurance companies offer safe driver or good driver discounts. At Metromile, we might be able to offer safe drivers better insurance rates.

Take a Ride Along™

Think you’re a safe driver?

If you want to see whether your driving habits can help you save money on insurance, you can take a Ride Along™ for free. Download the Metromile app and get a free auto insurance quote. Then, keep your current coverage (Ride Along is a trial and not insurance coverage) and drive around like you normally would for about two weeks. 

We’ll count how many miles you drive, and if you are a safe driver or low-mileage driver, you could save up to an additional 15% on your quote, depending on your state.

The bottom line is that to be a safe driver, it’s important to follow the rules of the road and be courteous to other drivers. No distraction is worth a car crash or a life. 

Why Defensive Driving Matters

One crucial thing all new drivers learn in their first year on the road: you cannot control what other drivers are going to do. However, as time goes on, many people don’t retain these skills and simply become reactionary on the road. After your years of white-knuckling the wheel have passed you by, defensive driving still holds true – and it is just as important as that first day you sat in the driver’s seat.


Defensive driving matters. By practicing defensive driving, you’re putting yourself in a proactive position rather than simply reacting to the potential hazards on the roads. You are putting yourself and the other drivers and passengers around you in a safer position by constantly retaining awareness of your surroundings. For example, always try to look 15 seconds ahead to anticipate hazards. This practice of defensive driving reduces the likelihood of a collision, may reduce fuel consumption, and ensures a smooth ride for you and your passengers (anyone who gets car sick knows this is very important).

So, what can you do to ensure you are driving defensively? Let’s throw it all the way back to driver’s ed. Here are our best tips for defensive driving, Metromilers.

Our Best Defensive Driving Tips

1. Maintain a 3-second gap between you and the car in front of you.

    1. You never know when someone is going to slam on their brakes!

2. Always use your turn signal; signal early and signal often.

    1. This is especially important when changing lanes, because the other drivers on the road can’t read your mind and are focused on staying in their own lane! Also, try to minimize lane changes, if possible.

3. Know where you want to go.

    1. If you’re confused and lost, there’s no doubt that the other drivers around you on the road are feeling your confusion. Sudden braking, speeding up, and sudden lane changes or turns are a recipe for disaster. The worst thing you can do is drive around aimlessly. If you’re lost or turned around, pull over and figure out your route before getting back on the road.

4. When you’re following behind someone, look through their windshield at the car in front of them.

    1. This will give you even more of an opportunity to brake slowly if traffic suddenly slows or stops.

5. Be courteous of others.

    1. If someone is trying to merge, slow down to let them in instead of speeding past.

6. Do not drive if you’re feeling tired, angry, or upset.

    These feelings and emotions affect your decision-making process and may make you less aware or cognizant of others on the road.

Remember: until self-driving cars are a reality, behind every wheel is another human who can make mistakes. A defensive driver does not solely focus on their actions, but anticipates the actions of others on the road. As always, we’re here if you have questions about your current policy or are thinking of making the switch to Metromile! Be safe, drive defensively, and see you on the roads!

Julianne Cronin is a Bay Area freelance writer, content creator, and founder/editor of the women’s lifestyle site, The Wink. You can find her working on her capsule wardrobe, collecting cacti, and trying out the latest beauty products on Instagram.

The 12 Best Car Apps That You Need Now

These days it seems like there is literally an app for everything. From games and entertainment to car maintenance and shopping, we have virtual access to everything with the simple a touch of a button on our phones. Apps make our everyday life a little easier and more fun, but what about apps that make owning a car, or driving a car, a little less painless?


We’ve compiled a list of our favorite car apps that make our lives a little easier. What are your favorite car apps?

The 12 Best Car Apps That You Need Now

    1. Waze: a live interactive map that helps you get to your destination. We love this app more than other map apps because it provides real-time updates and alerts for traffic, accidents, and road hazards. Waze crowdsources their data from all the drivers that use the app too so you feel a sense of community.

    2. PlugShare: a must-have app for electric car drivers. This app helps guide you to electric vehicle charging stations wherever you are. It has more than 30,000 charging locations ready to share with you across the US. If you are road tripping you can map out your trip and it will show you all the charging stations along the way. You can also share your charging station with other drivers to lend a helping *electric* hand.

    3. GasBuddy: you no longer need to drive around searching for the best gas price, because this app sources and shares all the gas prices near your location. The best part is that is reports the best price in your area with a touch of your finger. Additionally, if you are wondering how much a trip will cost you in gas, the app can calculate the total by entering your start and end city. Cheaper gas, here we come!

    4. Parkmobile: an easy way to pay for on-street or off-street parking. This is a must-have app, especially if you live in a city, because it allows you to pay by the hour or by the minute for parking. The best part is you don’t have to hunt for change to fill up the meter – you can do it all through your phone without even leaving your seat. Double bonus, you can reserve a parking spot ahead of time, which definitely comes in handy for the city-living lifestyle.

    5. Carvana: search for used cars from the convenience of your couch while lounging and binging Netflix. The Caravana app allows you to search for your next car by filtering your price range, your payment options, and by purchase type (sell or trade-in). The car you pick will even be delivered right to your house. Did we mention, all from the convenience of your couch?

    6. Openbay: get quotes for service or maintenance for your vehicle from nearby auto repair shops. We love that this app helps you comparison shop so that you can get the most bang for your buck. Openbay also assists with scheduling appointments and processing repair payments, so all you need to do is drop your car off and pick it back up. Making it so much easier to find, book, and pay for repairs.

    7. Audible: end boredom on long commutes. Mix it up a bit and listen to an audiobook. Created by Amazon, Audible requires a monthly membership, but that membership payment goes towards a credit for one audiobook.

    8. BestParking: a simple way to search for long-term parking when you are heading out of town. Just plug in your city or airport and your arrival and departure dates. The app will show you places to park your car and the total cost of parking during your trip. Genius!

    9. Nexar: an easy and inexpensive way to turn your phone into a dashcam for your car. All you need to do is place your phone on a car mount on your dashboard, somewhere that has a clear view of the road, then turn the app on. The app will automatically start to record what is happening on the road around you.

    10. Bravo: no cash to tip for valet? We’ve all been there. The Bravo app allows you to tip your valet attendant through their app so you can be on your merry way. Helping you save time, and face in front of the valet.

    11. Spotify: listen to awesome playlists or favorite tunes anytime, anywhere. Find millions of songs, discover new music or create your very own playlist. You can even share your playlist with your friends and family. Having your jams easily accessible makes any drive that much better.

    12. Metromile: the best tool to get stay connected with your car and insurance policy. Our smart driving app helps you track and optimize your trips, monitor your car’s health (aka: decodes check engine lights), find your missing car, and sends street sweeping alerts (in select cities). You can access your proof of insurance, file a claim, and request roadside assistance all with the tap of a button on your phone. You can even make changes to your policy directly in the app, so calling in and waiting on hold is a thing of the past!

Apps have taken over and they are making people’s lives easier, just like our smart driving app makes car insurance – and ownership- easier. We always have our customers in mind with all the features that are offered in the app. Since Metromile is pay-per-mile auto insurance our app lets you know how much your monthly bill will be based on your mileage, so you are always in control of how much you pay each month.

We’re revolutionizing the car insurance industry and if you’re ready for transparent pricing, and insurance that does more for drivers then get a free quote to see how much you could save with Metromile.

Kelsey Glynn is a blogger and owner of Social Graces, a business to support others in their social media needs. She is a contributing blog writer for East Valley Moms Blog, a social media content creator, and an avid photo taker. She is Metromile’s Senior Social Media Advocate and helps to maintain our online communities. You can catch her adventuring around AZ and living the mom life on Instagram.

How Points on Your License Affect Your Car Insurance Premium

Past behavior can predict future behavior, according to your car insurance provider. Even if you got a speeding ticket as a reckless twenty-something driver but you’re now a responsible and safe thirty-something driver, you could still be paying higher-than-average rates for your car insurance premiums. That’s a scary thought.


Many states use something called the “points system” to keep track of moving violations on a person’s driver’s license. Points are not a good thing (this isn’t a video game), and the more points you have on your driving record, the higher insurance premiums you may face paying. This is because more points = higher risk driver. As a high-risk driver, you are more likely to file an insurance claim. A good rule of thumb: the more serious a driving offense, the more points on your license.

How Points on Your License Affect Your Car Insurance Premiums

What kinds of violations will get points?

Well, speeding is the most common. The faster you were going at the time of the violation, the more points will be added to your driving record. For example: if you were going 10 mph over the posted speed limit, that is equal to 1 point. 11 to 20 mph over is 2 points. 40 mph over or more may be as high as 5 points. Ouch!

There are 18 states that consider texting and driving a moving violation and will add points to your license. Here are the states where that’s possible right now: Alabama, Colorado, DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, New Jersey, North Dakota, Nevada, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

DUIs are a more serious offense, and in many cases, the points system is skipped entirely and your license is suspended or revoked. When someone obtains a DUI, insurance companies go on high alert, as this indicates that the individual is an extremely high-risk driver. Some insurance companies will drop the individual’s insurance policy altogether, as they deem it simply too risky.

Non-moving violations, such as parking tickets, broken tail lights, etc. will not result in points being added to your license.

How long do the points stay on someone’s record?

In most states, 2 or 3 years. Every state’s rules are different, though, so be sure to check out the rules in your state before hitting the road. In Nevada, for example, points tied to minor moving violations (such as making an illegal U-turn or not coming to a complete stop) are removed after 1 year. In California, points tied to a major event – such as a DUI or hit-and-run – stick around on someone’s license for 10 years.

Click here to see the full breakdown by state.

How does my insurance company find out about points on my license?

When you apply for a new policy or renew a current policy, your insurance company will look into your MVR (motor vehicle record). If you are renewing a current policy and there have been changes since you initially applied for your policy, the amount you pay for your premiums may go up or down (depending on what’s been updated on your MVR). Keep your driving record clean and keep your green!

Do keep in mind that the rules in each state differ. Be sure to check out the DMV website in your state to find out more information on the points system. As always, Metromilers, we’re here to answer any questions you may have about your current policy. If you’re thinking of making the switch to Metromile, it never hurts to get a free quote – so why not get one today? Be safe and see you on the roads!

Julianne Cronin is a Bay Area freelance writer, content creator, and founder/editor of the women’s lifestyle site, The Wink. 

Transparency in Car Insurance: 7 Ways Metromile is Working to Save You Money

Have you ever gotten a sneaking suspicion that your car insurance company isn’t telling you everything? Like… you’re paying all this money every year for something you barely use (or think about, for that matter) and when you try to research it further, it becomes confusing AF to figure out?

Here at Metromile, that confusing feeling is the last thing we want our customers to feel. We work hard every day to provide transparency in an industry where there usually is none – the car insurance industry.

Whether you’re a current Metromile customer or thinking about making the switch, we want you to know that we value and respect you. We know that finances play an integral role in deciding which car insurance is right for you, so shall we count the ways in which Metromile is working to save you money?

7 Ways Metromile is Working to Save You Money

1. You only pay for what you use.

    1. First and foremost, Metromile’s entire payment structure is based on only what our customers use. The less our customers drive, the more they save every month. That’s a win-win if we do say so ourselves!

2. You save based on how much you drive, not how you drive. Many other insurance companies will base your premiums on the quality of your driving; brake too hard one too many times and your bill goes up. Not at Metromile. Your bill is solely based on how many miles you drive during any given month and has nothing to do with your driving habits – we promise!

3. Road trip for less! Just because you have pay-per-mile insurance with Metromile doesn’t mean that you can’t take a road trip every once in a while! Metromile caps your daily mileage at 250 miles (150/day in New Jersey), so you can cruise the open road without fear of racking up a giant bill.

4. Pay less for the same great coverage. We know that having the right amount of car insurance coverage is important, which is why we have the same great coverage options, such as collision, comprehensive, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, etc. without paying exorbitant premiums like other car insurance companies.

5. Get access to amazing tools through the Metromile app. Through Metromile’s app, our customers have unlimited access to unique tools such as street cleaning reminders and vehicle diagnostics. Our app will save you money on parking tickets and trips to the mechanic ten times over! It’s just another perk we give our customers – you’re welcome.

6. We offer a multi-car discount. Got one car to insure? Great. More than one? Even better. Grab a free quote today and see how much you could be saving if you switch to Metromile! On average, our low-mileage customers save $611 per year. If you have multiple vehicles to insure, you could be saving even more!

7. Zero cancellation fees. Try out Metromile risk-free. If you decide that we aren’t the right fit for your lifestyle, you can cancel or switch with zero fees. We truly value our customers and want every person to feel that Metromile is a great fit for them. Don’t worry, we’ll be here when you decide to come back.

When you make the switch to Metromile, you truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain – including a trusted partner. Let us help make your car insurance one less thing you have to worry about. Grab a free quote today and see how much you could be saving by making the switch! See you on the roads.

Julianne Cronin is a Bay Area freelance writer, content creator, and founder/editor of the women’s lifestyle site, The Wink. 

Why We Need to Share the Road

Every 43 seconds, somebody in the United States is involved in a hit-and-run crash.


That shocking statistic is pulled directly from a new AAA report that reveals 2016 (the most recent year on record) was the deadliest year for hit-and-runs to date, with 1,980 fatal accidents claiming 2,049 lives – a 60 percent increase since 2009.

The study, released last month, paints a grim picture of life on the road for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike. According to researchers, pedestrians and cyclists make up nearly 65 percent of those killed by hit-and-run drivers, and 1 in 5 pedestrian deaths are due to hit-and-runs.

“Hit-and-run crashes in the United States are trending in the wrong direction,” Dr. David Yang, executive director of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety said in a press release. “Our analysis shows that hit-and-run crashes are a growing traffic safety challenge and the AAA Foundation would like to work with all stakeholders to help curtail this problem.”

Experts agree that the only surefire way to address this alarming reality is to work together to share the road. Whether you’re behind the wheel, biking, skating, or strolling, it’s absolutely essential to practice good habits and stay fully focused on the activity at hand. Here are some tips for staying safe:

  • Always be aware. We’ve all swerved or changed direction at the last minute when walking — if you’re a driver, remember that pedestrians can act unpredictably, so always keep your eye on anyone close to the road.
  • The same can be said for the flip side of that scenario. If you’re a cyclist or pedestrian, remember that drivers can’t read your mind, and they may not be prepared to handle any unexpected behavior. Be mindful of where you are and where you’re going.
  • Patience is a virtue, and it’s a crucial one when you’re navigating the roads. If you’re a driver and you’re trying to pass a pedestrian or cyclists, always remain focused on them as you move, and leave plenty of room so you can safely navigate around them.
  • This should go without saying, but always obey traffic signals and posted signs — jaywalking, speeding, and other illegal activities are recipes for disaster.
  • Nothing is more frustrating than seeing someone wrongly cross in front of your car when you’re behind the wheel but remember that pedestrians always have the right of way — even when they walk into the street from an area other than a crosswalk. Avoid arguing or getting angry — just yield to them and carefully move on.

It’s important to know that it’s against the law for a driver involved in a hit-and-run to flee the scene. That applies to every state in the country, and Colorado specifically, as well as some cities in California have implemented Amber Alert-style messages to notify locals via text, email, television, and radio if a driver has fled the scene of a crash.

And of course, remaining safe on the road requires a car insurance plan that has your back. Find out more about Metromile’s many services and plans at or call 1.888.242.5204 to get a free quote today.

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

Should I File a Claim with Their Insurer or Mine?

You’re driving along, minding your own business (maybe singing along to some questionable throwback tracks) when bam! — another driver ruins your day. You’re fine, but now you have to deal with the aftermath of the accident. It’s clear to everyone involved that you were the innocent party in this scenario — so do you still have to file a claim with your insurer?


It’s a common point of confusion for drivers, but there are some simple ways to assess how best to proceed so you can get back on the road and get on with your impromptu in-car karaoke sessions. There are two directions you can take after being involved in an accident where you are not at fault.

Filing a Claim With Your Own Insurer

If you have collision coverage, you can file a claim with your insurance provider. They’ll pay for the repairs to your damaged car, minus any deductible you have on the collision coverage on your policy. Your company will then pursue the other driver’s insurance company for reimbursement of the claim, including your deductible. This process is called subrogation.

Using your own collision coverage makes sense when the other insurance carrier is unresponsive, has a coverage issue with their own insured or is completing a lengthy investigation. Your insurance company will be in a position to get your vehicle repaired and back on the road in a timely fashion and then subrogate for any monies paid out including your deductible.

Filing a Claim With The Other Driver’s Insurer

If you are not at fault for an accident, do not wish to pay your deductible or you do not have collision coverage on your policy, you can pursue your claim through the other party’s insurance carrier. The other carrier will ensure coverage is in order for their insured and complete a liability investigation to determine who was at fault for the accident. Once the other party’s carrier has accepted liability for the accident, they will handle your damages.

They may require you to get an estimate of the damages to your car, work with you to identify a body shop or have you send them photos of the damage to your car. They will then pay for the damages to your car as well as pay for a rental car while yours is being repaired.

Always Call Your Insurer No Matter Where You File A Claim

Regardless of which company you decide to file a claim with, you should report the accident to your own insurer. Reporting the claim to your own insurer puts them in the best position to handle your damages should any delays occur with the other party’s carrier. Metromile policyholders should report all claims.

Still have questions? Need coverage? Visit today or call 1.888.242.5204 to get a quote today.

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

Most Common Vehicle Collision Types and Tips for Avoiding Them

We get it, accidents happen, and unfortunately, they are happening too often. Car crashes occur every minute of the day, according to National Highway Traffic Administration. That’s, on average, 1440 accidents per day – most of which are collisions. Within a split second your car could be totaled because of a minor mistake. When it comes to crashes, history continues to repeat itself. We see the same patterns contributing to collision accidents, over and over again. To make our roads safer, we’re sharing the most common collision types and tips for preventing accidents from happening.

Top Collisions and Tips for Avoiding them:

    1. Rear-end collisions. You look down to change the radio station and look up and all of the sudden you are rear-ending the car in front of you. There just wasn’t enough time to brake. The NHTA states that over 29% of the crashes that happen on the road are rear-ended collisions. Rear-ends occur mostly at intersections, highways, highway off-ramps, and heavy-traffic areas. The more deadly rear-ends accidents happen when driving through roadway-construction or work zones.

    • Tips to avoid: 89% of rear-end crashes occur because the driver was distracted. Deter your distracted driving, put down the phone, and even go so far as putting your phone on driving mode, and set your music for your car ride before taking off. Some other ways to prevent rear ends include: Keeping your focus on the road and cars around you and by not ever tailgating, be sure to leave enough space between you and the car in front of you. The rule of thumb is to drive 3-seconds behind another vehicle at ideal driving conditions. If the road is curvy, icy, wet, or there is low visibility give yourself more time and increase it to 6-seconds.

    2. Parked-car collisions. You are jamming out to your favorite tunes and go to back out of your parking spot and a car is whizzing by, they don’t don’t stop and uh oh, you collide with one another. We’ve been there and have the bumper dents to prove it. These crashes usually occur when a car is leaving their parking spot or multiple cars are moving about in parking lot.

    • Tips to avoid: When backing-up don’t just use your rearview mirror or back-up camera to check to see if there are cars approaching. Do it the old-fashion way and turn around and check your back windows to see if any cars are coming your way. If you park further out and away from the traffic areas, then it could help prevent any accidents since your car would not be surrounded by the congestion.

    3. Hydroplaning collisions. After a rainstorm, you head out to run errands and when driving through an intersection your vehicle goes through a large puddle and you can no longer control it, because of this you hit a pole. This happens to many other drivers; wet roads cause more than 10% of traffic fatalities each year. When you hydroplane you have no control over the vehicle’s direction since the tires cannot make contact with the road which most likely will result in a crash.

    • Tips to avoid: Make sure your tire tread isn’t too worn down, having good tread will allow for your tires to make better contact with wet roads. Drive slower when going through large puddles on the road and definitely save your cruise control feature for another day. If your vehicle does end up hydroplaning, stop accelerating, and don’t stomp your food on the brakes. Instead, apply a steady pressure and allow the car to coast into a lower speed.

    4. Wildlife collisions. Did you know that instances of collisions with large animals nearly doubles during the fall season? In the U.S. an estimated 1.23 million deer-related accidents occur per year. Take those animal crossing signs seriously, you never know when you might be seeing a deer in headlights.

    • Tips to avoid: If you drive through forest areas often, consider getting a deer whistle. The noise wards off animals and is designed specifically to attach to a car’s bumper. Other tips for avoiding animal collisions include using your high beam and keeping to the speed limit.

    5. Side-impact collisions. Your making a left turn and another vehicle runs a light and hits you on the side of your car. In other words, you just got t-boned, ouch! Side-impact collisions involve any vehicle that has the right away but the other driver fails to stop. This type of accident causes 27% of passenger deaths according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

    • Tips to avoid: Follow the rules of the road, pay attention to stop signs, red lights, and who has the right away. Don’t try to make the light before it turns red, instead drive the speed limit and slow down on yellow. Invest in a vehicle that has side airbags to protect your precious cargo inside.

    6. Front-impact collisions. The roads are a bit slippery and you end up driving directly into a tree. The front end of your car looks like a crumpled piece of paper now. Front-impacts are 54% of all the auto accidents that occur and it is where the front of your vehicle hits another vehicle or another object.

    • Tips to avoid: Adjust your driving to the weather; if it is raining or snowing, slow down and be more cautious. Doing so will help to give you more time to react in case your car loses control. Keep your eyes up and on the road and avoid texting and driving.

Even though these are the most common collisions happening it doesn’t mean they have to happen to you, stay safe out there. If you do happen to get into an accident, rest assured Metromile will have your back. We take great pride in providing a seamless claims experience that way you can get back on the road faster. To get a quote or learn more about how Metromile is changing the auto insurance industry go to

Kelsey Glynn is a blogger and owner of Social Graces, a business to support others in their social media needs. She is a contributing blog writer for East Valley Moms Blog, a social media content creator, and an avid photo taker. She is Metromile’s Senior Social Media Advocate and helps to maintain our online communities. You can catch her adventuring around AZ and living the mom life on Instagram.