
10 Things You Need For a Good Road Trip

Road trips can go one of two ways: totally awesome or a total disaster. What started as a fun, spontaneous idea can suddenly take a nosedive if you go into it unprepared. From getting stranded with no data or cell service, to emergency bathroom stops, your road trip can quickly turn from freaking awesome to “I’m freaking out!”.

10 Things You Need For a Good Road Trip

Yes, there was a reason that your parents packed the minivan to the gills (I admit it… you were right about everything, Mom!). It seems the more well-planned road trips tend to go off without a hitch. Us Metromilers love road trips and encourage our customers to take them, which is why we cap your mileage at 250 miles/day (150 miles/day in New Jersey). From having the right snacks, to the right tunes, to arguably the most important thing – planned restroom stops – here are our 10 things you need to make your next road trip your most epic one yet.

1. Hands-free phone holder:

    1. Your phone will most likely be your GPS and source of music, so be sure to invest in a hands-free phone holder to make it safer and easier to navigate. It doesn’t need to be fancy – I bought one in the Target dollar section a couple years ago and it was exactly what I needed and so inexpensive. Side note: the Target dollar section rules.

2. Downloaded Google maps: Did you know that you can download any map in the world in the Google Maps app? This tip is super important because there will definitely be lapses in cell service and data coverage, and you do not want to be stranded without a map. This past summer, I visited New Zealand and downloaded a map of the entire north island on my phone before arriving (just in case). It ended up coming in handy when we lost data coverage on the remote back roads of the island. Thanks to the pre-downloaded map, we were still able to navigate our way back to town. Also, Google Maps will still give you turn-by-turn directions with the downloaded maps!

3. Snacks and drinks: No explanation needed. Make sure everyone in the car gets their favorite kind, and be sure to also have some more substantial snacks (like Kind Bars or Clif Bars) on hand in case anyone gets hangry. Don’t forget the bottled water, too!

4. Fast Track toll pass: If you don’t already have one of these in your car, you should definitely get one stat. In addition to offering you discounts on tolls, it expedites the toll-paying process and eliminates the need to fumble for loose change, so you can be on your way faster!

5. First Aid Kit: You’ll most likely never have to use these two but they’re important to bring anyway as a precaution. Put together a simple first aid kit consisting of bandages, gauze, bottled water, an instant ice pack, a flashlight with fresh batteries, Swiss Army knife, Ibuprofen, Dramamine, a lighter, and rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, and store it in your trunk.

6. Car phone charger: This is a necessity and something that you should keep in your car at all times. There is nothing worse than needing to call for help and having a dead phone battery. Without this you will be walking, my friend!

7. Neck pillow: Long hours in the car means cramped bodies and necks. Make your journey a little more pleasant by bringing a neck pillow so you can snooze in the back when it’s not your turn to drive.

8. Good tunes: This one is up for debate, because it’s guaranteed that everyone in the car will have differing opinions on what constitutes “good” tunes. My road trip rules are that the driver gets to pick the tunes. And when all else fails: headphones.

9. Toilet paper: Just put a roll in the car. It takes up zero space… and you never know when someone might need it. Ahem.

10. Small bills and coins: It’s always good to have a bit of cash (small bills) and some coins on hand. From parking meters to issues at the toll booth, you never know when you’re going to need some to help you out in a pinch.

As one final tip: my Dad always told me, “Dress like you’re going to have to walk.” Make sure you wear comfy, weather-appropriate clothing, and reliable footwear.

That’s it! Go forth and conquer your future road trips with these tips. Metromile will be there with you every mile of the way, helping you to optimize your trip by spending less on gas, tracking your mileage, and finding your car (who remembers that Seinfeld episode?). Be sure to get a quote with Metromile today, and let’s get that next road trip on the books!

Julianne Cronin is a Bay Area freelance writer, content creator, and founder/editor of the women’s lifestyle site, The Wink. You can find her working on her capsule wardrobe, collecting cacti, and trying out the latest beauty products on Instagram.

9 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing a New Car Insurance Policy


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way drivers shop for car insurance.

If you’re thinking about purchasing a new car insurance policy, you might want to start by figuring out how often you drive these days.

The less you drive, the more you could save with pay-per-mile car insurance from Metromile.

Before you purchase a new car insurance policy, here are nine questions you should ask yourself:

  1. Do I work remotely? 

Many companies have shifted to remote work in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re working from home and the pandemic has shortened your daily commute from your bed to your couch, you might save money with pay-per-mile car insurance.

  1. When was the last time I left your house? 

Around the country, many places are facing travel restrictions, stay-at-home orders, shelter-in-place orders, and curfews. Doing your part to prevent the spread might mean staying inside more often than you’d like. 

But look on the bright side: It could also save you money with pay-per-mile car insurance.

  1. What kind of coverage do I need? 

To start, you will need the minimum coverage required by law. Since this varies by state, you’ll want to understand what kind of coverage is required in your state of residence.

Most states require liability coverage, which may help cover the costs of anyone who gets injured in a car accident caused by you, plus damage to their vehicle, property damage, and legal fees; however, some states require additional coverage beyond liability insurance. 

Even if you live in a state that doesn’t require it by law, here are some other coverage plans typically offered by car insurance companies:

Collision Coverage: This kind of plan covers damages to your car in the event of an accident, regardless of who caused the damage. You will still need to front the money for the deductible; however, some people who have newer cars may choose this option because the amount you will receive back is based on the car’s market value, and the payout may be much higher on a newer vehicle.

Comprehensive Coverage: This type of plan covers damages to your car that aren’t from a collision or crash. Your vehicle could be covered with a comprehensive insurance policy if there are damages due to fire, vandalism, acts of nature, and theft

Comprehensive coverage comes with an added cost. As with collision coverage, some people with newer vehicles or leased vehicles may purchase this type of policy because the payout can be more extensive than the deductible because of the higher car value. Consider checking your car’s value every year to reevaluate if comprehensive or collision coverage is the right decision for you.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist protection: This coverage option could help cover the cost of your car repairs if an uninsured or underinsured driver hits you.

Personal injury protection: This plan is pretty self-explanatory – it’s right there in the name! 

Personal injury protection helps cover medical bills and loss of wages to you or your passengers if someone hits you. If you’re injured while riding as a passenger in someone else’s car, it could cover the expenses related to that as well. 

It’s important to check if your insurance company offers personal injury protection in your state, as some insurers may not offer it in every state.

  1. How much do I drive?

The answer to this question is very important because you could very well be overpaying where you don’t need to. If you’re a city-dweller who mostly takes public transportation, or even if you have a second car that you don’t drive very often, signing up for a policy with Metromile could save you big bucks. 

Metromile’s policy is pay-per-mile, so the less you drive, the less you pay. Simple as that!

  1. What’s my driving history?

This is not meant to be a scary question, we promise. Insurance companies generally want to know whether you are a safe driver. They might use your history as a driver, whether you filed claims in the past, for example, to help set the price you pay.

Have you gotten speeding tickets, been in a few fender benders, or live in an area where car theft is prevalent

An insurer might decide you are a risky driver, and you’ll generally pay more for auto insurance. Be sure to do your research and shop around to see which company will give you the best rate based on your record.

  1. Who will be covered with the policy?

Every insurance company and state handles this a bit differently, so be sure to understand what your coverage will look like before making any decisions. 

Try to think through every possible scenario: a friend borrows your car and hits someone, your 16-year-old driver who is still learning to drive gets in an accident or something else entirely. Who will be covered? Will your insurance company pay for the damages? Knowing the answer to this question ahead of time will save you the headache of looking for the answer after the fact.

  1. What will my deductible be?

This might be the most important question of all and one that you have the most control over.

With most policies, you can choose your deductible amount: the higher the deductible, the lower your monthly payment will be. Common deductible amounts are $0, $100, $500, $750, $1,000, and $1,500. 

If you are involved in an accident and file a claim with your insurance company, your deductible is the amount you will need to pay out of pocket before the insurance company will pay the rest of the bill. Choosing a high deductible plan may be a wise decision because your yearly bill (also known as your premium) will be lower.

However, be sure that you don’t set your deductible so high that you won’t be able to pay it if you do get in an accident and need to file a claim.

  1. Does an insurance company have 24-hour claims service?

Getting into an accident is stressful enough, and knowing that you can only contact your insurance company during business hours only adds to the stress of the situation. Be sure to look for insurance carriers with claims service available 24/7, like Metromile! 

Even if it’s just a fender bender, knowing your insurance company has your back 24/7 can provide a great amount of peace of mind.

  1. Is my car financed or leased?

It’s important to note that if you still owe money on your car, or you are expected to keep your lease in like-new condition, you’ll likely be required to insure the car for its full value – and possibly for any gap between what you owe and the car’s market value. 

It is crucial to understand any policy you purchase and whether it meets your financing company’s requirements or lease terms.

The bottom line

Now might be a great time to switch to pay-per-mile car insurance.

Since you’re already shopping for a new car insurance policy, you might as well look for the best value. If you’re unsure whether pay-per-mile auto insurance is right for you, you can try Ride Along™ for free. Ride Along is a free app feature that helps you get a more accurate rate before you buy insurance. 

Drivers download the Metromile app and drive for about two weeks. You’ll keep your coverage with your previous insurer while Metromile considers your actual driving, including how many miles you drive. Once you complete the trial, we’ll show you your rate, so you have confidence you’ll save money on an auto insurance policy before you switch and start your coverage with Metromile.

5 Tips for Windshield Crack Prevention and What To Do When You Can’t Stop It From Happening

As a car owner and driver, there are many factors outside of your control. From fender benders to a dented door from a runaway shopping cart in a parking lot, car ownership can be an incredibly stressful endeavor. However, if you put in the effort and nurture your car, it will return the favor tenfold and provide you with years of worry-free bliss (almost like life’s best relationships!).


One of the most common car ailments in the United States is a cracked or chipped windshield. Something that starts as the smallest crack can turn much worse over time and end up costing insurance policyholders a ton of money. Did you know that the most frequent vehicle claim submitted to insurance companies is glass damage, at the rate of 7.5 million incidents per year? Additionally, 80 percent of those claims are windshield damage versus side or back glass. All it takes is one small chip in your windshield to lead to total disaster.

The first step in any health endeavor, including the health of your car, is prevention. Preventative car maintenance is akin to preventative medicine. You try and get a flu shot every year, so why not pay the same attention to the health of your car? Take a proactive step and follow our best tips for preventing windshield cracks and chips.

5 Tips for Preventing Windshield Cracks:

    1. Take the road less traveled. Your likelihood of getting a chip or crack while traveling on a highly trafficked highway or freeway is much higher due to the dirt and debris being kicked up by other vehicles. Personally, I’ve had two chips and cracks in the windshield of my current car and both occurred while driving on the highway. If you have the time, try to take a less trafficked route to minimize your chances of your windshield getting damaged by an errant high-velocity pebble!

    2. Keep your distance. If you do have to travel on the highway (sometimes there’s no way around it!), be sure to give yourself plenty of distance between you and the vehicle in front of you – especially if it’s a large semi or dump truck. Four wheels have a higher likelihood of kicking up debris; many large wheels not only kick up more rocks and debris, but throw them further, too. Also, don’t rely on mudflaps to protect you from harm. Even though it is a requirement for large trucks to have them, not all do – and sometimes the mudflaps the trucks do have are ripped or torn.

    3. Take it slow. While it’s obvious that windshield damage occurs when rock or debris hits your windshield, it is actually the forward motion of the car that hits the rock that causes the impact. In addition to keeping your distance behind large vehicles that spin up debris, taking it slow will reduce the chances of a flying rock doing some serious damage to your windshield.

    4. Avoid gravel. This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but hitting a patch of gravel can happen to the best of us. If you live in a cold and snowy climate, take care to notice when the gravel trucks come out before a big storm and proceed with caution. Don’t follow a truck that is throwing down gravel and salt on the roads – try to take a detour if you can!

    5. Made in the shade. A scorching hot day can only exacerbate weakened or brittle places in windshield glass. If you think you have a weak spot or potential crack starting to form in your windshield, try parking in the shade. The cooler temps will keep potential cracks from expanding and protect your windshield from further damage.

So, let’s say you’ve managed to follow all these tips and you still get a crack or chip – it can happen to anyone! When you’ve done all you can and you can’t manage to stop it from happening, here are some tips to help keep it from spreading.

5 Tips for What To Do When You Can’t Stop It From Happening:

    1. Assess the situation. Is the crack small or large? In your line of sight and obstructing your view? If a crack at all interferes with your ability to safely operate your vehicle, tend to the damage right away by taking your car to a repair shop – or better still, call for roadside assistance (which segues nicely into my next point…)

    2. Switch to Metromile. One of the many benefits of switching your car insurance to Metromile is the 24/7 roadside assistance service we provide, which covers windshield and glass repair. If you happen to find yourself in a situation where your windshield is cracked and needs immediate repair, just know that Metromile will be there to help you every step of the way!

    3. Smooth sailing. If you’ve assessed the damage and the crack is smaller than a dollar bill (or the chip is smaller than a quarter) and is not obstructing your view, the integrity of the windshield hasn’t been compromised and probably does not require replacement . However, take it easy on bumpy roads, speed bumps, and even opening and closing your car doors and trunk. Any additional vibrations to the car may cause the windshield crack to spread.

    4. Avoid extremes. Subjecting your cracked or chipped windshield to extreme temperature fluctuations will cause the glass to expand and contract, potentially turning even the smallest crack into a giant issue. Keep your defroster or air conditioner at a moderate temperature instead of blasting hot or cold air onto the windshield problem area.

    5. Hire a professional. Many windshield repair shops will have a technician come to you who can fix the crack or chip on the spot and in under 30 minutes. Contact your insurance company to find out what kinds of repairs are covered under your policy, and they should have you on your way in no time!

Bottom line:

Windshield cracks and chips are dangerous and can lead to much more serious problems if not addressed right away. If you follow our suggestions for crack and chip prevention and yet still manage to get one (it happens!), always assess the situation and know your options for repair. Better yet, contact Metromile to learn more about their windshield repair policy and to get a quote today!

Julianne Cronin is a Bay Area freelance writer, content creator, and founder/editor of the women’s lifestyle site, The Wink. You can find her working on her capsule wardrobe, collecting cacti, and trying out the latest beauty products on Instagram.

10 Ways to Save Money in 2018

There’s no better time to initiate good habits than January. Everything feels fresh and new, and you’ve likely already resolved to be a new and improved version of your former self. Maybe you’ve vowed to be more responsible, more organized, or more independent. One route to achieving all those goals and more? Cha-ching.

That’s right: making smarter decisions when it comes to spending can completely transform your personal and professional life. Money definitely isn’t everything…but it sure does help. And feeling totally secure about your finances will help you feel in control in all areas of your life.

Ready to start feeling like a total boss? Here are 10 ways to grow your bank account in 2018:

    1. Set financial goals. Hoping to travel? Buy a new car? Maybe even purchase your first home? Think about what you really, truly want, get excited about it, and then strive for it. Commit to your goal by writing it down or even creating a vision board with pictures and phrases that motivate you — bonus points for displaying it somewhere you can see it every day.

    2. Take stock of what you pay for. Are you really watching anything on cable these days or are you exclusively getting your entertainment via Netflix? Have you actually attended a class at that expensive gym since….last January? If you’re not getting full use out of each of your expenses, consider downgrading or eliminating them completely.

    3. Pack your lunch. Maybe it doesn’t sound as fun as an impromptu afternoon at the Olive Garden (or wherever your coworkers wind up), but it’s unbelievable how much money you can save just by making your own meals at home. Think about it: if you spend $10-$15 (or, let’s be honest — more) five days a week, that’s anywhere from $2,600 – $3,900 a year. Brown bag it instead and save all that cash for something special.

    4. Look for deals. You don’t have to be a compulsive coupon clipper to reap the rewards of available bargains. Websites and apps like RetailMeNot and BradsDeals make it ridiculously easy to comparison shop and find deals on big-ticket items and smaller splurges.

    5. Brew your own coffee. Just like packing your lunch will help you save, skipping the super fancy and overpriced coffee shop latte will spare you tons of wasted dollars. You can even buy a personal french press that doubles as a travel mug to brew your own on-the-go java for pennies.

    6. Set up automatic transfers. Everyone’s eyes widen with possibility when they see their paycheck hit their bank account, but to avoid the temptation of burning through it, set up an automated transfer to your savings account on your pay days. It doesn’t have to be a big amount, but putting a chunk of change out of sight will keep you from spending it.

    7. Couple bad habits with good ones. Everyone deserves to indulge now and then, but if you’re trying to break a bad habit, kill two birds with one stone and pad your savings account while you’re at it. For every dollar you spend on something you consider a “bad habit” purchase (alcohol, junk food, cigarettes, etc.), deposit a dollar directly into your savings account.

    8. Walk whenever you can. In some cases, logging the steps necessary to get to the office takes just as much time as dealing with gridlock traffic or the hassle of public transportation — not to mention it’s great for your health and it’s totally, completely free.

    9. DIY more. Modern technology has made it absurdly easy to pay your way out of every inconvenient task, but taking the time to fix your old appliances, making your own homemade gifts, or putting together your Ikea furniture will save you lots of cash and help you realize how capable you totally are.

    10. Switch to Metromile. Not only will you save money on your car insurance, but you’ll avoid the exorbitant costs of street sweeping tickets, mechanic shop visits, and other money pits. Wanna know how? Check us out now.

Making sound money saving decisions now can set you up for big success in the long run. Try these ten tips and pat yourself on the back for showing 2018 who’s boss.

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

5 Productivity Hacks for 2018

Hear that? It’s the universe telling you 2018 is your year. Or, okay, maybe it’s the sound of your old car’s brakes telling you it’s time for an upgrade. But either way now is the time to make some major changes to improve your life.

Every January gives you the opportunity to start again; you’ve got a total fresh slate to create a life you truly love. Coming up with some clearly defined goals can be the first step in achieving success. But once you’ve got those goals in place, how exactly do you go about making them a reality? Well, you could dedicate every waking minute to hard work, pouring blood, sweat, and tears into each desired outcome…or you could hack your way to a brighter future.

Taking shortcuts to boost your productivity is the key to getting way more bang for your buck and reaping more benefits in less time. If you’re not sure how to become an efficiency machine and knock out all your goals for 2018, start implementing these 5 productivity hacks and watch your dreams come true:

    1. Hide your phone. We know, it sounds cruel, tough, and maybe even impossible, but your smartphone is totally getting in the way of your productivity. According to one study, the average user checks his or her device 221 times a day. If you’re guilty of scrolling through Instagram or swiping on Bumble when you’re trying to hit a deadline, consider putting your phone far out of reach while you work — at least temporarily.

    2. Block off time on your calendar. We’re used to reserving calendar slots when we have calls or meetings with other people, but why not consider solo work time just as sacred? Make appointments with yourself each day to answer emails, return calls, read documents, etc. Do your best to only do those tasks within the allotted windows (that means ignoring inbound emails that might disrupt your flow during a reading session, for example). Not sure you can commit? Make it tougher to be tempted by distractions: turn off your smartphone notifications and zone in to the task at hand.

    3. Tackle the big stuff first. Everyone loves to cross an easy task off the to-do list (make coffee – check!), but taking on the most important issues first will allow you ample time and energy to do the best job possible. Not to mention the satisfaction you’ll enjoy later in the day knowing the work you dreaded most is already done.

    4. Rely on templates. Ever feel like you’ve written the same email 100 times? You probably have. If you regularly churn out the same copy or create nearly identical documents, spreadsheets, or even text messages, start streamlining your efforts. Invest the time necessary to make go-to templates and gain back tons of time in your day.

    5. Meditate. It may sound counter-intuitive, but setting aside fifteen minutes each day to just sit and breathe can cause your productivity to skyrocket. According to one study, human resource managers who received eight weeks of mindfulness training wound up less stressed and more able to concentrate on tasks than their counterparts who didn’t receive the training. Regardless of your profession or any preconceived notions you may have about meditation, creating some space for breath and awareness in your day can have a major impact.

Simple steps? For sure. But the effects of these seemingly minor changes can be monumental. By focusing on your goals and using these hacks to achieve them, you’ll have more time, feel more fulfilled, and find yourself hitting all kinds of major milestones all year long.

Looking to make more changes to your life in 2018? Why not switch to Metromile for a new kind of car insurance experience. Get a free quote now.

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

From Home to Work, Smart Tech is Saving You Money

Smart tech has already invaded our homes, making them more convenient and efficient with thermostats that automatically adjust their temperature settings, lighting that turns on and off on cue, doors and windows that lock on a schedule, and much, much more. Now, these intelligent gadgets are increasingly expanding beyond the home, – including to your car. If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, here’s how you can take advantage of this technology to save some serious time and money.

Smart Tech

    Smart Tech: The Web on Wheels

    Most modern vehicles are packed full of technology, including a whole host of software platforms that control everything from infotainment systems to safety features to the operation of the engine itself. Keeping all these systems updated and running efficiently is no easy task, but it’s gotten much simpler thanks to built-in internet connectivity. Now, carmakers can push software updates to your vehicle in real-time, cutting down on the need for costly and inconvenient recalls and ensuring that safety issues are addressed in a timely manner. Auto manufacturers can even use the web to collect data on how their cars are being driven, allowing them to fine-tune your engine control unit to give you better performance and fuel economy.

    Smart Tech: Safer Driving

    We rarely think about it, but driving is among the most dangerous activities we do on a daily basis. Thankfully, smart technology is beginning to change that. Many new cars feature sophisticated collision avoidance systems, which employ an array of sensors, lasers, radars and other technologies to detect an impending collision and take appropriate actions to mitigate or prevent it. Some vehicles also feature other advanced safety features, such as lane-keep systems, pedestrian detection, night-vision systems and more. There are also plugin devices such as Metromile’s Pulse, a device that plugs into the car’s on-board diagnostic (ODB) system, that can help decode your check engine light without visiting the mechanic or even recover stolen cars with the built-in GPS functionality. In addition to the safety and peace of mind these systems provide, they may help save you cash as well.

    Smart Tech: There’s an App for That

    Fighting through traffic is a stressful and time-consuming experience, but navigation apps like Waze and Inrix now offer real-time traffic information to help you plot a smoother course. Through the power of crowdsourced information, you can be notified of traffic accidents, road construction and other delays, helping you spend less time – and fuel – sitting idly behind the wheel. Apps can save you money in other ways, too. Metromile’s smart driving app can help drivers avoid those pesky street parking tickets (in select cities), help you locate your car and provide driving data and trends to help you drive smarter and save money on gas. GasBuddy and similar apps make it easy to find the cheapest gas prices in your area, ensuring that you always get the best deal when it’s time to fill up. Another handy smart gadget is the ZUS Smart Tire Safety Monitor, which uses simple plug-and-play hardware to turn your smartphone into an advanced tire pressure monitor. The app syncs with the hardware to display precise tire pressure data, making it a breeze to ensure your tires are always properly inflated – potentially saving as much as 11 cents per gallon on gas.

    Smart Tech: Connect to Home

    If you have your home outfitted with smart devices, you already know how powerful home automation and connectivity can be. Why not take it to the next level by adding your car to the mix as well? Though the technology remains in its infancy, the possibilities are virtually endless. Open or close your smart garage door from your car when you leave or arrive at home. Suddenly remember that you left the lights on or the front door unlocked on the way to work? Don’t waste time and money turning around – just control your smart lights or door locks right from your car’s infotainment display. Weather a little warmer than you expected? Use your car to lower the temperature settings on your smart thermostat and save some energy!

    Smart Tech: Hands-Free Help

    Voice control is changing the way we interact with our technology, and now it’s coming to vehicles as well. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto bring the full capability of AI-powered digital assistants right to your car, so you can use Siri and Google Assistant to get things done without taking your hands off the wheel or your eyes off the road. You can add appointments to your schedule, set reminders for important events, place phone calls and much more, allowing you to make the most of your time behind the wheel. After all, time is money!

If you’d like to make the most of the time you spend in the driver’s seat, you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities afforded by smart technology. With the tips above, you can save money on fuel and insurance costs, stay connected with your home network and make your car smarter, safer and more capable than ever before. If you are looking for more ways to save on your vehicle Learn more about Metromile’s per-mile insurance offering and get a free quote now.

Emma Bailey is a freelance writer and blogger from the Midwest. After going to college in Florida, she relocated to Chicago where she now lives with a roommate and two rabbits. She covers current topics in home technology and issues pertaining to the environment.

10 Ingenious Car Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

While everyone around you is hyper-focused on doing things bigger, better, and bolder in the new year, why not commit to doing things smarter — at least when it comes to your car? Enter the life hack: a simple, straightforward shortcut to tackling everyday activities in a more efficient, effective way. You probably already punctuate your regular routine with life hacks (tip: keep an ice tray full of coffee cubes in your freezer and your iced lattes will never taste watered down again), but did you know there are tons of ways to improve your life behind the wheel? Car hacks can save you time and money, so we’ve rounded up some of our favorite for the new year.

Ingenious Car Hacks

You spend a fair amount of time in your car, but you don’t have to spend a lot of money to keep it in top shape. Here are 10 ingenious car hacks to rev up your life in 2018:

    1. Clean dirty headlights with toothpaste. Skip the pricey car wash and scrub down dingy lights with an old toothbrush. Let the suds sit for a bit, then rinse the foam away with clean water. You’ll have shiny, bright lights to lead you through the night — no overpriced wash required.

    2. Spot-treat dings with nail polish. There’s nothing worse than finding a sizeable scratch on a pristine paint job. But there’s no reason to shell out cash for a touch-up. Simply grab a similar shade of nail polish at your local drug store and camouflage the issue.

    3. Use a toilet plunger to remove dents. Seriously! This may not fix major damage, but if you have a small dent in one of the door panels, the suction of the plunger might be enough to pull things back into place.

    4. Keep your food warm in the passenger seat. You may not think of your vehicle as a hot plate, but why not maximize its uses? The next time you pick up a pizza, turn on your seat warmers to keep the contents toasty.

    5. Cool down without blasting the A/C. If you’re trying to conserve gas, the last thing you want to do is run the air conditioning nonstop. If it’s sweltering inside your car, try rolling down one window and opening and closing the opposite side door a few times. You’ll let the heat out and fan in cooler air — for free.

    6. Hold your key fob to your chin to find your car. Okay, if this one sounds like you’re being punk’d, bear with us: it turns out that holding the metal key part of the fob against your chin while pressing the remote button turns your fluid-filled head into an antenna. You’ll gain a few more feet of signal range to reach your car door.

    7. Defrost your windshield with kitchen ingredients. Mix up a solution that’s two parts vinegar, one part water and spray it on your icy windshield. You’ll defrost the glass; no scraping required.

    8. And use hand sanitizer for keyholes. Carry a tiny bottle of alcohol-heavy hand sanitizer to instantly melt icy door locks.

    9. Use a tennis ball for perfect parking. If you can never quite seem to intuitively guide your car into the right spot in your garage, try hanging a tennis ball from the ceiling. Fix the string so the ball sits lightly in middle of your windshield when you’re perfectly aligned, and use the ball as a parking guide each time.

    10. Tidy up with a cereal container. If you spend a decent amount of time behind the wheel, trash can pile up. Rather than letting food wrappers line your floors, invest in a plastic cereal container that you can store on the passenger side so you can store scraps in one (easily emptied) receptacle.

At Metromile, we’re all about car hacks to simplify and streamline your life. That’s why we created our smart driving app to optimize your trips, help you stay on top of your car’s health, and even give you street sweeping alerts in select cities. What other car hacks have you used that have worked? Share below in the comments! Not a Metromile customer yet? Get a free quote now!

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

10 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Be Proud Of

What’s your New Year’s Resolution? It’s a brand new year, which means every status update in your newsfeed is about to be a declaration of self-improvement. But as you watch everyone and their mom vow to clean up their diets, maximize their gym memberships, and/or finally delete their dating apps, you may be seeking something slightly less internally focused. Sure, more juice cleanses and spin classes are perfectly fine New Year’s resolution, but if you’ve been there, done that, and would rather find ways to better the world around you, you’re in luck. Here are 10 totally selfless resolutions that you’ll be proud of all year long:

    1) Donate to a resource you rely on. Ever looked up a random fact on Wikipedia? Why not pitch in a few dollars to support the totally free trivia so many of us take for granted? Appreciate the work a local nonprofit is doing? Drop a few bucks so they can continue helping out the community. Still a fan of print journalism? Great! Subscribe to your favorite publications.

    2) Tell someone you love them every day. Maybe refrain from fawning over the stranger in the toothpaste aisle just to meet your daily quota, but if you have a mom, dad, grandparent, sibling, friend, or pet that you feel affection for, express it.

    3) Purge your closet once a quarter. This one borders on being a tad self-improvement-oriented since you’ll gain back tons of previously occupied square footage in your home, but donating clothes and household items you no longer need can make a major difference in someone’s life.

    4)Find your passion and fork over some time. Not all donations need to be monetary; find a cause you care about and investigate ways to help. Organizations like VolunteerMatch make it easy to filter nonprofits by location and topic, and you can even find ways to volunteer virtually if trekking to a physical location isn’t in the cards.

    5)Show gratitude on a regular basis. Saying “thank you” is simple, but the effect can be monumental. Make it your mission to make people feel acknowledged and appreciated, whether they’re refilling your water at a restaurant or sending you home with homemade leftovers (thanks, mom).

    6)Integrate ethical shopping into your routine. Not all manufacturers are created equal, and by putting your dollars behind the ones who care most for animals, the environment, employees, and more, you’re helping to shift the paradigm. The Good Shopping Guide is one way to start seeking out products that align with your values.

    7)Craft more. Rather than wasting your crochet skills on yet another scarf your significant other won’t wear, consider lending your talents to a good cause. Organizations like Project Linus, Ryan’s Case for Smiles, and Dress a Girl Around the World count on crafty volunteers to create wares kids in need.

    8)Foster a furry friend. Okay, this one could be a bit self-serving as well, but temporarily bringing home a rescue pet is an important way to ease their transition into forever homes.

    9)Code for good. Channel your tech-savvy skills into positive action. Code for America has opportunities throughout the country for volunteers to address community issues through innovative solutions.

    10)Throw a party. Brightening Birthdays is a program through Volunteers of America that holds special celebrations for kids and families who have experienced homelessness. Help make someone else’s milestone memorable.

Finding ways to better the world around you isn’t as daunting as it seems, but if sticking to your new selfless resolutions poses a bit of a challenge, the key is to start small, and stay specific. Once you open your eyes to all the worthy causes around you, the urge to help can be overwhelming and maybe even paralyzing. Rather than getting caught up in the abundance of need, pick just one or two resolutions that resonate most with you and commit to regular, consistent action. And don’t forget to document your progress — celebrating your selflessness is totally allowed, after all.

What’s your New Year’s resolution? Say it loud and proud in the comments below. And if one of your goals is to stop spending so much money on car insurance, then it’s time to check out Metromile. You’ll pay a low base rate and pennies per mile, and have access to our smart driving app’s awesome features. Get a free quote now and prepare to start saving.

Michelle Konstantinovsky is a San Francisco-based journalist/writer/editor and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism alumna. She’s written extensively on health, body image, entertainment, lifestyle, design, and tech for outlets like Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, O: The Oprah Magazine, Seventeen, and a whole lot more. She’s also a contributing editor at Fitbit and the social media director at California Home + Design Magazine. She is an avid admirer of shiny objects, manatees, and preteen entertainment.

Metromile in 2017: The Year in Review

2017 was an exciting year for us here at Metromile. And as we continue to grow, we wanted to share some of the milestones we’ve hit along the way, with the help of our fiercely loyal customers.

This year our customers hit the billion mile marker, meaning since our inception in 2013 our customer have driven one Billion Miles. That’s a lot of road, and we are proud to have been there with them every step of the way. In 2017, we also launched the world’s best claims experience, powered by AVA our AI smart claims system. AVA makes filing a claim, picking a repair shop, getting a rental car, and getting reimbursed a breeze.

Metromile 2017 In Review

With 2018 right around the corner, we thought it would be fun to take a retrospective look at 2017:

    Average Miles Driven:
    Metromilers in big cities across the country are living up to our low-mileage mantra, driving on average 5,925 miles in 2017 – that’s less than half the national average. Which city drives the most? It may not surprise you that sprawling San Diego takes the top spot driving 7,613 miles per year on average. Here’s how the cities rank:

      1. Portland, OR 4,519 miles per year
      2. Seattle, WA 5,127 miles per year
      3. Philadelphia, PA 5,624 miles per year
      4. Chicago, IL 5,936 miles per year
      5. San Francisco, CA 6,054 miles per year
      6. Los Angeles, CA 6,604 miles per year
      7. San Diego CA 7,613 miles per year

    Most Popular Day of the Week to Drive
    Through and through, Metromilers prove that cars are best for weekend use. Besides Chicago,(where Sunday is the most popular day to drive) all major Metromile covered cities drive the most on Saturdays.

    Most Popular Day to Drive On
    Once again the day before Thanksgiving (this year, November 22, 2017) was the most popular day to drive.

    Most Common Vehicle
    The Honda Civic is the most common car in Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Interestingly enough the most common car in San Diego (where our drivers drive the most) is the Toyota Corolla.

    Metromile Savings
    We don’t just save our customers money on insurance, we save them from pesky street sweeping tickets too. Our smart driving app offers street sweeping alerts (in select cities) that saved our customers $600,000 in 2017. That’s a lot of dough.

What a year 2017 has been, thanks so much to everyone who took us along for the ride. We are looking forward to offering our customers even more awesome features that make their lives easier in 2018. If you aren’t already a customer, get a quick quote to see how much you could benefit from pay-per-mile insurance this year!

How to Pay it Forward this Holiday Season with Your Metromile Savings

The gift-giving holiday season is right around the corner. This time of year is always so special because it is the perfect opportunity for loved ones to shower each other with tokens of affection. But, it is also a good time to give back to your community or someone in need. From big to small, acts of kindness can really make a huge difference in someone’s day and even have a big impact on the upcoming year ahead.

How to Pay it Forward this Holiday Season with Your Metromile Savings

Here’s a thought: why not use your Metromile savings to pay it forward this holiday season? Many of our customers are saving an average of $500 a year by switching to pay-per-mile insurance. Already using your Metromile savings for something else? No big deal, you don’t have to buy something to bring holiday cheer to someone’s life. Here are our top tips for paying it forward this holiday season.

    1. Donate old items that you don’t have use for anymore to those in need. This can includes clothes, shoes, furniture, books, kitchen supplies, electronics, blankets, school supplies, old movies, unused toiletries, or even loose change. There are many local donation centers that make it very easy to drop off items such as Goodwill, The Salvation Army, Dress for Success, or even local churches or shelters.

    2. Put pen to paper and send a warm fuzzy letter. Write a nice card or letter to someone who is down on their luck or had a rough year, uplifting them. You can even send military cards to recognize and thank those who serve our country. Or anonymously leave an encouraging note in a random place for someone to find. Every small bit of positivity you put into this world helps.

    3. Volunteer your time with the elderly. Many times elderly folks end up alone during the holiday season. Most assisted living homes have drop-in volunteer hours, so do some research in your area. You can always bring flowers to a retirement home, organize a group caroling session for those in the hospital or even just sit and spend time playing games or reading with them. Programs like Meals on Wheels or Create the Good are a great place to start.

    4. If you are shopping, shop for gifts that give back. There are many amazing companies out there that will donate a percentage of the total cost of items to charities. For every product purchased, The Giving Keys, supports job creation for people transitioning out of homelessness. Proceeds from every S’well water bottle purchased goes towards efforts to provide clean water and sanitation facilities around the world. If you buy a pair of glasses through Warby Parker, they will donate to nonprofits who help to train people in developing countries to sell glasses and perform basic eye exams. Even Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchases to charitable organizations of your choice through the AmazonSmile program.There are so many companies that give back, do some research before you buy all your gifts to see how your gifts can help someone in need.

    5. Keep it simple and do small acts of kindness. Buy the next person in line’s coffee or pay the toll for the driver behind you. Give a homeless person your doggie bag, so they can eat your leftovers. Leave extra coins at the laundromat, for someone who might be struggling. Bake cookies or bring doughnuts in for your co-workers, to bring a smile to their face. Pick up a piece of trash and throw it away to help clean up the environment. Give kudos or positive feedback to someone who provided you awesome service. Put your neighbor’s trash can back for them. Leave a generous tip to a waiter who gave you a great experience. All these acts can really go a long way to bring someone holiday cheer.

We hope this small list of holiday cheer can help you pay it forward this season and make someone’s day! Metromile wishes everyone a heartwarming holiday season.