
Comparing Bundling Savings to Per-Mile Insurance Savings

All you keep hearing is bundle, bundle, bundle. Most companies offer bundling discounts, but you may not always save on insurance by doing so. We suggest doing your own research and math to really find out if you will save by bundling all of your policies together. Sometimes it works out that you will be saving, but other times you might discover that you can find bigger cost savings by keeping all your insurance policies separate.

Comparing Bundling Savings to Per-Mile Insurance Savings

To bundle insurance is to take all of your insurance policies and house them under one roof by using one insurance company, which could potentially help reduce the overall cost of each policy when taken together. Bundling is the idea that you can buy two or more types of insurance coverages from one insurance company.

Pros of Bundling:

One major benefit of bundling your insurance policies is that you will no longer have to pay separate bills for each of your policies with different companies. Instead, you will just need to pay one bill to one insurance company. Also, insurance companies will sometimes offer multi-line discounts, which means you can get a discount to your rates because you are choosing to have more than one type of policy through that company.

Cons of Bundling:

You are probably thinking, well why wouldn’t I bundle my insurance policies then? The major reason is that you could be missing out on discounts if you don’t shop around and compare savings from other companies. There are a wide variety of discounts across different states and companies that you could be missing out on if you choose to bundle rather than keeping your policies separate. Ultimately your savings could be greater than the savings you may get with bundling. Insurance companies like bundling because customers are more likely to stay with the same provider for a longer amount of time compared to those who don’t bundle. So in the long run, bundling is better for the insurance company than it is for you.

When it doesn’t make sense to bundle:

  • When you are doing it just for the discount. Beware, you might have just signed up for a new policy that was way less expensive, but with less coverage. When it comes time to file a claim you will realize you don’t actually have adequate coverage. Really consider the coverages and the rates you currently have before just grabbing the discount carrot dangling in front of you. A good rule of thumb: the new insurance policy coverages you are looking to bundle should be equal or better to the coverage you are canceling.
  • When it prevents you from shopping around. Don’t become complacent with your current policy, which could lead you to overlook a better rate or coverage.
  • When your life changes. Maybe at one point in your life bundling was a great option for you, but now you have a family, drive different cars, and it doesn’t meet your needs anymore. Don’t continue with a policy, just because you bundled, especially if it no longer fits your lifestyle.
  • When you are a low mileage driver. If you are driving less than 10,000 – 12,000 miles per year you could be taking advantage of per-mile insurance. Metromile policies are billed monthly on a per-mile basis; which means you are charged a low monthly rate based on the miles you drive. With per-mile insurance, there is no need to bundle your policy, since you will be saving money already.Learn more about per-mile insurance here.

Don’t get caught up in the hype of bundling all your insurance policies. Remember to do your research to see what options and policies work best for you. If bundling is still breaking your bank, get a free quote from Metromile now to see your savings.

Top 5 Reasons You Need to Switch to Per-Mile Insurance

End of the year is always a good time to assess your financial situation and see where you can save money in the coming year. Metromile has you covered with per-mile insurance which helps low-mileage drivers save. But, we have so much more to offer our customers than just savings.

Top 5 Reasons You Need to Switch to Pay-Per-Mile Insurance

Metromile is an Insurtech company that uses technology to invent ways to manage risk and offer better insurance at a fairer price to our customers. We truly believe it is unfair that low mileage drivers are subsidizing high mileage drivers when it comes to auto insurance. So, day-in and day-out, we continue to disrupt the auto insurance industry by not only giving low-mileage drivers a way to save on car insurance but also by building groundbreaking technological features that make owning a car easier.

Still not convinced? Here are five reasons you need to switch to per-mile, that aren’t just cost savings:

    1.Street sweeping alerts – Our nifty Pulse device can alert you when you are parked in a street sweeping zone in select cities – San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. We use city data to determine if your car is parked in a street-sweeping zone, and, if so, you will receive a push notification or an email (depending on your preferences) 12 hours before the scheduled street cleaning. If you miss the first alert, there will be a second alert with one hour to spare. Saving you from getting a $63 to $73 dollar ticket.

    2. Diagnosing car health – You are driving down the freeway and all the sudden a light pops on your dashboard telling you there is something wrong with your car. But, what does it mean? You dread looking through your owner’s manual to try to figure out what could be wrong with your car. With the Pulse device it can detect engine codes and let you know through our smart driving app or online dashboard what the codes mean. That way you can feel at ease and determine your next steps for getting your car healthy again and back on the road sooner.

    3. Roadside assistance – Need a jump, a tow, a locksmith? We have you covered with 24/7 assistance. You can request roadside from the convenience of the smart driving app or online dashboard without even having to call in. We also have a feature that allows you to see in real-time how close roadside is to the location you requested. That way your mind can be put at ease with how long it will take to get help.

    4. GPS Tracking – Through our smart driving app you can view each trip your vehicle takes. This will allow you to see how much you spend on gas or how long it takes you to get from point A to B. Also, no need to wander around trying to remember where you parked your car, our technology can help to locate your vehicle and show where your car’s current location is. We have also helped customers locate stolen vehicles in times of need.

    5. Claims ExperienceWe understand the last thing you want to do when you get into an accident is deal with tedious calls or damage inspections or worry about when your claim will be resolved. You can easily file a claim with Metromile through the smart driving app or online dashboard. And, AVA, our AI claims assistant, can verify eligible claims in seconds and quickly resolve them. AVA collects your claim information to help you file, guides you through collecting damage photos and helps get your payment issued as soon as possible. AVA recently got upgraded and now helps you find a repair shop and if you have rental reimbursement coverage, you can request a rental car through the smart driving app or online dashboard. So your claim can be a convenient and an easy process.

Metromile is always seeking ways to improve customer experiences and these are only among the latest technologies we are offering if you are a customer. We will continue to invent the future with new features and ways to improve how auto insurance is done. So what are you waiting for? Get a fast and free quote today and join us in revolutionizing the car insurance industry.

10 Tips for Saving Money on Car Insurance

We all know that car insurance is a really expensive, but necessary expense. States like New York and Michigan can cost drivers upwards of $4,400 a year to have car insurance. This doesn’t help especially when you are living the big city life and already have to pay for all those costly city expenses. If you do some research and are prepared you can save some money, which is why we’ve gathered our top 10 tips for saving money on your car insurance.

How to save money on car insurance

    1. Change your coverages. Is your car getting older? Consider make it liability only coverage and removing comprehensive and collision coverage. Evaluate how much your car’s market value is and then think about if you car is worth paying for coverage that may only reimburse you for a little amount. Going down to liability only coverage for your older car will help to save on the overall amount you spend on car insurance.

    2. Get your credit score in tip-top shape. Having a great credit score can lead to cheaper rates on your car insurance. There are some states that don’t take this into consideration, but definitely use it to your advantage when getting quotes.

    3. Increase your deductible amount. Having higher deductibles amounts can lead your rates to decrease slightly. However, make sure you are choosing what is the best fit for your lifestyle.

    4. Switch to pay-per-mile car insurance. 65% of drivers pay higher premiums to subsidize the minority who drive the most. If you are a low mileage driver and drive less than 10,000 miles per year than you can save on average $500 with Metromile.

    5. Don’t let your insurance coverage lapse. Having a lapse in coverage can cause your rates to increase when signing up for insurance again. But, also having continuous coverage can help to lower your rates in the long run.

    6. Drive safe on the roads. Accidents can cause your rates to increase. By being a safe driver you are rewarding yourself with extra money in your pocket. Being accident free can help you qualify for a safe driver or good driver discount.

    7. Do your research.
    Find the best policy that is going to fit your needs and help you save. Seek out which companies offers discounts based on your experiences. Don’t be afraid to get quote happy.

    8. Look into rates for the vehicle you are shopping around for. Cars that are a bit older typically cost less than those vehicles that are brand new. You can also call your insurance company and get quotes on various vehicles you are considering before making your purchase on your next car.

    9. Ask about discounts that are offered. Usually when you sign up, the rates might already include the discounts that apply to you. But taking the time to make a call to your insurance company can help make sure you are taking advantage of discounts you could be missing out on.

    10. Combine policies. Have one policy per garaging address. Insurance companies usually do require this, but if you do this you could get a multi-car or multi-driver discount. Which will make the overall amount you might pay decrease when combining policies together.

Saving money and making car ownership easier is what we are all about at Metromile, so if you have any questions about the different factors that may affect your rates always know you can give us a call or reach out on Twitter. If you aren’t a pay-per-mile customer yet, see what your savings would be by getting a quick, free quote here.

Breaking Down Insurance Jargon

We get it, insurance talk can be confusing and sometimes scary for people. You are on the phone with your insurance company and listening to an insurance agent talk but have no idea what any of the words mean. You feel like they are speaking another language. Metromile is revolutionizing the insurance industry and we want to put an end to the crazy insurance jargon speak. We have provided a list of the most common insurance terms used to help you feel confident next to time you speak about car insurance.

breaking down insurance jargon

Glossary of Car Insurance Terms

  • Actual Cash Value – the current market value of lost or damaged property at the time of a covered loss. It is calculated by the value of your property minus the depreciation of your property.
  • Adjustor – the person responsible for investigating and settling a claim
  • Annual Mileage – the amount of miles driven in a year
  • Bodily Injury – if an insured person is legally liable for an accident, BI coverage pays for injuries/deaths to people involved in the accident, but not limited to, emotional or mental anguish result from the bodily injury.
  • Cancellation – termination of an insurance policy by the company or per the request of the insured
  • Claim- a demand made by insured to provide coverage and compensation from the insurance company in the event of a loss, subject to the terms of the insurance policy contract.
    Claimant – a person making a claim against the insurance company. If the insured hits or causes damages to another person or vehicle they are the claimant.
  • Collision Coverage – optional coverage for when your car is damaged as a result of colliding with another object.
  • Comprehensive Coverage – optional coverage for when your car is stolen or damaged in ways that don’t involve a collision. For example: hail damage, fire, vandalism, damage from an animal, flood, earthquakes, fallings objects, and theft.
  • Contract – refers to the insurance policy, which is between the insurance company and the policyholder
  • Deductible – out-of-pocket expense that you agree to pay for losses up to set amount, such as $250 or $1000
  • Declarations Page – a document that shows the insured’s information, the period of time a policy is in force, vehicle information, the coverages insured has chosen, and the amount of premium
  • Depreciation – factoring in the wear and tear of an item’s value
    Earned Premium – the portion of the premium that actually has been used to buy coverage or what the insurance company has earned so far on the policy.
  • Endorsement – an addition or change to the policy contract
  • Excluded Drivers – formally excluded person that will not be covered if driving the car
  • Fault Claim – a claim where the insured will assume responsibility for the accident or the insurance company cannot recover the cost from the individual responsible.
  • Gap Insurance – pays the difference between what you owe on your vehicle and what your insurance pays if your vehicle is declared a total loss or stolen and not recovered, less your comprehensive or collision deductible.
  • Garaging Address – where you park the vehicle majority of the time
  • Indemnity – aims to provide the same financial position as an insured were before the loss occurred if the vehicle has been lost or damaged.
  • Insuring Agreement – describes the covered perils, or risks assumed, or nature of coverage, or makes some reference to the contractual agreement between insures and insured. It summarizes the major promises of the insurance company, as well as stating what is covered.
  • Insurance Score – Used in the underwriting process in some states. An individual’s score is frequently based on a person’s credit history.
  • Lapse in coverage – the termination of a policy due to non-payment of insurance premiums
  • Lienholder – Person or organization with a financial interest in a property up the amount of money borrowed or still owed on the insured’s vehicle.
  • Liability Insurance – insurance that provides protection from claims arising from injuries or damages to other people or property.
  • Liability Limits – the amount specified in your policy up to which the insurance company will protect you
  • License Types – various statuses of a driver’s licenses, such as active, permit, foreign, suspended, or expired driver’s license
  • Loss – the amount of money an insurance company pays out on a claim
  • Medical Payments (usually optional) pays the doctor, hospital bills, and funeral expenses for injuries to you and the passengers in your car regardless of who causes the accident, up to the policy limits.
  • Named Insured / Primary Driver – the person or entity listed on the policy declaration page who has more right than the secondary driver.
  • Non Fault Claim – a claim where the insured is not responsible for the accident and the insurance company can recover the costs from the individual who is at-fault for the accident.
  • Personal Injury Protection this is a package of first-party medical benefits that provides for medical costs, lost wages, loss of essential services normally provided by the injured person, and funeral costs.
  • Policy Insurance contract
  • Policy Term – the length of time the policy is active and valid
  • Premium – price of insurance policy that an insured pays in exchange for insurance coverage
  • Proof of Insurance – a type of documentation that an insured can provide to an individual proving that the insured has valid active insurance.
  • Property Damage – coverage for when you damage someone else’s property with your vehicle.
  • Pulse Device – a device created by Metromile that plugs into the vehicle’s OBD-II port to record mileage and also provide diagnostic codes, street sweeping alerts, and can help you to find your missing car
  • Quote – a non-binding estimate of the premium for the level of coverages chosen and based on the information by the individual seeking insurance.
  • Rate – the cost of insurance per risk to cover claim payments and expenses.
  • Renewal – after the policy period is up the policy will automatically renew for another term
  • Renewal Notice – a formal notice that an insured’s policy will renew which will include what the rates will be upon renewal.
  • Rental Reimbursement Coverage optional coverage that helps pay rental vehicle costs when your vehicle is disabled as the result of a covered accident or loss. Covered under comprehensive or collision coverage.
  • Risk – the likelihood that an insured will make a claim
  • Secondary Driver – a listed driver on the policy that is insured to drive the vehicle.
  • Subrogation – the process of which a claim is made by a third party and you file through your insurance company. Your insurance company will seek payment recovery from the other party.
  • Telematics technology of sending and receiving and storing information relating to remote objects like your car through telecommunication devices.
  • Theft Tracker – a device that plugs into your vehicle to let you it’s location in case your vehicle is stolen
  • Total Loss Vehicle – in an auto claim, a vehicle is considered a total loss when the extent of the damage renders the vehicle unsafe to repair or the cost to repair exceeds a certain threshold percentage, as may be determined by state regulation, or the vehicle’s actual cash value prior to the accident.
  • Underinsured Motorist pays (up to coverage limit) the insured person and other passengers in the vehicle when they’re injured as the result of an accident where the at-fault driver has insurance but it is below the limit of underinsured/uninsured coverage on the declaration page.
  • Uninsured Motorist pays (up to the coverage limit) the insured person and other passengers in the vehicle when they’re injured as the result of an accident where the at-fault driver is uninsured, underinsured or a hit-and-run (must be reported within 24-hours to policy and statement taken within 30 days)
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Property Damage covers damage to your vehicle if hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver.
  • Underwriting – the process an insurer goes through to determine whether or not it will provide coverage for an applicant
  • Use Types – different use cases for a specific vehicle; range from commercial, bussiness to personal.
  • Personal – when using your vehicle you drive it for personal everyday life reasons
  • Business – when using your vehicle you drive it for a profit like food delivery or a ridesharing company
  • VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) – 17- digit number assigned to each vehicle manufactured after 1980

We hope this glossary can help you navigate the car insurance world. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments. If you are interested in seeing how much money you could save by switching to Metromile, get a free quote here.

Introducing Metromile Direct Repair and Rental, Powered by AVA

Metromile’s automated claims system, AVA, has some exciting new feature enhancements that are going to make filing a claim with us even easier. Getting into an accident is never fun, that is why we’ve made it our priority here at Metromile to create the world’s best claims experience. Our latest effort to transform the claims experience has resulted in the new self-service direct repair and rental capabilities for our customers.

AVA, who we debuted in July, is a first-of-its-kind smart claims system designed to speed up the process of verifying and paying out insurance claims through the Metromile mobile app or online dashboard. Using Metromile Pulse sensor data, AVA can reconstruct the scene of an accident to verify claim details. If the claim is verified, AVA is able to automatically approve payments within seconds. And now, AVA can even assist in finding auto shops near me when you look for them online, scheduling rental cars, and setting up and processing claims payments.

You can learn more about AVA here.

How does it work?
Eligible policyholders who have submitted a claim and indicated that they are planning to repair their vehicle will be directed to the Metromile Dashboard to see repair shops that are participating in the direct repair program and are located near the zip code of the vehicle’s last location.

If the policyholder also has rental coverage they will be given the option to reserve a rental car with Enterprise-Rent-A-Car through the Metromile online dashboard. Just like with the direct repair program, the Dashboard will provide policyholders with locations near the vehicle’s last location. Policyholders can even gain access to and schedule an Enterprise shuttle for pick-up from the repair shop or another specified address.

If the policyholder would rather find and choose their own repair and/or rental shop, they are welcome to do so by opting-out of the program.

Once a vehicle is in the shop and a rental car has been picked up, AVA will keep customers posted on repair status, schedule changes, and even help change the rental reservation if needed. As soon as the vehicle has been repaired and returned to the customer, AVA will automatically initiate payment.

Even with AVA, all customers will have the option to call in to talk to our in-house team of claims professionals. Not yet a Metromile customer but intrigued by AVA and our automated claims? Visit to learn more about our pay-per-mile insurance and get a quick quote.

Metromile is A Glassdoor 2018 Best Place to Work

Glassdoor 2018 Best Places to Work Winner

Metromile is pleased to announce we are among the winners of the annual Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards, a list of the Best Places to Work in 2018. This is the second year in a row that Metromile has been recognized as a Best Place to Work, and we are honored to be listed again.

Unlike other awards, there was no self-nomination process, instead it’s entirely based on feedback our employees have voluntarily and anonymously shared on Glassdoor. To determine the winners of the awards, Glassdoor evaluates all company reviews shared by employees over the past year. This year, we are proud to be recognized as a Best Place to Work among companies with less than 1,000 employees according to those based in the U.S.

Below are just a few words employees shared on Glassdoor that contributed toward the award and that made us feel incredibly honored to be recognized:

Fundamentally changing an age-old industry AND providing the customer a real value by being fair in how we price insurance – feels good to work on something you believe in. And the concept of fairness finds its way into the culture, too – ideas come from everywhere, departments are fluid and collaborative. As a result, the product is not only something we can all be proud of, but the process of getting there is

Focus on innovation and creating a business that is adaptable to the changing market
Leadership who seem to really care about their employees’ happiness
Smart, down-to-earth, lovely colleagues
Generally speaking, very customer-focused: management insists on being in the trenches with front-line service and sales staff, and I’ve seen them go the extra mile to do the right thing by the customer

The work culture is amazing. I’m still excited to come into work everyday. The managers in my department have the best interest for us and push/challenge us to be at our full potential.

A huge thank you goes out to all our employees who took the time to share their perspectives on what it’s like to work here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback as it only helps us to improve.

Car Insurance Add­-Ons to Keep Your Car Out of Trouble

This is a guest post from our friends at The Zebra and was originally posted in September of 2015.

Three Car Insurance Add­-Ons to Keep Your Car Out of Trouble

After the unmistakable joy a shiny new car brings, comes a glimmer of worry. Namely, just how to keep your new ride in tip­top condition. That’s where insurance add-­ons can help: in addition to the main components of liability and comprehensive insurance, there are optional coverages that can make a major difference in the protection of your vehicle — and yourself. Many insurance companies offer a long list of ancillary policy features, with everything from custom equipment to pet injury coverage, making it hard to tell which add-­ons are worth the extra bucks, and which to ditch. Here, we’ve compiled three add­-ons you should consider, and when they might come in handy.

1. Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

    1. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a vital policy add­-on for anyone that doesn’t have a full coverage health plan or simply has no medical insurance at all. PIP protects you — and your passengers — against personal injury by covering medical expenses, such as medical and surgical treatment, ambulance fees, medication, and in some cases, lost wages and rehabilitation services. And since PIP is a “no ­fault” coverage, even if you are determined to be at ­fault in an accident it wouldn’t limit your use.
    1. PIP coverage benefits vary based on state, insurer, and the specifics of the policy, but typically can provide anywhere from $1500 to $250,000 in personal injury coverage. Considering that in the United States

2.35 million people are injured or disabled in car accidents annually

    1. , PIP coverage is often well worth the price.

2. Uninsured Motorist
There are three main reasons to opt to carry uninsured motorist coverage. One: You want protection against hit and run collisions. Two: You live in a state with a large population of uninsured drivers (you can refer to our table on uninsured drivers by state). And, three: the minimums for insurance required by the state you reside in are too low to cover all accident-related expenses. If any of these match your situation, you’ll definitely want to add uninsured motorist coverage to your policy.

3. Roadside Assistance
Roadside Assistance is not just for towing services, although an on­ call tow truck is a convenience that shouldn’t be overlooked, especially if you are a fan of impromptu road trips or have a long daily commute. In addition to towing, most roadside assistance coverage offers flat tire changes, battery jump starts, locksmith services and emergency gasoline deliveries. The really nice part? All this protection comes for less than the cost of a matinée movie ticket (hi, Grandma), often adding only $5­-7 extra dollars a month. One extra note: Some insurers may require that you carry comprehensive and collision coverage in order to add roadside assistance.

A big thanks to The Zebra for sharing their advice! If you have questions specific to Metromile’s per-mile insurance offering, you can learn more here.

Metromile: The Pioneers of Digital Engagement Insurance

This post originally appeared on The Digital Insurer. It was written by Rick Huckstep, Chairman, The Digital Insurer. Rick is an InsurTech thought leader, keynote speaker, advisor and investor to tech start-ups. Not yet a Metromile customer? Visit to learn more about our pay-per-mile insurance and get a quick quote.


Imagine a world where the insured has a continuous digital engagement with their insurer. Where the “insurance product” is a value add service that offers more than just financial protection. In this world, the insurance brand becomes “sticky” and churn becomes a function of product development, not promotional pricing. In fact, price is no longer the only buying criteria. This is the world of Metromile, the pioneers of digital engagement insurance.

To find out more for InsurTech Insights, Rick Huckstep spoke with Dan Preston, the CEO of pay-per-mile auto insurer, Metromile.

Value Trumps Price

Metromile were ahead of their time when it comes to digital engagement. This is the world of insurance protection where customers buy insurance cover because of the on-going value it provides, not just because of the price it is offered at.

In recent times, the buying of insurance has become associated with searching for the cheapest price. Online buying guides advise customers to always shop around for the best price and never auto-renew. Even the Regulators force statements on renewal notices to advise customers to shop around. This is commoditization in all its glory!

Which is good for consumers, right? Maybe at the point of sale, but when insurance is sold below premium, it means someone else is paying for it. Until renewal time, when premiums are increased significantly.

All this does is irritate the customer, further diminish trust in insurance and cause the customer to start all over again looking for a new insurer! What a waste of time and effort for everyone!

The Case for Digital Engagement in Insurance

The big problem in any price-only driven market is that cost of sale is a killer. Price points only ever go down, sales and marketing costs don’t (not at the same pace anyway), and this continually squeezes the whole supply chain. In the intermediated world of personal lines insurance, the addition of friction and inefficiency simply compound the cost (and margin) issue for insurers.

No matter how hard the insurer tries to build and promote a trusted brand, the uncertainty of premium pricing always undermines it.

The building of brand loyalty takes time and insurers don’t hang on to customers long enough to do so. For traditional insurers, their only opportunity to show value is through the claims experience. However, all too often, the insurer fails to seize the day and ends up disappointing the customer.

And yet customer feedback clearly shows they want more in the way of value. And are willing to pay for it!

Turning the Insurance Product into a Lifestyle Product

The advances in digital technology in the last decade have given insurers the means by which they can create “sticky” insurance products. Once they’ve “won” a customer, they can now hang on to them. They use enabling tech such as telematics, mobile apps, wearables, IoT devices to create ways of connecting and engaging with customers continuously.

The adoption of this enabling technology gives insurers the ability to dynamically improve risk ratings, to personalize premiums and adjust policy conditions on an ongoing basis. The traditional approach of a single, point in time questionnaire can be replaced by an ongoing assessment and review approach enabled by these new technologies.

As a result, we’ve seen the introduction of digital engagement products based on new sources of data, personalized to the specific risk conditions of the customer. These new technologies enable insurers to radically shift from being the provider of an enforced product to a provider of a value added service.

As Maria Ferrante-Schepis writes in Flirting with the Uninterested, “Insurance companies, when you really think about it, are not just in the protection business. They are in the ‘lifestyle continuity business.’”

Digital Engagement Insurance In Action

Great examples in Life and Health are Vitality and Oscar along with InsurTech platforms such as Fitsense and Sureify. Here, wearable devices combined with mobile apps enable digital engagement with the insurance brand to promote a healthy lifestyle. In so doing, the app becomes a lifestyle product, part of the customer’s daily routine. This makes it a lot harder to churn come renewal time.

In Home, the adoption of IoT devices has done more than (just) create a means for digital engagement. The IoT enabled smart home moves the insurer into the Loss Prevention space. Now, insurers can build insurance products that are focused on preventing the loss altogether. Prevention is always better than cure, right!?

Metromile Are the Pioneers of Digital Engagement

Metromile represents everything that defines #InsurTech as we know it today, and yet they pre-date the social media tag by half a decade! Metromile is a 7-year-old U.S. auto insurer I first wrote about back in 2015. Their business model is based on a pay-per-mile insurance product which they then wrap with other services to enhance the car ownership experience for their customers.

To enable continuous customer engagement, Metromile use tech in the form of the Metromile Pulse (a device that plugs into the car’s on board diagnostic port) and a smart driving app on the customer’s mobile. They recently announced Series C and D investment rounds that took the total money raised to $205m. It’s an impressive sum that puts them in the InsurTech fundraising upper quartile.

The thing that struck me about Metromile is that they don’t say anything about “insurance” when they describe what they do. Here’s what they say “About Us” on their website.

At Metromile, our mission is to empower drivers by creating a more connected and informed car ownership experience.

By taking our deep understanding of data and transforming it into information and services that make having a car less expensive, more convenient, and smarter, we aim to make the urban car experience as simple as it can be. And for some, we hope to make car ownership a possibility where it wasn’t before.

They’ve literally taken an insurance product and turned it into a lifestyle product!

Leveling the Playing Field for Low-Mileage Drivers

When it comes to auto insurance, the main risk factor is how often drivers are on the road. If you’re not on the road then factors such as claims history, driving behavior or condition of car, are insignificant. In the case of auto, this means those that don’t drive very much subsidize the higher mileage drivers. This is because traditional auto insurance products take a blunt instrument approach to assessing driving time.

Metromile say that customers can save on average $500/year on auto insurance (which is roughly 40-50% of the typical cost of insurance). You will see something similar in the UK from Cuvva. They claim their Pay-as-you-Drive insurance can save drivers up to 70% of traditional insurance premiums.

Creating Value that Every Insurance Customer Gets

In a recent call I had with CEO Dan Preston, I asked him about digital engagement and the Metromile model. He told me, “There are typically 3 interactions the insurer has with their customers. When they sell a policy, when they renew and when they receive a claim. There’s nothing in those interactions that adds value. Even the claims process is so full of friction that it becomes an unpleasant experience for the customer. It’s the place where NPS goes to die!

“When we started Metromile we quickly learned that customers want more than just a good claims experience. They want value through digital engagement.”


Here’s the thing that Metromile figured out early (and earlier than most). By creating value over and above the insurance product, they create value that EVERY Metromile customer benefits from, not just those that might go through a successful claims experience.

Dan explained, “We set out to build Metromile into more than just an insurance business. We wanted to help our customers manage the cost of running a car. This includes everything from maintenance and regular servicing, to parking and speeding tickets.

“One of the early features on the app was a feature to help drivers avoid parking tickets by informing them of street sweeping schedules. We took publicly available data in the San Francisco area and laid that over our customers’ movements. Using the app, we were able to direct customers to parking areas that would not risk parking tickets. Some customers reported that the savings in parking fees more than paid for the cost of our insurance!”

As Metromile moved into new jurisdictions, they found that the data they wanted and needed to support the value-add services in the app were not always universally available.

Dan explained, “Ultimately it became a data collection exercise for us to collect data unique to the car and the driver as we went into new areas. In many places, the data we needed was in PDF format. We found ways to extract the data and still provide the features in the app.”

Metromile’s Win-Win Through Value and Loyalty

This is the real point of digital engagement – creating a win-win.

The customer gets value from the digital engagement with a lifestyle product (and tangible benefits such as less parking fees!). And insurers see less churn, better (risk) data about customers and a greater sense of loyalty/connection/trust.

This is where behavioral economics kick in. It is this sense of trust and loyalty that directly links to lower levels of claims fraud and embellishment. None of this would be possible in a traditional auto insurance product. Metromile has exploited technology to enable this digital engagement. The key is the Metromile Pulse; a dongle that customers plug into their car to read the on-board telematics data and connects to the mobile phone and the Metromile app.

This allows Metromile to know when the car is being driven and when it is not. In turn, this allows Metromile to price on a per mile basis for insurance, turning it off and on accordingly

Metromile’s AVA Delivers an Automated Claims Experience

Metromile’s latest tech addition enables an automated claims experience. At the time of an incident, data captured by the app and the dongle is used by Metromile to settle a large number of claims. Many of them automatically and instantly.

They can do this because they are not waiting on a claims adjustor to collect information to support a claim. Instead, through the customer’s Pulse device, Metromile is able in many cases to verify and validate a claim without human intervention. In these scenarios, there is no reason to not pay a claim instantly.

The turning point for Metromile came about a year ago when they became a fully licensed carrier. Dan told me, “We’ve been handling claims in-house for about year now. In that time we’ve launched AVA, our AI claims assistant and the most exciting product launch to-date at Metromile! We wanted to create a different experience for customers, one that was different to the traditional experience, with much less friction for customers.

“For the customer, all they want is to get back on the road. But for the traditional carrier, they won’t settle until they’ve got all the evidence that they need to justify the claim. In the traditional claims experience, often the problem is that the carrier only has the word of the customer to go on. Trust isn’t very strong in this relationship and the result is that it takes time.

“With Metromile, the Pulse can verify what the customer is telling us. Our tech can verify facts such as speed and location and time. The customer doesn’t need to provide this data because we already have it. This leads to instant payout or for the Metromile app to organise the repair and servicing of the vehicle.

“It’s another win-win because the instant and automated approach delivers a better customer experience by reducing cycle time and making it easy to claim. For Metromile, it lowers the cost of handling claims, which benefits customers in the long run by lowering premiums.”

Away From Your Car? Here’s How to Keep it Protected

This week in preparation for holiday travels we wanted to share some car tips about keeping your car in the best shape when you aren’t using it at all. If you have a car, and don’t use it very much, you could save big on car insurance with Metromile’s pay-per-mile insurance. Get a free quote now!

Mercedes Benz at Airport Parking Lot. Car Tips

Cars are wonderful instruments of convenience. They allow us to live freely, save time and stay connected to the people we’re closest to. That’s why it’s ironic the troubles a car can cause you if you’re leaving for an extended amount of time. There are plenty of reasons why a person might leave their car. We all have demanding responsibilities to our families and work that might demand unique things from us. Vacations, moving between states – the list goes on and on.

But cars aren’t meant to be neglected. Leaving without preparing and securing your car could give you fits once you return. A new battery is nearly a given and you might even run into more severe issues like engine trouble. You can save yourself that headache with a little know-how. Here are our top car tips for keeping your car in tip-top shape when it isn’t being used.

    Car Tips: Storage

    The first issue is pretty simple: Where can I safely store my car? Many people opt to leave their car with a friend or family who can keep an eye on it and potentially drive it around a bit. This is a great solution if you can find something so convenient.
    There are still issues, however. A car that’s parked on a street for prolonged periods of time is always at risk of being towed. And if your car-sitter cannot make the time to give your vehicle’s engine a chance to heat up and work a bit, you’ll still need to make some precautions.
    Another option is a vehicle storage facility. This can include outdoor parking – like at an airport – or even something indoors. These facilities will provide you a secure location for your car with constant supervision. Depending on your needs and how long you’ll be gone, these are a great place to start.

    Car Tips: Security

    We all leave things in our cars that we use regularly. To save on the hassle of emptying your car and locking everything up tightly, picking the right place to monitor your car will be another major convenience.
    Take the time to look up local laws on parking and car ownership as well. It’s good to double check that sort of thing to prevent any issues. Especially considering you won’t be in town to fix any troubles that may arise.

    Car Tips: Preparing Your Car

    Sitting for prolonged periods of time isn’t healthy – and that’s just as true for cars. The battery will bleed away it’s charge, the gas can breakdown and moisture can damage car parts. But there’s plenty you can do to keep your car running smoothly once you return.

    • Disconnect the battery: By unplugging the negative charge of your battery, you’ll save yourself the trouble of needing a new battery once you return. The electronic parts of your car drain you battery slowly even when the car’s not being used. This is especially an issue in newer cars. Be sure to wrap the negative end in a thick cloth so it will not touch anything else.
      Note: If you are a Metromile customer we do not recommend unplugging your car battery as this will cause the Pulse device to stop sending us your mileage data. We do recommend you call us to let us know your travel plans so we can assist.
    • Top off your fluids: One of the biggest dangers to your car when you’re gone is moisture. Outside moisture can get into your gas tank, your engine, and plenty other placed where it can wreak havoc on your car over a prolonged time. By going to get your car serviced and your fuels topped off before leaving, moisture will have a more difficult time getting to the places where it can hurt your car the most. Another issue here is that impurities can leak to the engine. By putting in new fluids, you remove the possibilities of impurities that can hurt your car.
    • Get a full tank of gas and a fuel stabilizer : Remember that fluids thing? Same issue here. A full tank will repel outside moisture. Adding a fuel stabilizer is another great tip if you’ll be gone for a longer period of time.
    • Put the car on a jack :If you’re going to be gone for months, putting your car on a jack will save the tires. Tires can develop flat spots that render them faulty if left in one place for too long.
    • Cover it : Finally, make sure to cover your vehicle’s exterior. This is especially vital if you’re storing it outside. Dirt and other debris can leave stains on your paint if left for prolonged periods.

The easiest solution really is having a friend or family member help you with your car. But if you’ll be gone for longer than just a few weeks, it’s not always feasible. It’s always better to know how to treat your car and keep it safe.

Alex Briggs is a contributing writer for Ship a Car Direct.

Everything You Might Want to Know About Car Insurance Premiums

Auto insurance can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s what you might want to know about your car insurance premium.

At Metromile, we handle premiums a little differently than your mom and dad’s car insurance.

Instead of paying for auto insurance you might not be using, we charge you for the miles you drive. So if you’re a low mileage driver, you could save money with our pay-per-mile auto insurance policies.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve found many people are driving less, which has them rethinking their car insurance needs. When was the last time you took a look at how much you’re paying for insurance?

What determines your auto insurance premium?

With Metromile, how many miles you drive is one of the most significant factors in determining how much you pay for auto insurance.

So if you’re driving less during the COVID-19 pandemic, you could save money on car insurance.

Metromile also might consider factors like:

  • What type of car you drive
  • Your driving record
  • Where you live
  • Your age
  • Your credit history in some states
  • Your gender in some states
  • Your marital status in some states

Of course, the type of auto insurance you have, your coverage levels, and your deductible amount also play a big role in determining your premium. 

The most affordable type of auto insurance generally includes only liability coverage, which means an insurer may help cover the damages and injuries you cause to other vehicles. You might want to add more coverage to protect your financial wellbeing and vehicle if something happens.

Your coverage levels — or the maximum amount of money the insurance company will pay you after an accident — also determines how much your premium costs, as does your deductible. Your deductible is the amount you pay after an accident before your insurance coverage kicks in. As your deductible increases, your premiums tend to go down.

What does an auto insurance premium do?

Most insurance companies use your premium to provide coverage for claims being made as a part of your policy, as long as the claim is under a covered accident as outlined in your insurance policy contract. 

At Metromile, you pay your premium monthly. The premium comprises a low monthly base rate plus a per-mile rate, which is typically a few cents per mile. 

We provide the same coverage as a traditional insurance company but charge your premium more fairly, based on how many miles you drive. Along with providing coverage in case of an accident, Metromile also provides drivers with smart driving features, which can help you understand your car’s check engine light, keep you from getting a ticket with street-sweeping alerts, and look back at your past trips.

How can you save money on your car insurance premium?

The easiest way to save money with Metromile is by driving less.

With pay-per-mile, the premium you pay is, in part, based on the actual miles you drive. Once you sign up, we send you a device, the Metromile Pulse, which plugs into your vehicle and measures mileage. The device counts your miles, so you can pay less when you drive less.

Besides, you might already be driving less without realizing it. 

As a result of COVID-19, many cities, counties, states, and even countries, are issuing everything from travel bans to shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders. This has led to many drivers hitting the road less often.

The bottom line

If your driving habits have changed, it could be the right time for you to switch to Metromile and pay-per-mile auto insurance.

See how much you could save with a free car insurance quote from Metromile. You can also try Ride Along™ for free. 
Ride Along is a free app feature that helps you get a more accurate rate before buying auto insurance. Download the Metromile app to start your trial period, and Metromile will consider your actual driving for about two weeks, including how many miles you drive, to show you your rate. Then, you can switch from your current insurance provider to Metromile; we want you to have confidence you’ll save money before you switch and start your pay-per-mile coverage with us.