
5 Tips For Navigating Thanksgiving Traffic

Thanksgiving brings to mind family, friends, turkey, and potatoes. But, it can also bring Thanksgiving traffic to mind. Millions of people travel for the holidays and a majority of them travel by car. In fact, last year 49 million Americans contributed to road congestion for the Thanksgiving holiday. With all those people on the road, we wanted to share our top tips for stress-free holiday navigating.

Girl Holding Sign 'Give Thanks.' Thanksgiving Traffic Tips

    1. Avoid the busiest travel days: This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s often times easier said than done. The busiest travel days are the Friday before Thanksgiving, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Sunday following Thanksgiving.

    2. The early driver catches the worm: Leave early. Taking data from past holidays, Google has found that leaving by 6 a.m. on Sunday is your best bet. From there on out traffic will only get worse. Headed home? – Leave early; Friday is the best time to head home Thanksgiving traffic free.

    3. When in doubt, Podcast it out: Be prepared for traffic anyways and have a playlist, audiobook or Podcast ready to entertain you while you wait it out. Having something to listen to will keep you calm so you show up to Thanksgiving refreshed not stressed.

    4. Be courteous: Everyone is pretty much on the road for the same reason, to get somewhere to eat and celebrate with loved ones. We could all use a little extra kindness here and there and making the extra effort to be polite to others on the road can make a huge difference.

    5. Be thankful: Traffic is definitely a nuisance and sometimes it’s easier to complain and focus on the negative. But, always remember that the traffic could be worse, or you could not be going to spend the holidays with loved ones. Being thankful for what you have and taking every day one step at a time, and every traffic jam one mile at a time can make that stop-and-go freeway drive that much more bearable.

So this Thanksgiving just remember, planning ahead and being prepared for congestion is the best way to avoid the stress that that traffic can cause. Team Metromile is wishing all you road trippers and commuters a wonderful Thanksgiving. If you do have some big holiday road trips in the future, you are in luck if you are a Metromile pay-per-mile car insurance customer. We have a daily mileage cap so you won’t be charged for over a 250 miles a day (150 in certain states), but still will be totally covered all the way to grandma’s house!

Unpacking Your Pay-Per-Mile Insurance Policy: The Metromile Policy Explained

Have you have had car insurance for years and still don’t know what type of policy you have or what the heck any of it means? Insurance jargon and policies can be confusing. There are a lot of new definitions and lingo that you may not have heard before. How much coverage does someone really need to have anyway? What kind of coverage did you sign up for? What is ‘Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury’ coverage and what does it mean for your pay-per-mile insurance coverage?

Blue VW Van on dirt road. Breaking Down Your Pay-Per-Mile Insurance Policy

We get it; you need insurance but you don’t need to be an insurance expert (unless you want to be!). So we are here to clear up all the questions that your pay-per-mile insurance declaration page may have brought up. From Bodily Injury to Roadside Assistance, here’s what it all means:

  • Bodily Injury (BI): If you get into an accident and you, the insured, is legally liable for the accident, this coverage can help. It pays for injuries/death to people involved in the accident, but not limited to, emotional injury or mental anguish resulting from the bodily injury. Also, BI limits will pay for any legal defense cost if you are sued for the accident. The limits of this coverage depend on the limits that you chose to have.
    How It Works: There a set limit per person and set limit per occurrence or accident. Once the limit has been exhausted there is no more coverage that can be provided. This coverage is not optional and you must at least have the state minimum limit on your policy.
  • Property Damage Liability (PD): This coverage is for when you damage someone else’s property with your vehicle. Typically, it is someone’s vehicle, but it can also be applied to other property such a buildings, utility poles, fences and garage doors. Just keep in mind that property can be anything is tangible. This coverage also covers any legal defense and child safety seats if the child was in it at the time of the accident. Again, this coverage is not optional and you must at least have the state minimum requirements.
  • Uninsured Bodily Injury (UBI): Pays for injuries if (up to the coverage limit) the insured person and/or other passengers in the vehicle were injured as the result of an accident where the other party is at-fault and is uninsured. If you are involved in a hit-and-run then you must report within 24 hours to the police and file a claim and give a statement within 30 days. This coverage includes medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering costs.
  • Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury (UMBI): Very similar to Uninsured, this coverage pays (up to the coverage limit) the insured person and other passengers in the vehicle while they’re insured as the result of an accident where the at-fault driver has inadequate insurance coverage.

    Note: For both UBI and IMBI coverage options there are split limits where you can choose a per person limit and a per accident limit.

  • Medical Payments: Are hospital bills, funeral expenses, or doctor bills just piling up after your accident? Do you need a see a chiropractor or a psychiatrist afterward too? Regardless of who is at-fault in the accident, Medical Payments will cover the cost up to the limit on the policy.
    How It Works: This coverage is optional and driver’s may rely on their own or their passengers’ health insurance to cover resulting injuries too.
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): This coverage is only available in certain states and provides broad protection for medical costs, lost wages, loss of essential service normally provided by the injured person (child care or housekeeping) and funeral costs. PIP coverage can be used regardless of who is at fault in an accident, though some states may require a deductible.
  • Comprehensive Deductible: Comprehensive Deductibles are optional. A Comprehensive Deductible will kick in when your car is stolen or damaged in ways that don’t involve a collision. This could be hail damage, glass breakage, fire, vandalism, damage from an animal, flood, earthquakes, falling objects and theft.
    How It Works: The deductible amount is the out-of-pocket expense that you agree to pay for losses up to set amount.
  • Collision Deductible: Similar to Comprehensive Deductibles, Collision Deductibles are optional and can be used for when your car is damaged due to colliding with another object, like a brick wall, a tree, or another car. This coverage protects your car only and not the other party’s property, or injury.
    How It Works: The deductible amount is a set amount you agree to pay out-of-pocket if accident falls under collision coverage.
  • Collision Deductible Waiver: Uh oh, were you in an accident where an uninsured causes damage to your car? The collision deductible waiver waives your collision deductible in this instance.
    How It Works: You need the license plate number or name of the person that caused the damage and you must report this claim within 10 days. Keep in mind this coverage is not available in every state.
  • Underinsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD): This covers the damage to your vehicle if you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver. Some states offer either Collision coverage OR UMPD coverage – but not both.
    How It Works: UMPD is not offered in every state and is typically optional coverage. There also might be a deductible required for this coverage, but this information can be found on the declaration page.
  • Rental Car Reimbursement: Did you get into an accident and need a rental car? This optional coverage can help with that and reimburse you for rental car costs when your vehicle is disabled as a result of a covered accident or loss. The reimbursement amount can vary by insurance company. At Metromile if you have this coverage you can be reimbursed $30 a day up to $900 in total.
    How It Works: In most cases, you will need to have comprehensive and collision coverage to have rental car coverage too.
  • Roadside Assistance: Provides services such as towing (up to a certain amount of towing miles are typically free), flat tire change, locksmith services, and battery jump start to customers. It is definitely worth including on your policy so you will never be stranded.
    How It Works: Metromile provides 24/7 roadside assistance as an optional addition to our pay-per-mile insurance offering. Customers can either give us a call or request assistance directly through the Metromile app or dashboard.

Taking the time to understand your pay-per-mile insurance policy can ultimately help you save in the long run. It is better to make sure you are fully covered and protected than having to pay out of your own pocket and regret it later. Your future self will be so appreciative that you took the time and made sure you had the right coverage on your policy. That’s why Metromile lets you check and change your pay-per-mile insurance coverages at any time, through the app or just by giving us a call.

Metromile is trying to make car insurance and car ownership even easier with pay-per-mile insurance and the smart driving app. If you drive less than 200 miles per week (like 65% of the U.S. drivers), Metromile’s pay-per-mile insurance offering could save you hundreds. Even though you’re paying less you still will have the same great coverage you are used to. We offer many different levels of coverages to choose from including, liability, comprehensive and collision. To see what coverage is offered in your states or to see how much you could be savings get a quick free quote.

Explaining Your On-board Diagnostic System: The OBD-II Port

We’ve been talking a lot lately about usage-based insurance models like the Metromile pay-per-mile model. The great thing about usage-based insurance is that you are only charged based on the miles you drive. So if you have a car, but don’t drive very far you could save a ton of money with pay-per-mile car insurance from Metromile. But have you ever wondered how we measure your miles? Usage-based insurance, and therefore Metromile’s pay-per-mile offering, wouldn’t be possible without the OBD-II port.

Porsche on rainy downtown road. OBD-II Port

If your car was built after 1996 and has a gasoline engine, chances are high that it has an OBD-II port. The OBD, or on-board diagnostics port began as a way to measure a vehicle’s emissions. California, in particular, wanted a way to combat the growing issue of smog, so in 1966 they began to require emissions testing in all vehicles. This requirement was gradually adopted nationwide by 1968. In 1988, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) passed a requirement that all vehicles sold in the state include on-board diagnostics. This first port would become known as the OBD-I. If your car was made before 1996, you likely have the OBD-I. Today, all new vehicles nationwide are required to include the OBD-II port. This next-generation of diagnostics had evolved from emissions testing to monitoring other performance-related aspects of the car, like the engine and chassis.

Here’s how the OBD-II works:

  • Your car has a Powertrain Control Module (PCM) that constantly monitors the engine. If it detects a problem, like excessive oil consumption, your ‘Check Engine’ or service light will come on and remain on until the issue is resolved.
  • A repair technician can connect a scanner to the OBDII port, download your car’s data, confirm a diagnosis and start on the necessary repairs or resolution.

So, if something is wrong with your vehicle; ranging from engine malfunctions to tire pressure, the OBD-II port is the best way to diagnose the problem. In fact, the OBD system is even proving to be an important factor in reducing the damaging effects of car emissions on our environment. Since the introduction of the Clean Air Act and the OBD requirement, toxic emissions have steadily decreased. Companies are also developing devices to use in tandem with the OBD-II port in all sorts of new and inventive ways. For example, our per-mile insurance customers plug the Metromile Pulse device into the OBD-II port to measure exact mileage. This enables us to provide low-mileage drivers with a more fair insurance pricing model, since their monthly bill is based on the miles they drive, not just on a rough estimate (which other insurance companies sometimes offer a small discount for). We also use the Pulse to help drivers decode the mysterious check engine light without visiting the mechanic, see personal driving stats and avoid street sweeping tickets. We’ve even used GPS functionality on the Pulse to help recover stolen cars! Fleet management services are using OBD devices as well, allowing them to communicate with their vehicles in real-time and monitoring things like location, speed and driver behavior. With a recent Deloitte survey finding that 72% of smartphone users see value in connected car technology, we expect to see additional use cases of OBD devices in the near future.

Overall, the OBD-II port helps provide transparency into key operational features of your vehicle so that you can make every effort to keep your vehicle in the best possible shape. Even with the amount of data provided, you should always make sure to stay up-to-date with your car’s maintenance schedule. Don’t delay changing your oil or overlook a Check Engine light that stays on.

The OBD-II port is a great example of the evolution vehicles have gone through over the decades. What began as a way to test emissions has evolved into the portal for mechanics and drivers to obtain data about cars and fix potential problems. For Metromile, the OBD-II is how we have unleashed the awesome amount of data to make driving less of a headache and enable drivers to make savvier decisions. Want to see the power of an OBD device in action? Learn more about Metromile’s per-mile insurance offering and get a free quote now.

Car Insurance Tips for Veterans

We thank our lucky stars for all veterans and active military personnel for serving our country. Veterans Day in the United States falls on the anniversary of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 which was the signing of the armistice that ended World War I. This day is intended to honor and thank all American veterans, wherever and whenever they served.

Car Insurance Tips for Veterans

Veterans live a different lifestyle than most. Some can be deployed for 6 to 18 months at a time, away from all their family and friends. They’ve given up their personal time, holidays, and special moments which can’t get back, all to serve our country. Because of their dedication to our country often times they receive military discounts as a thank you. Some car insurance companies provide discounts to active members who are deployed or for disabled veterans. Not only is it to thank them for their service, but also because statistically speaking, veterans tend to be safer drivers.

Active Military personnel and veterans need car insurance, just like everybody else. So we rounded up some helpful tips to follow to make sure you make the best decision on your car insurance policy.

    Compare your rates. To get the best rates you will need to shop around a bit and compare quotes to see what your rates would be with different carriers. Make sure you are comparing apples to apples and getting a quote for the same type of coverage. Potentially even with a military discount you could get a better rate with another company that might not offer a discount. So due your due diligence in comparing rates.

    Consider your coverages. You may want to lower your coverage while on deployment, since you car may be sitting for a long time. Or maybe you want to keep it fully covered since family or friends will be driving it while you are away. Either way, weigh out the options and consider speaking with an agent about what might be best for you and your situation.

    Consult your friends/family. They can help you with your search and making a decision. They usually have great insight into finding a car insurance company and can speak to their past experience.

    Consider keeping an active insurance policy. You may be thinking why do I need insurance or want to pay for insurance if my car is going to sit while I am deployed? If you cancel your insurance, upon your return you might be quoted a higher rate because of the lapse in coverage. Also, if any disasters happen while away, your vehicle still will still be insured. If you do choose to cancel your coverage, you should file an affidavit for non-use with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    Don’t fall for common insurance traps. It is time to change your mindset about how you think about your car insurance. Don’t choose the highest deductible because it gets you better rates, or don’t choose the lowest because it is the lowest. Choose what is going to be best for your lifestyle. Know that it is okay shop around and make sure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck for what type of coverage you need. Brand loyalty does not always mean more discounts. Rate increases or decreases might happen regardless of how long you have been a customer. And bundling with renter’s or homeowner’s insurance might not get you the most savings. It might be more cost effective to keep your policies separate. Keep an open mind and do what is best for you.

At Metromile we believe that you should pay when you drive your car, and that you shouldn’t pay when it is parked. Pay-per-mile car insurance could be the perfect fit for you while you are deployed serving our country or if you are a low mileage driver. As a policyholder you’ll pay a low monthly fee to have the service (gotta make sure your car is covered while it’s parked) and if you leave it parked while away that is all you will pay. To see how much you could be savings go to Thank you to all veterans for their service, we appreciate the time you give to our country.

How Car Insurance Rates Are Calculated

Do you feel in the dark or confused about how car insurance rates work? You aren’t alone – rates can vary from insurance company to company and from policyholder to policyholder. Your rates are determined by various factors and underwriting guidelines. There is no ‘one size fits all’ in car insurance.

blue car on scenic background. How Car insurance Rates are Calculated

Because there is not just one particular thing that causes your rates to increase or decrease, and various companies offer differing rates, it can be hard to understand which rate and which policy is the best for your particular situation. We’ve rounded up the most common factors that make up car insurance rates across carriers to help you navigate the winding road of car insurance costs.

Gender: Generally speaking female drivers’ car insurance rates tend to be lower than male drivers’ rates. This can most likely be attributed to statistics; data over the years has shown that women are less risky drivers than men. Men are more likely to get into an accident or be a little too heavy on the gas pedal, meaning they are higher risk drivers – which equates to higher car insurance rates.

Location: Where you live matters when it comes to car insurance rates. Insurance companies take instances of theft, and insurance claims, into account when determining your overall rate. They even examine the overall population of specific states, cities, and suburbs – if you live in or garage in a more densely populated area, your rate is likely to be higher.

Vehicle type: Carriers also look at how valuable your car currently is, and how much it could potentially cost to repair or replace the vehicle when determining your premium amount. Vehicles with high safety ratings tend to get better rates too; which means choosing a safer vehicle when buying a car can pay off down the road, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars in insurance costs.

Marital status: Married couples also tend to get better rates than single individuals. Couples who are married or in a domestic partnership are less likely to be in an accident than someone who is not married. So don’t forget once you get hitched to call your insurance company and let them know that you need to add your partner to your policy, be sure to check for new discounts!

Accident history: Unfortunately, the biggest predictor of your future driving behavior is your past driving history. So if you have been at-fault for an accident in the past, this will play a huge part in determining your car insurance rate. People with prior accidents on their driving record will most likely be given a higher rate due to the at-fault accident. In the event of an accident, you will see an increase in rates upon renewal of your insurance policy.

Driving record: Just like with accident history, your driving record is a strong predictor of how risky of a driver you are. When you get an insurance quote the carrier will pull a Motor Vehicle Record. If any tickets or traffic convictions come up, these will affect your rates. In general, driving history will count towards your car insurance rates for 3 years from the violation date.

Annual mileage: Traditional insurance companies take into consideration how many miles you drive a year. If you fall under a certain threshold for low mileage you could receive a discount on your rate.

Credit score: Insurance companies typically use your credit score information to determine your rates. In general, those with better credit history are considered to be less risky drivers, hence they receive lower rates.

Insurance companies take all of these factors into account when determining car insurance rates. No two individuals have the same background, history, or live the same life, so your car insurance rate is likely different than that of your neighbor. Understanding all of the risk factors that insurance companies asses can help you in the long run; if your rates are high now consider altering your driving behavior, spending some time working on improving your credit score, or shopping for a safer vehicle.

If you are a safe driver, and still feel like you are getting ripped off by your car insurance monthly premium, Metromile is excited to offer low mileage drivers a better option on car insurance with pay-per-mile. If you are driving 10,000 miles or less a year you could potentially see great savings with Metromile. To get a quote go to and start by typing in your zip code.

10 Ways to Save on Your Vehicle

Buying – and running – a car is expensive, but it doesn’t have to leave you eating instant ramen for the next few years. While there are a lot of expenses that come with owning a car, like gas and insurance, there are also ways to shave down on these costs. Here are my top ten vehicle money-saving tips:

White convertible in parking lot overlooking view with dog in passenger seat. vehicle money-saving tips

    1. Save on gas

    It goes without saying that you shouldn’t drive like you’re in a “Fast and Furious” movie, right? Aggressively braking and accelerating really does eat into your gas. If you’re stuck in traffic often, something as simple as turning off your engine while you wait, or trying to drive less by using public transportation a few times per week, can save you a ton of money (and time!) in the long run.

    2. Make use of the apps out there

    There are a number of apps out there that tell you the prices of all the gas stations near you – use them to your advantage! GasBuddy is one of the most well-known apps, which uses crowdsourced data. Others include Gas Guru and Dash. Dash also tracks things like your fuel efficiency, too!

    Other apps like Repair P , Car Minder and the Metromile smart driving app can help keep your car in tip top shape. Repair Pal offers free estimates on car repairs and can help you find a local repair shop. Car Minder makes car maintenance easy with service reminders; the app also logs all service and repairs. Metromile’s smart driving app tracks your trip data, offers street sweeping alerts in select cities and can function as a vehicle health decoder – meaning no more pesky trips to the mechanic just to be told your tire pressure was low.

    3. Take up a side hustle

    Who can say no to a little bit of extra money coming in on the side? Side hustles are becoming popular, and for good reason. It can be anything from tutoring students, freelancing on sites like upwork or TaskRabbit, or even renting out a spare bedroom through sites like VRBO or AirBnB. If animals are more your thing, sites like Rover and Wag let you sign up to walk or watch fluffy companions for some extra cash. Putting that money toward your car will take a serious load off.

    4. Opt for pay-per-mile insurance

    Expensive insurance is a complete waste if you only use your car for short drives. Select a policy that is suited to how you use your car for huge money savings. Metromile, for example, caters perfectly to low-mileage drivers with pay-per-mile coverage that saves drivers an average of $500 per year!

    5. Rotate your tires

    Did you know that rotating your tires will make them last longer? A new tire is going to set you back around $80 – minimum – and that’s not even looking at the other three you’ll need! You want them to last as long as possible, right? Right.

    Front tires tend to wear down faster than back ones, and sometimes one side will be worse than the other. All you need to do is switch them around to even out the wear. Your owner’s manual should have the recommended tire rotation schedule, but it’s generally around 5,000 miles. You can do it yourself to really save money, or add it on during a service.

    6. See what repairs you can do yourself

    Thanks to YouTube, we now have millions of handy videos at our fingertips. Why not give being handy a try? Repairs like changing the battery, brake pads, windshield wipers, or replacing a headlight can be done by yourself. If you’re like me, it’s easier seeing it done in an instructional video than trying to decipher the written word. The Mechanic OC updates his page weekly and offers how-to’s for everything from replacing cracked spark plugs to checking wheel bearings. Forum sites like Reddit and Quora can also be great resources for expert level advice.

    7. When buying a car, don’t go for the cheapest one

    In the same way that buying cheap clothing means poor quality, buying a low-priced car isn’t always a good option. In the long run, you’ll end up paying more in repairs and may have to replace it after a shorter amount of time. A good quality car should last you at least six years (but hopefully more!).

    8. Think hard about new or used

    A study we conducted found that when you use an auto loan to buy a used car, you may save only $500 in interest when compared to buying new. This means that, in the long run, buying new may actually stretch your dollar further. Before making any decisions, weigh out the pros and cons of a new car or a used car for you. Everyone’s situation is unique so be sure to make the best financial choice for your wallet.

    9. Carpool when you can

    Sharing the driving with just one other person ultimately leads to savings. Do you have a colleague that lives close to you? A friend from school? Easy – carpool! Not only can you share gas, but you’ll save on the general wear and tear your car goes through. It’ll also reduce the mileage on your car.

    10. Keep up the maintenance!

    When your car is running fine, it can be hard to see the need for regular check-ups. However, skipping an oil change or ignoring that minor issue that could’ve been easily solved in one of these tune-ups could end up costing you a whole lot more down the road! Shop around to find a mechanic that won’t put you too much out of pocket.

Jennifer McDermott is the Consumer Advocate at personal finance comparison website She has more than 12 years’ experience under her belt, where she’s analyzed consumer trends in the finance, lifestyle and travel industries. Jennifer loves to uncover interesting insights and issues to help people make better decisions with their money.

The 6 Best Ways to Drive Less

Driving less has benefits, including saving you money. Here’s how you can cut down on the miles you drive.

Do you remember how exciting it was to be 16 years old and driving for the first time? At the time, all you can think about is driving more, and it might take years before you start to brainstorm ways to drive less.

But things have changed. 

Remember when you used to drive to work every day? 

Back then, before companies turned to online video conference calls to replace meetings, you might have stopped by the dry cleaners now and then to freshen up your suit and tie. You still might drive to pick up groceries or take out from your favorite restaurants.

Historically, we may have relied too much on our vehicles. 

But one unintended consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it might have given you the boost you need to drive less frequently.

Cutting down on how much you drive every day can be a good way to stay safe in these times and save money on car insurance with pay-per-mile insurance like Metromile offers. 

Here are six ways you might already be driving less without realizing it as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Drive Less: Stay Healthy

Due to the coronavirus, many people are naturally driving less. 

To stop the spread, state and local governments have issued a patchwork of travel bans, stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders. If you live in one of these places, you might have already noticed that staying safe could also help you cut down on the miles you drive — and save money on car insurance.

2. Drive Less: Live closer to the places you go to most

You can’t live closer to work than walking from your bedroom to the couch every morning if your job has gone remote during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While that may be the case for millions of remote workers over the last year, for essential workers and other people who still go into the office, it can help to live closer to work.

Plus, the more destinations you can walk to, the less you’ll need to load up the car.

3. Drive Less: Shop online

Have you ever gone to the store just to browse? I think we’re all guilty there.

Window shopping is a favorite pastime for some. But as society copes with COVID-19, many shoppers are turning to online shopping. Not only could this help prevent the spread and keep you safe, but it could also save you money with a pay-per-mile car insurance policy.

Not to mention saving on the cost of gas!

4. Drive Less: Stay home and chill

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt to nightlife as we know it.

Instead of going to the movies until things get back to normal, a safer alternative may be to host an online TV watching session with your family or roommates. 

While going out on the weekends may no longer be an option, that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop!

Not only could this keep you safe, but by reducing the miles you drive, it could also help you save money on car insurance.

5. Drive Less: Have food delivered

Whether you want food from your favorite restaurant or prefer to cook at home, there’s an app for that.

Food delivery apps for both restaurants and grocery stores have taken off during the COVID-19 pandemic, and people may now feel more comfortable choosing “touchless” or online platforms for their day-to-day needs.

Plus, the amount of money you save on car insurance by driving less might be able to help offset the cost of your food delivery.

6. Drive Less: Get some exercise

If you live close to your office, grocery store, or favorite restaurants, you could try walking or biking instead of driving.

After being cooped up inside for much of the last year, it will feel nice to get some fresh air.

It will also cut down on the miles you drive, which could save you money on auto insurance, gas, and car maintenance.

The bottom line

These days, we know we’re preaching to the choir. The fact is that most drivers have dramatically cut back on the time they spend on the road as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Metromile data, we found 22% fewer cars on the road in June 2020 than there were a year earlier, and those who still got behind the wheel drove 30% fewer miles.

So many of these tips may be things you’re already doing. 

If any of these things resonate with you, why not get a free car insurance quote from Metromile to see how much you could save on car insurance? 

You can also try Ride Along™ for free. 

Ride Along is a free feature on the Metromile app that helps you get a more accurate rate. Download the app to start the trial period, and Metromile will consider your actual driving for about two weeks, including how many miles you drive. Then, you can see your rate so you have confidence you’ll save money before you switch and begin your coverage with Metromile after the trial period.

After all, why pay so much for a traditional car insurance policy you’re barely using?

6 Tips For A Fun & Safe Halloween

Trick-or-treaters, carving jack-o-lanterns, scary movies, and candy galore! These are just a few of our favorite things about All Hallows Eve. With Halloween just around the corner; kids getting their costumes in order and mad dashes to the store to stock up on candy, we wanted to share some fun facts about the sugar-filled holiday and offer some precautions to make sure everyone has a fantastically safe Halloween.

Child holding jack-o'-lantern for a safe halloween

Halloween originated from a mix of various cultures throughout time. Dating back 2,000 years ago during the Celtic time, the Celts believed that October 31st marked the end of warm and harvesting summer and the beginning of cold and dark winter. Their culture typically associated this time with human death and believed on this day ghosts walked the earth.They celebrated with Samhain, a Gaelic festival where people would wear costumes that resembled animals. The following day, November 1st, All Saints Day, was also celebrated and the previous day of celebrations was known as All Hallows Eve or Halloween. Halloween was brought to America through the colonization of New England by Irish immigrants, who made celebrating Halloween nationally popular by celebrating the harvest, sharing stories of the dead and lots of dancing and singing.

Trick-or-treating as we know it today became very popular when Americans started to dress up in costume and go house to house requesting food and money. It has now turned into one of kids favorite nights of the year, where they try to collect as much candy as possible and negotiate how much candy they can eat before bedtime.

With this spooky holiday, there always comes safety concerns for our little ones. Many communities and churches organize Trunk-or-Treating events where participants decorate their car trunks and friends and family come together to pass out candy by going trunk-to-trunk. Kids love it because they can double-up on their candy routes, and it gives parents peace of mind knowing their kids are participating in a safe Halloween event.

Trick-or-Treating and Halloween is a fun time of year but it important for parents to feel their kids are safely celebrating the Holiday. Here are some tips that parents can use to ensure there is no double, double toil and trouble for their family.

    1. Make your game plan. Go over what routes or streets you will be doing while trick-or-treating with your kids before heading out.Try to stick to familiar areas, that way no one gets left behind.

    2. Adult supervision is key. Children who are under the age of 12 should fill their baskets full of goodies with adults watching and near by. If they are more mature make sure they stick with a group of friends, so they can watch over each other.

    3. Bring a flashlight or fun alternatives to light the way. You can be creative and make the light a part of their costume or candy basket, that way drivers or other fellow trick-or-treaters can see you and your witch or monster. Only stick to visiting houses that are well lit.

    4. Wear Comfortable Shoes. The costume should help not hinder their trick-or-treating experience. Grab those comfortable shoes, there will be lots of walking ahead. Make sure costumes aren’t too long to eliminate any tripping. Also, avoid masks, which may make it harder for your children to see or breath.

    5. Drive extra safely in neighborhoods. Little ones are distracted by the fun night and can walk, gallop or fly on their brooms, unpredictably. Drive slowly and cautiously.

    6. Examine all candy when arriving home. Throw away any candy that is already open, old, or suspicious looking. Of course save a stash for yourself, you’ve earned it!

Halloween is a real treat and Metromile wishes all families a hauntingly fun night. Don’t forget to stop in for a spell and get a quote with Metromile. If you are a low mileage driver you can save $500 per year on average with pay-per-mile insurance. Wishing everyone a fun and safe Halloween!

How to Prepare for a Roadside Emergency

It is a typical day. You are driving down Interstate 5 on your way back from work one evening when suddenly, something feels off. The steering wheel feels funny between your hands and the car begins to vibrate in a strange fashion. You find a safe location to pull over on the side of the road, only to realize your tire is going flat. What do you do?

Flat tires and other roadside mishaps aren’t all that uncommon, but preparing before you ever get behind the wheel can help alleviate the stress and potential dangers of a roadside emergency. The first step to help ensure your safety and get back on the road quickly is to secure a 24/7 roadside assistance program, like the one offered by Metromile that helps when you’re locked out, have a flat tire, or need a tow.

In addition, assembling a roadside emergency kit to keep in your car at all times means that you have the right tools at your fingertips to stay safe and get back on the road sooner, rather than later.

Here is a list of what you will need to prepare your own roadside emergency kit:

  • Jumper Cables – When your car doesn’t start a dead battery is likely the cause and a jumpstart can get you back on the road quickly. Make sure you know the steps to jump-starting a vehicle for safe operation of the equipment.
  • Triangle Reflectors – Safety is of the utmost importance and triangle reflectors help to warn other drivers of your presence on the side of the road in the instance of a breakdown. These warning triangles are collapsible, reducing the amount of space they take up in your car.
  • Spare Tire or Repair Kit – It is important to know if your car comes with a spare tire or a tire repair kit. If your car still has a spare tire, you should check that it is also stocked with a jack and lug wrench, which are necessary to install the spare. Make sure you know where your spare tire or repair kit is located by checking the owner’s manual.
  • Flashlight – A breakdown or other car emergency can occur at any time of the day or night. When it’s dark, a flashlight is crucial to being able to perform any work on your car. Make sure the flashlight has working batteries and even stock an extra pair for safe measure.
  • Tool Kit – The toolkit should include screwdrivers, pliers, and an adjustable wrench. These are all useful in fixing a roadside problem.
  • Ice Scraper – Depending on where you live, this may or may not be necessary, but if you live in a colder climate, it’s a good idea to keep an ice scraper in your vehicle to make sure you have a clear view of your surroundings from inside the car.

Take some time to educate yourself before encountering an actual roadside emergency. Gather supplies and read up on tasks and easy fixes, such as how to change a flat tire, to be better prepared. With proper planning and organization, a roadside assistance program (like Metromile’s optional roadside assistance add-on), an emergency kit will leave you with peace of mind. Learn more about Metromile’s Pay-Per-Mile insurance offering here.

This was a guest blog post contributed by National Dispatch. We rely on our cars daily for our transportation needs. However, in some cases, such as residential moves, corporate moves, and extended vacations, auto shipping is a better solution. National Dispatch is a nationwide auto transport company. Check out more information here:

How Metromile Gave My Convertible a “Car-Lift”

Sergio S. is a fellow car lover and fiercely loyal Metromile customer for almost two years. He’s had a great experience and wanted to share his story.


I was tired of overpaying for my insurance and was ready for a change. When I got a free quote from Metromile, I was amazed to find that I could pay $90 a month instead of $300 like I was initially paying. I’m also able to have lower deductibles for the first time, and can afford my insurance every month. My brother has also been overpaying for insurance for a long time and when he was able to see my incredible savings he also decided to join. It feels great being able to refer my family and friends to join Metromile.

Besides the excellent customer service every time I call in, my favorite part of Metromile is the smart driving app. Being that I am a car person, I love being able to check the health of my car. I appreciate that the DTC codes of my car get sent to my email and phone when something is going on with my car. It makes me feel like someone else cares about my safety and the workability of my vehicle. It’s also so easy being able to budget for my $90 bill every month — the app shows me where I stand during the billing cycle so I can be prepared.

My father and I have our own business in Virginia. We run a used car dealership and it has been great being able to put my savings into our business. I have finally been able to repair my car, something I have been putting off. I am excited to drive more in my convertible this summer without worrying about the mileage. I will enjoy my newly repaired car with the roof off in the nice weather thanks to Metromile!