
New Ways to Save Money in 2017

One of the top resolutions each year is saving money. Maybe you are saving for a big purchase like a new home or car, or just hoping to be more financially responsible this year. With a few small changes to daily habits, you can really make a difference in your bank account. Here are easy to do tips and tricks that you can do to save more in 2017.


  • Start by brewing your own coffee at home instead of racking up the Starbucks points. There are lots of tricks to creating the perfect brew at home like grinding your own whole beans or using a french press for cold brews. If you’re still in a hurry and a coffee stop is a must, Instead of ordering your favorite go-to tall, nonfat latte with caramel drizzle, try switching to tea or black coffee. Without all those extra add-ons, the price will go way down and will also help you kickstart a healthier habit.
  • Pack that healthy lunch for work instead of dining out all the time will help to add a few extra dollars to your savings. Consider making a bigger dinner the night before so you can bring leftovers for lunch or make yourself a sandwich or a salad so you can just grab and go in the morning. A big trend right now is growing your own garden with fruit and vegetables. Even more reason to buy fewer groceries and also live a healthy lifestyle! If you dine out for lunch socially, set up designated days on your calendar for when you can go out for food or drinks so you can plan ahead for the expense.
  • Find a carpool buddy and rotate days you drive to and from work. There are lots of easy ways to find a work carpool including apps like Scoop and Hitch A Ride. Or be adventurous and try UberPool, where you share a ride with others on your way to your destination. You can always try taking the bus, walking, or biking instead, too. Put the money you would have spent on gas each week into savings and watch your bank account grow!

Metromile Introduces New Automated Claims Service

We recently shared the good news that Metromile had acquired an insurance carrier, enabling us to manage the entire claims process from start to finish. The good news keeps coming — our new and improved claims service is already here! This includes our automated claims tool that gives many customers the option of filing their claim online without ever talking to someone on the phone.


In the event that a Metromile insurance customer needs to file a claim, the entire process will be much more seamless. Our brand new claims tool uses data and automation to reduce the pain points of traditional insurance. Unlike other major insurance companies that only allow you to start the beginning of a claim online, our customers can file everything right from their online dashboard or mobile phone. Also unique is our claims algorithm that dynamically serves questions depending on the situation, making sure the experience is streamlined and tailored to you.

We understand the importance of getting claims filed quickly and fairly. Customers can opt-in to use data provided from their Metromile Pulse device to expedite the claims process. Qualified claims can even be resolved and paid out within hours.

We’ve also updated our glass and roadside assistance. You can now instantly make a request from our app or online dashboard. If you are requesting roadside assistance, you can even track where your tow truck is in real time.

While we pride ourselves on being a tech-forward company, there are plenty of talented people working behind the scenes. Our claims team is comprised of people with over 200 combined years of experience at major insurance companies. Even though the whole claim can be filed online, customers will still have a dedicated claims representative to ensure everything is done quickly and fairly. We’ll do whatever it takes to get our customers back on the road as soon as possible.

Metromile Honored as a Best Place to Work in 2017

We are excited to share that Metromile is among the winners of the annual Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards, a list of the Best Places to Work in 2017!

This is such an honor for us because the award was determined entirely by those that know us best, our employees. To determine the winners of the awards, Glassdoor evaluates all company reviews shared by employees over the past year. We were included as sixth on the list of small and medium-sized companies (less than 1,000 employees) and the only car insurance company represented.


Metromile rates highly on Glassdoor with 4.7 out of 5 stars from more than 40 reviews. 94 percent of people would recommend working for Metromile, 99 percent have a positive business outlook and 100 percent approve of the CEO, Dan Preston. Some of the reasons why Metromile ranks so highly include smart and motivated colleagues, transparent leadership, unique and groundbreaking products and great benefits. We work hard to not only create fiercely loyal customers, but also fiercely loyal employees. This award is evidence that our efforts are working!

Interested in working for Metromile? Check out our Job Board at

5 Safety Tips for Driving in the Dark

Daylight Savings is over, and while that extra hour of sleep was much appreciated, we now face the dreaded dwindling daylight. If you drive to work this likely means a darker commute in the evening. Driving in the dark presents increased dangers, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Association warns that road fatalities are three times more likely to happen at night. Familiarize yourself with these tips to stay safe during these “darker times.”


  1. Light the Way
    During the hours before dusk, you’ll often notice a mix of cars using their headlights while others keep them off. When in doubt, turn on your lights. Even if you don’t absolutely need them at this time, it will help other drivers spot you, especially if the sun is setting behind you and obscuring the view of oncoming traffic. In some states like California, it is legally required to have headlights on from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise.
  2. Dim Your Dash
    There’s a reason why your dashboard has a dimmer on it. Driving around with your dash lights on max can compromise your vision, so turn them down to a comfortable level. In general, your map light should be kept totally off while driving, although luxury cars often come equipped with focused reading lights that do not cause glare.
  3. Keep It Clean
    A windshield that appears clean during the day may reveal itself to be foggy at night. Keep a cotton or microfiber cloth in your door pocket for quick touch-ups to ensure full visibility. The same goes for your side view mirrors, as dirty mirrors can cause more glare from car lights behind you. You can also aim these mirrors down slightly to prevent high beams from temporarily blinding your vision. It’s also important to keep your headlights clean so their brightness and clarity remain high. If a headlight burns out, replace it as soon as possible, as it’s often illegal to drive without proper working headlights.
  4. Slow Down
    Visibility is much lower at night, even on well-lit roads. This means it takes longer to see and react to hazards, like pedestrians, cyclists or even animals in more rural areas. Drive slower and give yourself plenty of time to react to any problems, and never “out-drive” your headlights (driving so fast that you can’t stop within the distance illuminated in front of you).
  5. Stay Focused
    Eye fatigue is much more common at night, and you might feel yourself dozing off after a long day at the office. To stay focused, try to keep your eyes moving and constantly scanning the road. Avoid solely focusing on the dividing line in the middle of the road, which can have a “hypnotizing” effect.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be prepared for the long winter (and shorter days) ahead of us. You can also avoid driving at night by taking public transit, so if you find yourself driving less in the winter months, check out Metromile’s pay-per-mile insurance to save some money.

Paying for Your New Ride: Buy or Lease?

Shopping for a new car is exciting, but figuring out how you’re going to pay for it can be downright confusing. Pay in cash? Buy or lease? It will depend on your financial situation and your lifestyle but we have some advice to help you decide.


  1. Paying in cash Very few people actually pay cash for a new car, but if you’ve been saving and don’t want the stress of monthly payments hitting your budget, paying cash can be the best option. First, paying cash means no interest costs or financing fees, which can add up. You’ll also be able to do what you want with it, and when the time comes it will be easier to sell since you hold the title. The only downside? If paying cash is a squeeze on your savings, consider leasing or financing. Cars depreciate the moment they drive off the lot!
  2. Financing This is the most common payment option and basically means you’ll make monthly payments for a set number of months. Many customers finance through the dealership, but you have the option of using a bank or credit union. You will have to make a down payment which can be 10-20% of the car’s purchase price and of course, you’ll pay interest. Aside from the financial aspects, if you plan to drive a lot or anticipate a lot of wear and tear on the car, financing is probably the best option.
  3. Leasing If you’re a low-mileage driver like most of our Metromile customers, or you like getting a new car every few years, leasing is a great option. Basically, leasing is like renting. You pay a monthly payment for a set time period which is often lower than financing a car and can have a lower down payment. Plus, leased cars are under warranty so almost all repair costs will be covered. You will be given the option to buy at the end of lease as well! The downsides? Since you’re really just renting the car you aren’t building any equity and if you go over your mileage, it can be costly.

No matter your payment choice, be sure to negotiate and compare prices! And, don’t forget, with every new car comes the need for car insurance. If you don’t drive a lot, you could save a lot with Metromile’s pay-per-mile insurance. Get a quick quote now to see how much.

Tips for a Drama Free Valet

Picture this: you’ve cruised around the block a few times looking for parking, but you’re going to be late for your dinner reservation if you don’t park your car soon. You notice a parking valet but have no idea what to do. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone, which is why we’ve compiled some tips for you to get through valet parking drama free. Often times, especially in larger cities, valet parking can be faster and more affordable than street parking or parking in a parking garage.


Tip in cash. Many people avoid valet parking because they’re unsure of how much to tip. Even if the hotel or restaurant you’re at offers complimentary valet service, have cash on hand for a tip. It’s expected you tip the valet that retrieves your car but you’re entrusting your vehicle with a stranger so leave the valet who takes your car at drop off an unexpected tip as well. If they feel they’ve been treated well, they’re likely to take better care of your items. $2-$5 is pretty standard so expect to tip $4-$10 total for valet parking.
Tidy up and tuck away valuables. Anticipate that you might end up valet parking and clean your car up a little bit so that you’re not embarrassed to hand over the keys. If you have valuables in the car, leave them at home, or tuck them in the trunk or out of sight. Make sure you have everything you’re going to need before you get out of the car!
Know how to handle the drop-off. Drop off and pick up moves quickly, so pay attention to the valet instructions and drive safely and slowly. Leave the car running and don’t take your keys out of the ignition. Let the valet know if there are any problems with the car and confirm price, closing time and how to get your car back. Lastly, don’t leave your car until you’ve been given a claim ticket!
Pick up and pay. It can take 10-20 minutes for the valet to get your vehicle. Always consider calling ahead, especially if you’re at a hotel or a busy restaurant or if you have to be somewhere at a specific time. When you’re ready to leave, find the valet stand and pay your bill. Sometimes hotels will charge your room bill but the head valet will confirm. If it’s complimentary, just don’t forget to tip for service!
Check for damage. In the rush to leave, don’t forget to check for damage or missing valuables before you drive away! If you see any damage or notice any lost items, let the head valet know immediately. Most valet companies will cover these situations but it’s much harder to get compensation if you don’t notice until you are home.

Having trouble finding your car or want to check in to see where it’s parked? Use Metromile’s car location tracker to find your car. Metromile’s smart driving app gives you information on trips and trends, fuel levels, car health diagnoses and more, and is free for all of our pay-per-mile insurance customers. Learn more here!

Exciting News: Metromile Announces $191.5M in Funding

We’ve been a little silent on the news front lately but it’s because we’ve been building up to this announcement. Today, we are thrilled to announce $191.5 million in funding, bringing our total capital raised to $205.5 million. Investors like Intact Financial, CPIC, Index Ventures, New Enterprise Associates (NEA), First Round Capital, Mitsui, SV Angel, Metromile Founder and Chairman David Friedberg and well-known entrepreneur Mark Cuban participated in our recent financing events.


We’ll use the money to fuel growth initiatives, advance nationwide expansion and acquire an insurance carrier. Yep, you read that correctly- Metromile has acquired an insurance carrier meaning that we will underwrite our own policies and manage the entire claims process from start to finish, providing our customers a faster, more fair and seamless claims experience.

Metromile is licensed nationwide but as of today, we’re underwriting policies in NJ, OR and PA, and will underwrite policies in CA, IL, VA and WA in the coming weeks. If you’re a customer, you’ll be able to take advantage of this when your policy renews (we’ll send a note as this time approaches). With the new and improved claims experience, if a customer needs to file a claim, they will have a dedicated claims representative to ensure the claim gets filed quickly and fairly. Our claims team is comprised of industry experts with over 200 combined years of experience at major insurance companies, with both extensive knowledge of best practices as well as innovative plans to improve the experience. As a technology-driven company, we’ll also be introducing new updates and features that will continuously improve the experience.

Now that the cats out of the bag, you can expect to hear more from us as we focus on rapid state expansion in the coming year. Sign up for our waitlist if you would like to be notified when we arrive in your state! To see more announcements from Metromile, visit our Press page. And if you are interested in our pay-per-mile insurance offering, you can learn more here.

What to Do in a Hit and Run Accident

Being in a car accident is scary and frustrating enough, but when the other driver takes off, those feelings can be escalated. A hit and run is any accident in which a driver purposefully leaves the scene without leaving any information. This can include a driver hitting your parked car and not leaving a note, or something more serious like a car hits you or a pedestrian and speeds off. Regardless, it’s important to take the right steps if you’re in this situation.


  1. Gather as much information about the car or driver as you can. The license plate number, color, make or model of the car, and even the direction the car was heading is all useful information for police and your car insurance company.
  2. Don’t attempt to chase the other driver. Instead, pull over safely and call the police immediately. Police reports need to be submitted within 48-72 hours. Look around for any possible witnesses to the accident and ask for their names and contact information. Be sure to ask witnesses if they have any information about the driver or vehicle that hit your car.
  3. If you’re a Metromile customer, follow our Accident Checklist and assess accident damage. This includes recording the incident by surveying the scene and taking pictures of everything you see, including the damage from all necessary angles, as well as pictures of the spot where the accident happened.
  4. Contact your insurance company to report the accident and file a claim.

If you find yourself in a situation where your car was damaged when you weren’t there, follow similar steps. Document any damage and ask around to see if anyone saw what happened. File a claim with your insurance company but remember that without a license plate number, it’s unlikely you’ll be get reimbursed, or you’ll be subject to your deductible.

Remember, never leave the scene of an accident yourself. If you’re involved in a hit and run, or any accident, and you are a Metromile customer, you can file a claim online or reach us at 1.888.595.5485
. We’ll do everything we can to get you back on the road as quickly and safely as possible.

Labor Day Travel Tips

Last year more than 35 million people traveled for Labor Day, trying to squeeze in one final road trip before the end of summer. If you’re planning on hitting the road this weekend, don’t let traffic or frustration get the best of you. Instead, follow these tips and you’ll be at your destination, enjoying a summer BBQ in no time.


  1. Leave early- If you’re leaving on Friday, try to hit the road before 4 p.m. If you end up caught up or can’t get out of work, delay leaving until 10 p.m. to avoid the rush. Leaving on Thursday or coming back on Sunday or even Tuesday could be better options for skipping traffic if you can afford the extra days.
  2. Know where you’re going- Plan your route and consider alternate routes. Waze is a great way to identify the best routes and understand the worst times to drive. Plus, you’ll get real-time traffic, accident and road maintenance updates.
  3. Get some rest- Driving when you’re tired can be very dangerous and sometimes a roadside stop can be a welcome break from traffic. Use Airbnb or Hotel Tonight to find accommodations along your route. If you’re not looking for an overnight stay, find unique roadside stops with Roadtrippers app.
  4. Keep your eyes on the road- Put your phone in the backseat where you can’t reach it. If you think you’ll still be tempted to reach around, turn off your sound and notifications so you won’t feel the digital pull. Ask passengers to respond to any texts you’re worried about missing anything. Even better, turn your phone off!
  5. Consider a staycation- Staying at home on holiday weekends means you can sleep in, get reservations at restaurants that are usually busy and explore local places you might not have discovered before. Plus, you’ll save some time and money!

If you need road trip inspiration or tips for a successful road trip, Metromile has you covered. If you find yourself mostly using your car for road trips, you could benefit from Metromile pay-per-mile insurance. We even offer a road trip bonus! You won’t be charged for the miles you drive above 250/day (150/day in certain states). Get a free quote here and safe travels!

College Car Care 101: Get Back to School Ready

The school year is upon us and while you’re thinking about textbooks, school supplies and student loans, getting your car ready to go is probably the last thing on your mind. Parking, gas, insurance and car maintenance can be expensive, though. Don’t leave it until the moment you’re loading the trunk to think about your car, as there are certainly some things you can do ahead of time to save you money and keep you safe when you go back to school.


  1. Consider leaving your car at home. College campuses offer a variety of ways to get around including campus shuttles and many public transportation options. Sometimes city transit or even your college will offer student rates or public transportation discounts. Since you’ll likely live on or near campus, biking or walking to class are always great options as well.
  2. Take it for a tune up. If leaving your car at home isn’t an option, take the time to get your car ready for the school year. Check the levels of coolant, oil, brake and power steering fluid. Check your windshield wipers, battery, tire pressure and walk around the vehicle to check all the lights including headlights, turn signals, brake signals and emergency flashing lights. Lastly, give it a good car wash and even consider detailing the inside. If you’re a Metromile customer, our smart driving app will keep you alerted to your car health.
  3. Share the road. College campuses are congested and may bring new commuting challenges with campus buses, bikes and lots of students. Colleges often have very specific parking procedures and drop-off zones so be sure you know the safest place to park your car. Never block crosswalks, stop and yield to all pedestrians and be alert at all times.
  4. Have an emergency kit. You never know when your battery might die or another problem might arise! A car emergency kit is a great way to stay prepared and will keep you from depending on costly roadside assistance for minor problems. Your emergency kit should include jumper cables, a tire gauge, a flashlight, a small tool kit, duct tape, rags and a fluorescent emergency sign. Add a first-aid kit, a bottle of water, a blanket and some granola bars in case something happens and you’re stranded for some time.
  5. Earn extra cash. If you find you don’t use your car much, consider renting it out using a peer-to-peer car rental service like Getaround. If you find students who have similar schedules or even live in a nearby hometown, consider carpooling and they’ll reimburse you for gas. You can also use your car for many on-demand jobs such as driving for Uber or Lyft, or food delivery services like Postmates.

Finally, follow these tips to further maximize your savings during the school year and consider switching to pay-per-mile car insurance. Your monthly bill will be based on the miles you drive, so if you don’t drive much, you won’t pay much. And don’t worry about the occasional road trip or long drive home during school breaks. With Metromile, you won’t pay for any miles driven over 250 a day (150 in certain states). Try getting a quote to see potential savings.