
Tax 101: Know Your Car-related Tax Write-offs

Everyone dreads this time of year…tax season. But programs like Turbo Tax and H&R Block make doing your taxes a lot easier, and even look for deductions you might otherwise miss. For example, do you know all the write-offs available when it comes to owning a car? See below for a list of potential deductions, and be sure to check with your accountant or tax program to see if you are eligible for anything else.

tax write-offs

If you…

  • Use your car exclusively for business purposes, you can write-off expenses like lease, registration fees, gas, oil, repairs, insurance, tolls and parking.
  • Occasionally use your personal car for business, such as driving to a separate work destination or if you are temporarily reassigned to a location further away, you can write-off your mileage.
  • Babysit or do other odd jobs, you can deduct those miles.
  • Attend professional development workshops or are job searching, you can write-off your mileage to those destinations.
  • Volunteer, transportation expenses are considered charitable donations and may be deducted from your income taxes.

To our dismay, traffic tickets are never deductible. But, if you’re looking to save even more money on car expenses, check out our per-mile car insurance. Get a free quote here.

Metromile Just Made It Even Easier to Save Money

Here at Metromile, we’re all about providing a more fair and affordable insurance option for low-mileage drivers, but we don’t stop at just helping our customers save money. We also have a smart driving app that takes the hassle out of car ownership, with useful features like a car locator and street sweeping alerts (in select cities). Now, we are giving customers an even easier way to save with a new billing feature, which tracks mileage costs throughout the month.

save money

The inspiration for this feature came from our loyal customers. Since Metromile’s pay-per-mile insurance model is unique in that the monthly bill is based on mileage, pricing can change from month-to-month depending on how much is driven. Many of our customers said that they would find ways to drive less if they could track their bill throughout the month. That’s exactly what this new feature will allow them to do. Now, customers can see how each mile they drive affects how much they pay. By keeping tabs on monthly mileage, it’s easier than ever to stay in control of how much customers pay (and save).

If you are a Metromile customer, the new Billing feature is simple to use. Open our app and you will see the new Billing card appear on the overview screen, giving a quick glance at your charges to-date. You can then click to drill in deeper and see the breakdown of your current bill, as well as previous bills.

If you have an idea of how Metromile’s app could be even more helpful, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. You can reach us at [email protected]. Happy driving!

How to Make Your Spring Break Road Trip the Best One Yet

Are you and your friends hitting the road for Spring Break? Whether you’re heading to a big beach party in Miami or a low-key wine trip in Napa, Metromile has your best interests in mind when it comes to their road trip policy. With our per-mile insurance, any miles you drive above 250/day (150/day in certain states) are on us.

Check out our road trip tips below for a spectacular spring break.

road trip tips

Double check: Make sure your car is up-to-date with oil changes and maintenance needs, and check your tire pressure. If you are concerned, swing by a local mechanic who can give your car the okay for a long road trip. Before departing, confirm that you and the other drivers have their license, and the car has proof of registration and insurance.

Alert, alert: Take turns behind the wheel to keep the driver awake and alert. Assign the passenger sitting shotgun to stay awake and chat with the driver. Create a playlist with all of your favorite jams and sing along!

Map your trip: Queue up your trip in Google Maps or Waze, but be sure to familiarize yourself with the route ahead of time.

On a budget? Use a fuel cost estimator to get an idea of what you’ll be spending on gas, and save on snacks by stocking up at your local grocery store, instead of buying overpriced food at a roadside stations.

Bring a road trip survival kit: Package a car charger, water bottles, first aid kit, extra set of car keys, and basic car tools such as jumper cables, flares, and a flashlight. Leave the survival kit in your car after the trip to have in the case of an emergency.

Don’t forget the essentials: sunglasses, suntan lotion, and a phone charger so you can Snapchat every moment of your trip. For more ideas, check out our spring break checklist.

If you find yourself mostly using your car for road trips, you could benefit from Metromile pay-per-mile insurance. Get a free quote here. Enjoy your trip!

Don’t Drive Much? How to Save (and Even Make) Money

Just because you own a car doesn’t mean you are regularly taking it out for a spin. Perhaps you only use it when you are heading on a road trip, grabbing groceries from the store, or rushing to work when you “didn’t hear your alarm”. When you realize you’ve only clocked 5,000 miles in the past year, you might feel pressed to justify such a large investment. But it’s your car, it’s your way of driving your friends to the beach this weekend. We get it, which is why we compiled some easy ways to keep your car running smoothly and maybe even leverage it to earn some extra cash.

drive less car tips

Try pay-per-mile insurance: If you are a low-mileage driver and drive less than 10,000 miles a year (around 200 each week) you could save a lot of money with pay-per-mile insurance. Your monthly bill is based on the miles you drive, so if you don’t drive much, you won’t pay much. Worried about the occasional road trip? Metromile won’t bill you for more than 250 miles a day (150 in certain states)! If you are interested in seeing how much money you could save, try getting a free insurance quote.

Join a carpool: Chances are you aren’t the only person driving a similar route to work — daily traffic is proof of that. Team up with others in your neighborhood and start a weekly carpool to save on gas and sneak in some valuable work time when you aren’t behind the wheel. There are lots of apps that can aid in this endeavor, like Carma, Ride and even a new pilot from Uber.

Know the basics: There’s no need to spend a lot of time on car maintenance when you aren’t driving much, but there are a few tips to remember in order to avoid costly repairs. Know how to deal with a flat tire and keep your tires properly inflated. It’s also important to change your oil on a regular basis as it keeps your car running smoothly and extends the life of the vehicle. Lastly, fix your brakes if they are squeaky because that likely means the brake lining is starting to wear thin.

Be smart about car storage: If you are leaving your car idle for a long time, the ideal place to store it is in a garage because it prevents theft and also protects against the elements like that blazing summer sun. Garage parking can be expensive, especially in the city, so if you don’t need frequent access to your car you should shop around for the cheapest garage space instead of paying a premium to park in the closest garage. If the most viable option is keeping it outside, consider purchasing waterproof car cover to keep it clean to save on long-term costs of wear and tear.

See My Savings

Easy Ways to Find a Work Carpool

Did you know that a solo drive to work costs an average of $5,000 a year and that many people spend 250 hours alone in a car? If this applies to you, carpooling can be a great way to save thousands on tolls and gas. It also can give you valuable time back to be productive (checking emails, reading the news) when you’re in the passenger seat. The hassle of finding someone who has a similar route and schedule as you might seem daunting, so we’ve got the low-down on simplifying your carpool strategy.


Looking for someone to carpool with? Try one of these apps that match you to a driver or rider with a similar route.

Scoop allows you to schedule morning and afternoon commutes either independently or together. Based on your route, schedule and traffic, trips are custom tailored for you and the drivers. If you choose to drive a carpool, that’s more cash in your pocket. Scoop even guarantees you a ride home, so you’ll never have to worry about being stuck at work.

Hitch A Ride helps you connect with colleagues to see who lives nearby – and opens the floor to discuss carpool destinations. Payment terms are negotiated between you and the driver- meaning you can either pay a flat rate or pick up a bagel for them in the morning. You can even connect with your social networks to see where your friends are travelling – and hop in for the ride!

UberPOOL matches riders heading in the same direction, and the trip costs up to 50% less than UberX. If you find yourself frequently hopping in a rideshare to save time on your commute, this is a great alternative. It only adds a few minutes to your ride, and you could meet a new friend.

Riding with a friend or coworker? Follow these tips to make sure it’s a smooth ride:

  • Discuss the pickup point. Is the driver picking everyone up at home? Are you meeting at a convenient location for everyone?
  • If everyone is going to take turns driving, create a schedule that you all agree on. Be flexible if there is a day when someone needs to switch drivers.
  • Decide on payment terms based on mileage and fuel cost. If everyone is taking turns driving equally, you may not need to exchange cash.
  • Make some ground rules and be respectful of them. How long will the driver wait if someone is late? When will you exchange payment? Is talking on cell phones OK?

Need a way to fill the silence? Check out our list of commute-friendly podcasts!

If you are participating in a carpool you’ll likely be driving your car less frequently, so you could really save a lot of money with pay-per-mile car insurance. Learn more and get your free quote here.

New Ways to Pay and Save

Managing money can be confusing and downright frustrating. How many times have you spent way too long figuring out how to split the dinner check with your friends? Or funneled money in and out of your bank account without really paying attention to where it’s going? Luckily, technology is helping to take the burden out of dealing with everyday finances. Here are some companies that are making it easier than ever to both pay and save.


Pay with ease. Gone are the days where you have to find an ATM before a group event, in anticipation of needing exact change to split the check. With mobile payment apps such as Venmo, you can pay or charge people with the click of the button. You can even send reminders to nudge that friend who always “forgets” to pay.

Seamlessly track expenses. You don’t need to be an excel wiz to create and stick to a budget. Mint’s easy-to-use software makes budgeting extremely easy. Just create custom budgets based on your savings goals, and then Mint will do the rest, from seamlessly categorizing expenses to alerting you when you are nearing your monthly budget.

Save on the essentials. Now, it’s easy and affordable to purchase necessities like groceries and other household items. Jet and Amazon allow you to set recurring shipments personalized to your needs so that essentials (like toilet paper) will arrive on your doorstep right when you need them. Not only is this more convenient for you, but you can usually score some big savings by subscribing.

Car insurance is another necessity for anyone that owns a car, and here at Metromile, we’re using technology to save low-mileage drivers a ton of money with our pay-per-mile insurance offering. Because we can track exact mileage with the Pulse, a device that plugs into the OBD port of your car, we’re able to provide a more affordable pricing model. If you want to see how much you could save, you can get a free quote here.

Ear Candy: Podcasts for the Daily Commute

Whether driving or using alternative forms of transportation, the monotony of a daily commute can be exhausting. Turn left here, turn right there, sit in stopped traffic for twenty minutes… To make your commute more enjoyable, we’re here with some great podcasts to tune in to. The best part? They’re almost all free. Many will have you on the edge of your seat with suspense or crying because you are laughing so hard.

commuting tips

Serial tells one true story over the course of a season. Each episode, you are given more and more information about the plot and characters, so episodes must be listened to in order. Season one follows an unsolved murder mystery, and season two follows U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was captured by the Taliban and is now home. It’s captivating – you won’t want to get out of your car (or bus)!

The Moth records stories told by everyday people, unscripted, to a crowd of storytelling enthusiasts worldwide. The stories are strung together by a common theme into a weekly podcast that comes out on Tuesdays. See if there is a live story slam near you (you can enter to share your own story too).

Stuff You Should Know has something for everyone – from learning how jackhammers work to discovering the origins of dark fairy tales. You can get the lowdown now on their website.

TED Radio Hour circles through many fascinating inventions, approaches, creations and more. They are based on real TED Talks given by speakers on the famed TED stage. Also, check out the TEDTalks: Technology podcast where inventors and researchers in tech share their visions and successes.

Dinner Party Download will get you up-to-date on culture, food and conversation. Guests include creative and comedic celebrities, such as Steve Martin, Jason Schwartzmann, Brie Larson and Olivia Wilde. You’ll be full of conversation starters for your next party.

We’re always looking for new podcasts to add to our library. What are you listening to? Share with us below in the comments. And if your podcast-filled commute has you taking the bus instead of driving, pay-per-mile insurance could be a great option for you! Learn more here.

Maintenance Monday: Assessing Accident Damage

Metromile recently posted tips on how to be prepared for an accident, and I wanted to elaborate a bit more on what you should do at the scene. Being involved in an accident can be frustrating, intimidating and downright scary, so you might be tempted to get away as soon as possible. Before you leave, however, there are a few important things you must do to ensure you don’t make the situation even worse.


First and foremost, if you are ever in an accident, make sure your surroundings are safe before you exit your vehicle. Don’t assume that other drivers are aware of the situation; they might be oblivious to the situation and frustrated with the extra traffic you may have created. Before you exit your car, you should:

  • Turn off the vehicle
  • Turn on your hazard lights
  • Make sure that you or your passengers are capable of exiting the vehicle
  • Grab your cell phone
  • Look around for any hazards

Once you decide it’s safe to exit the vehicle, pay close attention to your surroundings. Try to get out of traffic and over to the side of the road. Once you are out of harm’s way, give yourself and your passengers a quick assessment. Are you or any of your passengers injured? If so, call emergency services right away, and then call the police to file an accident report.

You also need to assess the damage. Before you attempt to drive away, there are a few things you should check for:

  • Fluids will typically leak from the front of the vehicle, and if you see signs of this, it is not safe to start your car.
  • If you smell gasoline or see smoke, the vehicle is not safe to drive or even be around.
  • You should also check for broken glass, flat tires, a deployed airbag or any part of your vehicle protruding outwards. If you notice any of these things, call a tow truck.

If everything looks normal and you decide it is safe to drive, be cautious and pay attention the way the vehicle is performing. It does not take a huge impact to cause damage to the mechanical parts of the vehicle, so make sure the brakes feel normal and that it doesn’t feel hard to steer. If you notice any of these things, or your car starts to smoke or smell funny, then these are indicators that something was damaged and should be inspected by a mechanic before you drive it any further.

These are just a few simple things that can make an intimidating situation a little safer for you and your passengers. If you are a Metromile customer and are in an accident, you can always file a claim online or reach our claims team at 1.888.595.5485
. We’ll do everything we can to get you back on the road as quickly and safely as possible.

Be Prepared: What to Do Before & After a Car Accident

No matter how minor, being in a car accident can really jolt you (pun not intended). To ease the burden and shock, familiarize yourself with the following tips about what to do before and after an accident.

car accident

Before the accident
Be sure to keep your vehicle registration, auto insurance and emergency contact list in your car, and always carry your driver’s license with you when driving. Keep a set of orange cones or warning triangles in your trunk to help alert traffic in the situation of an accident.

At the scene
Before worrying about anything else, make sure everyone is OK (including people in the other car), and call 911 if anyone is injured. Then immediately move everyone (and your car if possible) to a safe location on the side of the road.

Once in a safe space, be sure to call the police to file a police report, and use your smartphone to take pictures of the damage. Before the other party departs, exchange information and take down their insurance information, license plate and a photo of their driver’s license. Notify your insurance company immediately and be ready to provide them with this information. If you are a Metromile customer, you can easily file your claim online or call us at 1.888.595.5485.

In case of phantom accidents
In the case of a hit and run, be sure to get as much information as possible, especially a full or partial license plate if possible. If there are any witnesses, get their contact information. Avoid fixing the car until the damage has been assessed by an adjuster.

In the case of stolen car, call the police as soon as possible to file a report, and then contact your insurance company. If you are a pay-per-mile customer, the Pulse can be used to help locate a stolen car (it’s happened in the past!).

The Aftermath
At Metromile, a customer service advocate will reach out proactively to help ensure the claims process goes as smooth as possible. No other leading insurance company does this! They will track your progress and help you with any questions you may have about resolving the claim.

If you are a pay-per-mile insurance customer and are in an accident, you can reach the Metromile claims team 24/7 at 888.215.9176. Whether you need help locating repair facilities or need an update on work being done, Metromile can get you the information you need. We’ll do everything we can to get you back on the road as quickly and safely as possible.

Making Moves: Metromile Receives Strategic Investment

We are thrilled to announce that Intact Financial Corporation, the largest provider of property and casualty insurance in Canada, has made a strategic investment in Metromile.

Metromile Investment

2015 was an exciting year for Metromile – we launched a partnership with Uber, expanded to the East Coast and added to our executive team. Funds from this investment will be used to continue on our exciting journey by accelerating Metromile’s growth and offerings nationwide. For our customers, this means a continued focus on the customer experience from sign up through day-to-day needs, improved app technology and updated features, further development of the claims experience and much more. You’ll also be seeing a lot more of us around town!

Intact Financial shares similar values in transparency, customer experience and a technology-driving approach to insurance. The venture represents an exciting opportunity for Intact Financial to expand its core competencies which will ultimately enhance the customer experience.

To see more announcements from Metromile, visit our Press page. And if you are interested in our pay-per-mile insurance offering, you can learn more here.