
Knowledge is power but Sharing is caring

We know you love all the info available in our Metromile app. Our latest update now lets you share with others. You decide whether it’s to be informative, get help, or just show off. 

You’ll now be able to share the app itself and the following 5 features via Twitter, Facebook, SMS (text), or email. 

Car location

Who remembers to drop the pin on a map after you’ve parked? It’s a face-plant moment once you realize you forgot that step but really want to find your car! With the Metromile app, you don’t have to worry about  the chore of pin-dropping; you can just see where you car is anytime. Now you can send others this view too, because we know you meet up with plenty of peeps that need to find your car. 


DTC Codes

When you see our diagnoses on the app, you can now more easily send it to the person that may end up actually taking the car in for service. Or maybe you want to send it ahead of time to your mechanic to figure out how long it will take him to fix it. We pre-fill the codes for a Twitter or Facebook post to save you time. Of course, you can also ask our staff mechanic for advice (just click on “Ask a Mechanic” in the app to send a text or email).


Insurance Savings

Our current users save up to $500 per year on average. Want to see if pay-per-mile insurance could work for you? Check out the calculation in the app and share with a friend who might benefit too.

Tell us how you share these features in the comments. We’d love to be inspired by your stories.

Individual trips

Just click on the arrow on the right side of the map. Maybe it’s to brag about the fastest trip home, or to recommend the most efficient commute for a new coworker just getting ramped up. Your navigation and route may be ‘gold’ for someone else trying to get to the same place.


Street Sweeping Alerts

If your friend or family member happens to be parked on the same street, let him know that he may be at risk for a ticket! Maybe you’ll get treated to a drink thanks to sending the heads up. This awesome feature is still only in 2 cities (San Francisco and Chicago) but rest assured we’re working to add more. 


We’re shaking things up in California!

We’re thrilled to announce that pay-per-mile insurance is now available in California, joining Washington, Oregon, and Illinois. Check out this great new video that explains how Metromile’s pay-per-mile insurance works:* 

Did you know that, on average, a California driver only logged around 8,500 miles in 2011?** That means most people in the state would be great candidates to save – per-mile insurance is an economical option for those who drive fewer than 10,000 miles per year.

Visit our site to learn more and even get a quote!

Be sure to check out the latest and greatest on our app too – we’ve released some awesome new features:

  • Ask a Mechanic:  If you have any questions about the health alerts of your car, you can now directly contact our very own mechanic from within the app.
  • Speed Tracking: We added an overlay for speed by trip so you can see how fast you were going.
  • Gas Customization: We get it – there are 3 octane levels for fuel out there, and now you can enter the type you use to better estimate gas costs. The price of gas is based on the average price in your zip code.

As always, many more fun(ctional) things to come!


* Prices shown in video are examples only. Exact monthly rate and per-mile rate vary based on driver history, car’s make and model, and other additional factors.

** ”Moving Off the Road | A State-by-State Analysis of the National Decline in Driving”, Phineas Baxandall, US PIRG, August 2013  


Saving Money with a Hybrid Car

A while back, the New York Times worked with to study whether or not hybrid cars really do save money. The findings revealed that for most hybrids it would take a long time (up to a decade!) for the improved mileage to reach the point where it balanced out the cost of the car.

According to the Nashville Business Journal, however, there are exceptions to these findings, including the Toyota Prius and the Volkswagen diesel Jetta, which both take less than two years to start saving money for their owners.

So how much money do you actually save with a Hybrid?

Even though hybrids might not pay off soon in terms of gas mileage, here are a few other economic benefits to be aware of when considering the purchase of a hybrid car:

Federal, State and City Incentives.  New hybrids may entitle their owners to federal tax credits, and some states and municipalities offer single driver privileges in the carpool lane or discounted/free parking in addition to tax credits. It’s important to note, however, that in some areas the number of owners who can claim the incentives has already been reached.

Employer Incentives. Some companies offer up to $5000 to employees who purchase a hybrid, including Bank of America, Sony and Clif Bar, just to name a few.

Loan Discounts. Many credit unions offer cheaper financing for a hybrid car than for a conventional car, including financing for used cars.

Insurance Discounts. Some companies offer discounted insurance rates to hybrid drivers in some states. (Pay-per-mile car insurance is another way to save!)

Resale Value. Hybrid cars hold their value better than non-hybrid versions of the same model; the difference can be as much as $6,000.

Hybrids can cost as much as 20% more than gas-powered cars, and electric cars are even pricier. At the moment, the increased gas mileage doesn’t offset the higher price for owners until the car has been driven for about 6 ½ years (at 15,000 miles a year). But if you’re considering purchasing a hybrid, factor in the other incentives described above. It just might turn out to be the right choice for you.

The 8 Best Apps For Daily Driving

If you think your commute to work is long, you should talk to the 600,000 American citizens who commute 90 minutes and 50 miles to work on a regular basis. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10.8 million Americans spend an hour or two everyday to make it to the office. The 8 best apps for daily driving can make that long commute less of a hassle. Take a look at some of our favorites, below…

    1. MetroMile: MetroMile keeps you mindful of your fuel usage and keys you in to the health of your engine. It can even locate your car if you forgot where you parked and send you automated street sweeping alerts. We think it’s pretty darn awesome. We are, however, rather biased. 😉 (FREE)
    2. Waze: Available for Android, iPhone and Windows Phones, this app utilizes the community knowledge of your fellow commuters. Users share road and traffic data, so you can know about that accident several miles ahead and adjust your route. Woo hoo! No more sitting in traffic! (FREE)
    3. ParkMe: If finding a decent parking space is your biggest concern, then this app can make sure that you can get the spot you want without the frustration of driving around the parking lot for 10 minutes. ParkMe knows the best spots in over 28,000 locations, 1,800 cities and 7 continents. (FREE)
    4. INRIX Traffic: Do you worry about accidents and delays on your way to work or school? This app lets you know where traffic is delayed on your standard route and whether the congestion is caused by an accident or by construction. You can also check out traffic cameras to see the traffic for yourself. (FREE)
    5. iGas Finder HD: As the price of fuel continues to rise, you’ll need to know where to find the best gas prices along your daily routes. It can find the closest gas stations within a 5 to 40 mile radius. You can also bookmark your favorite gas stations to find them more easily no matter where you’re driving. ($0.99)
    6. Trapster: Track speed traps, construction zones, traffic jams, and accidents with this app. It will warn you when you’re driving toward a speed trap so that you can ease on the gas pedal before you get there. (FREE)
    7. Accufuel: This app tracks your fuel efficiency. If you want to maximize your fuel, then the data provided from this app can help you save a lot of money. ($0.99)
    8. Greatest Drive GPS Road and Trip Finder: You don’t always need to know where you’re going. This app helps you find the best roads to take when you’re in an unfamiliar area. You can even “favorite” some of your roads and share them on Facebook! (FREE)


    Top 5 Tips for Improving Your Fuel Economy

    Our app is a great way to be more mindful of your gas consumption – from seeing the actual cost of each trip, through to seeing your fuel trends over time – but there are also plenty of other things you can do to help yourself get more bang for your buck at the pump. Below are our top 5 suggestions for improving your fuel economy out there on the road…

    1 – Keep Your Windows Closed
    Did you know that when you’re driving over 55 miles out on the highway, open windows can reduce your gas milage by as much as 10 percent? Neither did we. When in the free and clear, make sure to roll those suckers up, and when in stop-and-go traffic, do the opposite – open your windows and turn off the A/C.

    2 – Drain that Nozzle
    Don’t know about you, but when we’re done pumping gas, we often just pull the pump out directly after we hear that little click. But we’ve got it all wrong. Apparently, once the pump is off, the trick is to invert the nozzle 180 degrees while it’s still in your gas tank. There’s an extra 2 ounces or so in there that you already paid for, so make sure you get it!

    3 – Start Hypermiling
    Hypermiling is a method of increasing your MPG by changing the way you drive. Hypermiling includes strategies for keeping yourself moving during traffic, slowly accelerating after stops, utilizing your cruise control option and driving less aggressively, among other methods for optimizing your gas usage. More hypermiling tips here.

    4 – Find the Cheapest Gas Nearby
    Driving a little out of your way to save a few pennies might seem silly, but over time, it adds up – especially for people who drive a lot. There are a variety of free apps to help you find the cheapest gas along your commonly traveled routes. GasBuddy and Gas Guru are a couple you might want to check out first.

    5 – Check Your Tires’ Air Pressure Each Month
    Air pressure is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI), and for every PSI lower than the recommended pressure of your tires, you lose 0.125% fuel efficiency. That is to say that if you’re tires are 8 PSI low, you could be losing up to 4% efficiency! 4% definitely adds up over time, so make sure to visit your local gas station and air up those bad boys at least once a month.

    Automated Street Sweeping Alerts – Now in Chicago!

    About a month ago, automated street sweeping alerts went live in San Francisco, and they were such a hit that today we’re now rolling them out in Chicago, too!

    Why Chicago? Well, in 2013 alone, the city gave out a whopping 250,000 tickets during street cleaning season – that’s equal to $15 million in fines! We thought we could help make a big difference in Chicago area drivers’ experience of having a car – especially on this issue – so we decided to take action.

    From today onwards, when you park in a zone where street sweeping will be taking place within 12 hours, we’ll send you an alert via email and push notification, as well as a reminder to move your car one hour before the sweeping begins. This frees you up from trying to decipher all those complicated signs – now you can get out of your car and go.

    And just to further prove that we’ve got your back, on Wednesday, April 23rd, we’re offering to pay off street sweeping ticket that MetroMile customers have received since street sweeping started in Chicago on April 1, 2014!

    All you have to do is bring us your ticket, show us the app installed on your phone, and we’ll give you cash – on the spot – to pay it off. Seriously!

    We’ll be just outside The Tribune Tower at 435 N Michigan Ave. from noon to 3 pm CST to hook you up. Note that this promotion is limited to the first 100 MetroMile users who bring us their original tickets that have been issued in 2014, one per customer.

    While we expect our new street sweeping feature to be super useful, we ask for your patience as we work out any kinks that come up. We may also ping you to fill out a quick survey to help us improve the experience, and thank you in advance for any and all input.

    If you’re new to MetroMile but want to jump on board to start getting automated street sweeping alerts to your phone, here’s how: 

    1. Sign up for our Beta here. We’ll send you a free Metronome (a little plug-into-your-dash-and-go device that works with the MetroMile app).

    2. Plug the Metronome into your car (1996 or newer).

    3. Download the MetroMile app from the App Store and sign in.

    It’s as simple as that. Once you’ve followed the above three steps you’ll get you the alerts, driving stats, car diagnostics, and a whole lot more. Happy to have you on board!

    Enter a URL to resolve.

    5 Tips for Spotting a Shady Mechanic

    It’s not uncommon for people to feel insecure when something goes wrong with their car. If you don’t have a long history with a mechanic that you trust, starting out with someone new can be nerve-wracking. Fortunately, the give away of a corrupt mechanic is more than just having a sixth sense or reading body language. While body language can certainly help scope out someone who isn’t very trustworthy, the red flags will be found in what they say to you – it also matters what’s hanging up on their office wall. Here are a few tips to make sure you don’t get taken for a ride…

    Looking for Certification

    If you don’t see a certification up on your mechanic’s wall that’s from ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) or from AAA, you’re likely dealing with trouble. Any of these reputable certifications will assure you that the mechanic knows what they’re doing. A reputable one will proudly display these certifications somewhere so every customer can see them. If they don’t have them visible, it doesn’t necessarily mean the mechanic isn’t certified, just ask them to prove it to you.

    A Mechanic Refusing to Answer Questions

    If a new mechanic just opened shop and you’re not familiar with their background, don’t be afraid to ask them questions. Ask them about where they came from, and their education. Also, ask them about the repair equipment they use in the shop. If they refuse to answer any of these, they may be hiding something and it may be best to take your car to another shop that’s been around for a while.

    Refusing to Estimate or Guarantee Their Work

    A common sign of a shady mechanic is when they refuse to give you a written contract on how much the repair will be. Never give the go-ahead to do something until you know exactly what’s wrong and how much it’s going to cost you. Mechanics using a blank contract can end up charging you whatever they want. They also should offer warranties on the parts they install. Otherwise, unbeknownst to you, those parts may be used and go out within days or weeks.

    Needless Flushes

    While certain quickie lube companies are known for forcing people to have coolant, steering, and transmission flushes, sometimes they aren’t even necessary. If your mechanic insists you get a flush not long after you’ve had one done, you’ll know there’s an issue. 

    Finding Additional Problems with Your Car

    It’s the oldest trick in the book. It could be the mechanic showed you metal shavings from your transmission in an attempt to make you think a new transmission is in order, or any other scam, but when a mechanic says extra repairs are necessary, think twice.

    Your best bet is to consult the MetroMile app for notification of any engine trouble codes and to search the Web yourself on what the true signs are when they say that something needs repair. Shady mechanics prey on the naive and uniformed, and armed with our app and the mighty Interwebs, you can show that mechanic that you know what’s up!

    5 DIY Ways to Save on Car Maintenance

    Here at Metromile we’re taking the hassle — and expense — out of car ownership. But there are plenty of ways you can knock down the cost of having a car, yourself. While changing out a transmission is most likely beyond your current skill set, a whole lot of car maintenance isn’t as tricky, and taking care of it on your own can save you big-time. Below are our top five DIY tips for rolling up your sleeves and taking your annual car maintenance costs into your own hands…

    1 – Change Your Own Oil And Top Off All Other Fluids, Too

    Changing your oil takes about 30 minutes and though it requires a few tools, is well within your ability. It’s recommended every 3-5,000 miles and though a dirty job, is actually pretty rewarding. Just follow along to a demo like this one, to get the job done. And as far as checking your fluids, this bit’s easy! Fluids you can monitor and change yourself include transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, anti-freeze, coolant and windshield washing fluid.

    2 – Change Those Wiper Blades

    Sometimes auto parts stores will offer free installation if you buy premium blades, but we suggest going for the economy blades and installing them yourself to save — especially since there are no tools required. You’ll need to check if your car has the same size blades on both the passenger and driver’s sides, or if one is longer on the driver’s side, before purchasing. Plus, don’t forget to buy a third blade if you have a wiper on the rear window. It’ll set you back just $10 to $20 and take you about 15 minutes, maximum to install.

    3 – Replace Your Air Filter

    Every year, or 12,000 miles, it’s a good idea to switch out your air filters. This process takes all of ten minutes, and, again, no tools are required. With filters running between $10-$50, depending upon the make of your car, if you’re reeeeeealllly looking to conserve, you can even reuse your old filter. Just hit it with some compressed air to clean out the debris, and reinstall. Boom, (almost) good as new!

    4 – Check Your Battery

    There are a host of electrical issues that stem from corroded or loose battery connections. One way to remedy this problem is to buy an appropriate brush (under $5 at an auto parts store) and undo cable connectors where you notice corrosion, clean them, then reconnect them securely. Of course, you should also refer to the ‘Check Engine Status’ feature within the Metromile app, too, to get a broader sense of any problems potentially related to your battery.

    5 – Replace Your Lights

    Having a light go out poses a pretty big safety concern, so this is something you’ll want to jump on as soon as it happens. Replacement bulbs generally cost just a few dollars – headlights, excluded – and can be replaced rather easily, oftentimes without tools. Why pay hefty labor fees for something you can completely take care of on your own? Visit YouTube and search for your car’s model along with ‘DIY’ and ‘Headlights’ for a number of demos to walk you through the process.

    These five tips are good places to start, but there’s plenty more you can take charge of, too. In fact, the Metromile app can be a big help. When it alerts you to an engine trouble code, do a quick Google search and see if it’s something you can handle on your own. You wouldn’t believe how many times we’ve heard stories of codes being fired simply due to a loose gas cap – something you can easily take care of, but that might’ve otherwise cost you an $80 visit to the mechanic to “clear the light.” Never again!

    New! Street Sweeping Alerts for San Francisco Drivers

    In San Francisco alone, drivers paid over $29 million in street sweeping ticket fines in 2011. That sucks. So we decided to do something about it.

    Introducing street sweeping alerts from Metromile. Starting as a pilot in San Francisco (with more cities to come), these useful alerts will hopefully ensure that you never get a street sweeping ticket again. You just need to be a Metromile customer to take advantage of this.

    Here’s how street sweeping alerts work: when you park in a zone where street sweeping will take place within 12 hours, we’ll send you a heads-up (via push notification and email) telling you when you need to move your car. We’ll also send a reminder one hour before street sweeping begins. You can forget all about deciphering those complicated signs and just lock the door and go, knowing that Metromile has your back.

    We hope you enjoy this new feature, Metromilers! It’s just one of a whole bunch of exciting developments headed your way.